The Campaign Against Congresswoman Omar/​Democrat Party Duplicitously Silent…

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

In response to the Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and the Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib of Michigan did not mince words in clap­ping back at the silence of the Democrat par­ty regard­ing the assault on her col­league Ilhan Omar.
Tlaib was furi­ous at her par­ty’s silence despite Donald Trump’s and right-wing attack dogs assault on her col­league Ilhan Omar.
Recently a white ter­ror­ist was arrest­ed for threat­en­ing to put a bul­let in Representative Omar.
This did not stop the race baiter at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave from adding fuel to the fire of the right wing hate machine.

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The whole thing start­ed after a piece of garbage Republican Texas mem­ber of Congress sought to inflame pas­sions by cher­ry-pick­ing a sen­tence from a speech Congresswoman Omar game to (CAIR).
In the speech at a fundrais­er for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Los Angeles, Omar said, in part, that “CAIR was found­ed after 911 because they rec­og­nized that some peo­ple did some­thing, and that all of us were start­ing to lose access to our civ­il lib­er­ties.”
The Rupert Murdoch [dishrag] the New York Post respond­ed with the above front-page, sar­cas­ti­cal­ly (HERE’S YOUR SOMETHING).
FOX, the main mouth­piece of America’s White Nationalism, through one of its brain-dead mouth­pieces, Brian Kilmeade ques­tioned whether the Congresswoman was even American.
Kind of an odd ques­tion, I guess she has to col­lude with Russia, obstruct jus­tice and com­mit a whole litany of crimes to be con­sid­ered an American.
Because the main Race-baiter in the coun­try was quick to join the fray by way of a tweet,(we will nev­er for­get).

Rashida Tlaib

They put us in pho­tos when they want to show our par­ty is diverse,” Tlaib tweet­ed Saturday. “However, when we ask to be at the table, or speak up about issues that impact who we are, what we fight for & why we ran in the first place, we are ignored.”
“They put us in pho­tos when they want to show our par­ty is diverse,” Tlaib tweet­ed Saturday. “However, when we ask to be at the table, or speak up about issues that impact who we are, what we fight for & why we ran in the first place, we are ignored.”

Rashida Tlaib’s clap-back was par­tic­u­lar­ly res­o­nant, because both Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer were quick to con­demn Representative Omar for speak­ing freely about the apartheid state of Israel and how mon­ey is dri­ving some of the sup­port for the racist state.
Conversely, Schumer has been silent in the face of the assault and threats against Congresswoman Omar and Pelosi has been below luke­warm in push­ing back against the tor­rent of vit­ri­olic assault and threats lev­eled at Congresswoman Omar.
So too are the bunch of cow­ard­ly oppor­tunists in the Democrat par­ty, many of whom arrived in Washington with Ilahan Omar.

Netanyahu was brought in by Republicans to address a joint sit­ting as an affront to President Barack Obama 

The impor­tant thing to con­sid­er about Congresswoman Omar’s state­ments about Israel is that they are absolute­ly cor­rect.
The Republicans and almost all of the Democrat par­ty had no prob­lem when the Republican-led House under John Boehner brought the Right-wing hate­mon­ger Benjamin Netanyahu through the back door as an insult to President Barack Obama, to address a joint sit­ting of the Racist Republican Congress.
The Democrats had the option to boy­cott that sit­ting, yet they all showed up like lit­tle whipped dogs and sat there to a for­eign leader who was brought in to dis­re­spect their president.

US President Barack Obama makes a statement to the press after a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, soon after Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress, March 3, 2015. (AFP/Brendan Smialowski)

President Barack Obama’s face says exact­ly what he thought of Netanyahu’s speech, imme­di­ate­ly after the war­mon­ger fin­ished giv­ing the speech.

According to (The Times Of Israel) In his speech, Netanyahu assailed an emerg­ing nuclear deal with Iran and told Congress that the nego­ti­a­tions between the two coun­tries would “all but guar­an­tee” that Tehran gets nuclear weapons to the detri­ment of the entire world. The invi­ta­tion to Netanyahu to address Congress, extend­ed by House Speaker John Boehner, a Republican, has trig­gered a polit­i­cal furor in the United States. Meanwhile, Netanyahu’s oppo­nents in Israel accused him of stag­ing the speech as a cam­paign ploy. 

John Bolton National Security Adviser

Those famil­iar with the mid­dle-east war­mon­ger Benjamin Netanyahu, knows how he plot­ted to have America neu­tral­ize Iraq under the guise that Iraq pos­sessed weapons of mass destruc­tion.
Bush and Cheyney were will­ing sheep and so an ille­git­i­mate war was waged on the nation of Iraq and of course, no weapons of mass destruc­tion were ever found.
Barack Obama, then a first-term Senator from Illinois, vot­ed against the Iraq war. Netanyahu knew that he could not move Barack Obama around as he was able to do Bush, or the present idiot-in-chief, so he was no fan of President Barack Obama.
Having had Iraq destroyed and seg­ment­ed in war­ring enclaves Netanyahu turned his dan­ger­ous­ly decep­tive atten­tion to the peo­ple’s repub­lic of Iran. His oppo­si­tion and dem­a­goguery of the Iran nuclear deal had noth­ing to do with any­thing that Iran may have done. The Iranians had con­sis­tent­ly said they did not intend to have a nuclear weapons pro­gram for mil­i­tary purposes. 


All of the ver­i­fi­ca­tion regimes which were put in place all said that Iran has com­plied with the terms of the deal.
So, Netanyahu’s oppo­si­tion to the arrange­ment and his address to the joint sit­ting of the American Congress was not [tru­ly] intend­ed to warn the world of impend­ing gloom and doom about Iran’s inten­tions.
But an Iran which is com­ply­ing with the terms of the deal, is an Iran that Netanyahu can­not con­vince America to attack.
What the Benjamin Netanyahu real­ly wants is total hege­mo­ny in the region, with Syria bro­ken up and destroyed, the only oth­er nations of any con­se­quence in the region are Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and both have already sold out to the Zionist state.
Netanyahu will form the next Government, hav­ing fin­ished less than he expect­ed but with the pha­lanx of right-wing par­ties in the Zionist state, he will be in charge once again. He will become the longest serv­ing Prime Minister in that nation’s his­to­ry.
Back In America, Donald Trump has uni­lat­er­al­ly declared that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion.
That ladies and gen­tle­men is the sec­ond drum­beat for war against the Iranian State.
The first being, the dec­la­ra­tion that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel.
The war clouds are gath­er­ing and you will be pay­ing for it.