The Blatant Injustice In America’s Justice System Is Embarrassing

The lack of what any­one could call a real inves­ti­ga­tion into the Breonna Taylor killing is just one more exam­ple of the tox­ic col­lu­sion between police, pros­e­cu­tors, and judges in the American jus­tice system.
It is not just that the jus­tice sys­tem does not work for African-Americans, it is a sys­tem that works decid­ed­ly against them.
Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT work­er was killed in her home by Louisville Metro Police (LMPD) offi­cers Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove, on March 13, 2020.
The tragedy inher­ent in her killing, is that Ms. Taylor had com­mit­ted no crime. If she ever did, the Police would have led with Her record as the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for her killing. they could not lead with a crim­i­nal record because she had none, but it did not stop the District Attorney from offer­ing a plea deal to her for­mer boyfriend, Jamarcus Glover, con­tin­gent on his crim­i­nal­iz­ing the mur­dered Ms. Taylor.
Jamarcus Glover was the intend­ed tar­get of the raid that fate­ful night, accord­ing to pub­lished reports Taylor was already in cus­tody on a sep­a­rate charge on the night the hap­less (LMPD) bust­ed down the door and killed Breonna Taylor.
Her Killing only came to the atten­tion of the broad­er pub­lic after the grue­some killing of George Floyd, by three cops in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020.

She was killed when the police bust­ed her door down on the author­i­ty of a no-knock war­rant that has been signed by a judge. The war­rant was the prod­uct of bad intel that drugs were being deliv­ered to her apart­ment for a for­mer boyfriend of Ms. Taylor. No drugs were ever found, but Ms. Taylor’s Boyfriend Kenneth Walker, fired a sin­gle shot at the peo­ple break­ing his door down.
Mister Walker who was arrest­ed that night and con­ve­nient­ly charged, with try­ing to mur­der police offi­cers, insist­ed he had no idea the peo­ple break­ing his door down were police offi­cers. Neighbors also told the media they did not hear the police announce that themselves.
Of course, the police claimed that even though they were in pos­ses­sion of a no-knock war­rant, they had repeat­ed­ly announced them­selves. This makes no sense what­so­ev­er, announc­ing them­selves would have defeat­ed the whole pur­pose of get­ting a no-knock war­rant in the first place.
On the oth­er hand, by claim­ing that they had announced them­selves, they were cer­tain to get the attempt­ed mur­der of police offi­cers charges they dredged, up to stick to Kenneth Walker.

Kenneth Walker filed a law­suit over his arrest the Night Breonna was killed, his suit asked the court to declare him immune from pros­e­cu­tion based on the state’s stand your ground law. Mister Walker said he fired only because he had no idea who was break­ing down his door that night.
The charges were lat­er dropped, but his attor­neys asked the court to ensure that the charges will not be filed again.
It is incred­i­bly telling, that a Black cit­i­zen would have to go to such lengths to ensure that the vin­dic­tive crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem does not retal­i­ate against him, even though he act­ed with­in the bound­aries of the law.
Isn’t it remark­able how the lives of their agents are worth more to them, than the lives of cit­i­zens? The speed with which they arrest cit­i­zens, (even more so black cit­i­zens), and file charges, even with­out evi­dence, is astounding.
There are no year/​s‑long inves­ti­ga­tions, no grand jury involve­ment, no dot­ting of I’s and cross­ing of T’s. No allow­ing cops to get their lies straight before they give account for their actions.
The cor­rupt­ing influ­ence of mon­ey in the cam­paigns of District Attorneys, Attorney’s Generals, Public Defenders, & Judges, make it impos­si­ble to have an equi­table and fair dis­pen­sa­tion of justice.
These egre­gious instances of cor­rup­tion were not as obvi­ous before the advent of cam­eras and social media. The default option was sim­ply to believe what the police said, even though there were entire com­mu­ni­ties that were com­plain­ing that police offi­cers were beat­ing them. The abused par­ties are accused of lying.

When they com­plained that police offi­cers were plant­i­ng drugs on their per­son, in their cars, and in their homes, the aggriev­ed par­ties were accused of lying, “sure every­one is inno­cent”, they say.
When the same com­mu­ni­ties com­plained that the police mur­dered their loved ones in cold blood, no one believed them, because the police were deemed vir­tu­ous and beyond killing any­one in cold blood.
The word of the police is always believed over that of the cit­i­zen, and that embold­ens them to act with impuni­ty, they brag about it.
Who do you think the judge will believe, you or me”?
Additionally, the qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty doc­trine imposed on the coun­try by the Supreme Court, all but insu­lat­ed police offi­cers from account­abil­i­ty for their crimes. — –But that is only the beginning.
The abil­i­ty of police Unions to cor­rupt pub­lic offi­cials through huge mon­e­tary dona­tions to their respec­tive cam­paigns, and their col­lec­tive strength through their abil­i­ties to bul­ly and intim­i­date, cre­at­ed the war­rior cop, not just in their aggres­sive­ness, but in the inabil­i­ty of cit­i­zens to hold them account­able for their crimes.

It took me a minute to fig­ure out the inher­ent cor­rup­tion and hypocrisy in the American Justice that seeks to crit­i­cize oth­er nations, par­tic­u­lar­ly small­er depen­dent nations strug­gling to get it right.
America is [not] strug­gling to get it right. American now has the world’s old­est democ­ra­cy, the sys­tem is work­ing exact­ly how the design­ers want it to work. And that means against peo­ple of color.
Yes, the hypocrisy is absolute­ly galling.

If you ever won­dered how come there are so many cops, even as they keep hir­ing more and more, don’t. They serve two basic functions,(a) to keep the pop­u­la­tion in check & (b) to be back­door tax collectors.
The Government fig­ured out to actu­ar­i­al­ly the cost of pay­ing a cop, all expens­es con­sid­ered. They train them to abuse and kill then turn them loose large­ly where?
In big cities and towns. Big cities and towns are heav­i­ly pop­u­lat­ed with black and brown peo­ple, they bear the brunt of over-polic­ing. They are usu­al­ly the poor­est and least able to pay for traf­fic tick­ets, but they are the most tick­et­ed for minor infrac­tions and minor dis­re­pair to the automobiles.
The sys­tem is designed to be so puni­tive, that even when a per­son has a tick­et dis­missed they are more often than not required to pay court cost.
So the inno­cent is penal­ized for hav­ing being penal­ized. There are those who will quick­ly argue, that it puts every­one at risk, not just some. The sad real­i­ty is that it’s all in the enforce­ment, who gets pulled over the most, who do you think that is?
Those who can­not pay for the aggres­sive minor infrac­tions have war­rants issued for their arrests, and if they could­n’t pay for the tick­et, there is no way they can pay for the rapid­ly accu­mu­lat­ed penal­ties and fees.
So it’s off to the [for-prof­it] prison you go. See the link below.

In the Breonna Taylor case, the police got a war­rant, most like­ly from a com­pli­ant judge that sim­ply rub­ber-stamp what the police bring to them for a sig­na­ture. The intel was faulty, and so every­thing that occurred from that faulty intel ought to be ille­git­i­mate under the law. Nevertheless, though Breonna Taylor and her Boyfriend Kenneth Walker had every right to stand their ground in their own home, the state’s posi­tion is that it’s right to bust down their door and enter to look for illic­it drugs, super­sedes their right to be safe and secure in their per­sons & property.
At least, that is the nar­ra­tive pre­sent­ed to the pub­lic by the Attorney General, in out­lin­ing that the offi­cers had a right to return fire after being fired on, regard­less of the. fact that they had no busi­ness being there and mis­ter Walker had every right to shoot to kill any­one bust­ing down his door.
Again, ask your­selves the ques­tion, why would police secure a no-knock war­rant then knock and announce their presence?
It only makes sense to the most ardent cop-apol­o­gists, because the high prob­a­bil­i­ty is that it nev­er happened.
For any­one with a law-enforce­ment back­ground, it is absolute­ly shock­ing to see just how far the pow­ers will go to shield police crim­i­nal­i­ty, par­tic­u­lar­ly when they trans­gress against Black people.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.