The lack of what anyone could call a real investigation into the Breonna Taylor killing is just one more example of the toxic collusion between police, prosecutors, and judges in the American justice system.
It is not just that the justice system does not work for African-Americans, it is a system that works decidedly against them.
Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT worker was killed in her home by Louisville Metro Police (LMPD) officers Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove, on March 13, 2020.
The tragedy inherent in her killing, is that Ms. Taylor had committed no crime. If she ever did, the Police would have led with Her record as the justification for her killing. they could not lead with a criminal record because she had none, but it did not stop the District Attorney from offering a plea deal to her former boyfriend, Jamarcus Glover, contingent on his criminalizing the murdered Ms. Taylor.
Jamarcus Glover was the intended target of the raid that fateful night, according to published reports Taylor was already in custody on a separate charge on the night the hapless (LMPD) busted down the door and killed Breonna Taylor.
Her Killing only came to the attention of the broader public after the gruesome killing of George Floyd, by three cops in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020.
She was killed when the police busted her door down on the authority of a no-knock warrant that has been signed by a judge. The warrant was the product of bad intel that drugs were being delivered to her apartment for a former boyfriend of Ms. Taylor. No drugs were ever found, but Ms. Taylor’s Boyfriend Kenneth Walker, fired a single shot at the people breaking his door down.
Mister Walker who was arrested that night and conveniently charged, with trying to murder police officers, insisted he had no idea the people breaking his door down were police officers. Neighbors also told the media they did not hear the police announce that themselves.
Of course, the police claimed that even though they were in possession of a no-knock warrant, they had repeatedly announced themselves. This makes no sense whatsoever, announcing themselves would have defeated the whole purpose of getting a no-knock warrant in the first place.
On the other hand, by claiming that they had announced themselves, they were certain to get the attempted murder of police officers charges they dredged, up to stick to Kenneth Walker.
Kenneth Walker filed a lawsuit over his arrest the Night Breonna was killed, his suit asked the court to declare him immune from prosecution based on the state’s stand your ground law. Mister Walker said he fired only because he had no idea who was breaking down his door that night.
The charges were later dropped, but his attorneys asked the court to ensure that the charges will not be filed again.
It is incredibly telling, that a Black citizen would have to go to such lengths to ensure that the vindictive criminal justice system does not retaliate against him, even though he acted within the boundaries of the law.
Isn’t it remarkable how the lives of their agents are worth more to them, than the lives of citizens? The speed with which they arrest citizens, (even more so black citizens), and file charges, even without evidence, is astounding.
There are no year/s‑long investigations, no grand jury involvement, no dotting of I’s and crossing of T’s. No allowing cops to get their lies straight before they give account for their actions.
The corrupting influence of money in the campaigns of District Attorneys, Attorney’s Generals, Public Defenders, & Judges, make it impossible to have an equitable and fair dispensation of justice.
These egregious instances of corruption were not as obvious before the advent of cameras and social media. The default option was simply to believe what the police said, even though there were entire communities that were complaining that police officers were beating them. The abused parties are accused of lying.
When they complained that police officers were planting drugs on their person, in their cars, and in their homes, the aggrieved parties were accused of lying, “sure everyone is innocent”, they say.
When the same communities complained that the police murdered their loved ones in cold blood, no one believed them, because the police were deemed virtuous and beyond killing anyone in cold blood.
The word of the police is always believed over that of the citizen, and that emboldens them to act with impunity, they brag about it.
“Who do you think the judge will believe, you or me”?
Additionally, the qualified immunity doctrine imposed on the country by the Supreme Court, all but insulated police officers from accountability for their crimes. — –But that is only the beginning.
The ability of police Unions to corrupt public officials through huge monetary donations to their respective campaigns, and their collective strength through their abilities to bully and intimidate, created the warrior cop, not just in their aggressiveness, but in the inability of citizens to hold them accountable for their crimes.
It took me a minute to figure out the inherent corruption and hypocrisy in the American Justice that seeks to criticize other nations, particularly smaller dependent nations struggling to get it right.
America is [not] struggling to get it right. American now has the world’s oldest democracy, the system is working exactly how the designers want it to work. And that means against people of color.
Yes, the hypocrisy is absolutely galling.
If you ever wondered how come there are so many cops, even as they keep hiring more and more, don’t. They serve two basic functions,(a) to keep the population in check & (b) to be backdoor tax collectors.
The Government figured out to actuarially the cost of paying a cop, all expenses considered. They train them to abuse and kill then turn them loose largely where?
In big cities and towns. Big cities and towns are heavily populated with black and brown people, they bear the brunt of over-policing. They are usually the poorest and least able to pay for traffic tickets, but they are the most ticketed for minor infractions and minor disrepair to the automobiles.
The system is designed to be so punitive, that even when a person has a ticket dismissed they are more often than not required to pay court cost.
So the innocent is penalized for having being penalized. There are those who will quickly argue, that it puts everyone at risk, not just some. The sad reality is that it’s all in the enforcement, who gets pulled over the most, who do you think that is?
Those who cannot pay for the aggressive minor infractions have warrants issued for their arrests, and if they couldn’t pay for the ticket, there is no way they can pay for the rapidly accumulated penalties and fees.
So it’s off to the [for-profit] prison you go. See the link below.
In the Breonna Taylor case, the police got a warrant, most likely from a compliant judge that simply rubber-stamp what the police bring to them for a signature. The intel was faulty, and so everything that occurred from that faulty intel ought to be illegitimate under the law. Nevertheless, though Breonna Taylor and her Boyfriend Kenneth Walker had every right to stand their ground in their own home, the state’s position is that it’s right to bust down their door and enter to look for illicit drugs, supersedes their right to be safe and secure in their persons & property.
At least, that is the narrative presented to the public by the Attorney General, in outlining that the officers had a right to return fire after being fired on, regardless of the. fact that they had no business being there and mister Walker had every right to shoot to kill anyone busting down his door.
Again, ask yourselves the question, why would police secure a no-knock warrant then knock and announce their presence?
It only makes sense to the most ardent cop-apologists, because the high probability is that it never happened.
For anyone with a law-enforcement background, it is absolutely shocking to see just how far the powers will go to shield police criminality, particularly when they transgress against Black people.
Mike Beckles is a former police Detective corporal, businessman, freelance writer, he is a black achiever honoree, and publisher of the blog
He’s also a contributor to several websites.
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