The Blatant Two/​faced US Justice System

Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin and three oth­er mur­der­ers in the lit­er­al act of mur­der­ing George Floyd.

Regardless of what white apol­o­gists say as they try to jus­ti­fy police geno­cide against Black peo­ple, the images tell an unde­ni­able truth.
At this point, we should engage with our white sis­ters and broth­ers who march and strug­gle with us, they are beat­en and bru­tal­ized and some of them are even killed by the rabid dogs oper­at­ing us police officers.

Travis McMichael arrest­ed for mur­der, not a scratch

As far as those who would deny the over 500 years of oppres­sion of Black peo­ple, we should dis­en­gage them and not try to have a con­ver­sa­tion with them.

Gregory McMichael arrest­ed for mur­der, not a sin­gle scratch on him from police.

They care more about injured dogs than they do black babies. They care more about peo­ple break­ing glass than they care about cops mur­der­ing cit­i­zens in their name.
In fact, the killing of black peo­ple evokes a secret glee in them.

Sebastian Arzadon dou­ble mur­der sus­pect arrest­ed and giv­en water, scratch­es on him tend­ed to by police.

It is impor­tant to note that Mister Floyd was accused of pass­ing a ques­tion­able $20-dol­lar bill to a store clerk.…… Eight min­utes and forty six sec­onds it took for Chauvin and his thug col­leagues to squeeze the life out of a plead­ing George Floyd.

Eric Garner being mur­dered by NYPD thugDaniel Pantaleo and a bunch of oth­er thugs. Mister gar­ner’s sin? Selling untaxed cig­a­rettes, a minor violation.

Mass mur­der­er Dylan Roofe arrest­ed with­out a scratch after killing 9 parish­ioners in the moth­er Emanuel AME church in Charleston South Carolina.

The injus­tice and the dis­par­i­ty are not juts about the optics they are endem­ic and strate­gic.
According to the (MarshallProject​.com), Only 31 of the near­ly 800 white defen­dants exe­cut­ed since 1976 — when the Supreme Court rein­stat­ed the death penal­ty — had a black vic­tim, accord­ing to the Death Penalty Information Center. During the same time­frame, 234 of near­ly 500 exe­cut­ed black defen­dants had white vic­tims. The last time a white per­son was put to death for killing a black per­son in South Carolina, where Roof will be tried, was in 1991.

Philando Castile mur­dered by police, he com­mit­ted no crime.

In Pennsylvania, it was in 1999. In Louisiana, 17521. In Texas, there were no such exe­cu­tions between 1854 and 2003, and in Alabama, there were none from 1913 to 1997 (there haven’t been any, since, either). In Florida, a white defen­dant has nev­er been put to death for mur­der­ing a black person.

Alton Sterling mur­dered by police, com­mit­ted no crime.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.