The Beauty Of Our Difference;before Some Decided To Make It Something Else

Like flowers of different colors so too did God create people of different color.. Until of course some people decided their color was superior.. How ignorant ?
Like flow­ers of dif­fer­ent col­ors so too did God cre­ate peo­ple of dif­fer­ent col­or..
Until of course some peo­ple decid­ed their col­or was supe­ri­or..
How igno­rant ?

It real­ly does not take much to under­stand that peo­ple are the same regard­less of color.
Me I’m just a guy who will tell you what I believe, yet respect your right to believe what you believe.
I believe God cre­at­ed this plan­et and all oth­er plan­ets and galax­ies. I know that some­thing does not come from nothing.
God alone cre­ates stuff from noth­ing, he cre­at­ed not just us but even the great unknown galax­ies of which we can only imagine.
I under­stand that peo­ple regard­less of col­or, are sim­ply peo­ple. Like flow­ers in a Meadow, blue , white , black, yel­low.….. flow­ers all.
Like Cattle, black, white, brown,.….… cat­tle all.
Like the birds, green yel­low, blue, white black, mul­ti-hued, a beau­ti­ful cor­nu­copia of bril­liance. God cre­at­ed them all, a Rainbow of beau­ty, all part of his mag­nif­i­cent, grace and love.
The blood we give is not sep­a­rat­ed by col­or , it is red.
The blood we receive in life sav­ing sit­u­a­tions is dis­tin­guished by type.
When we receive it we nev­er won­der whose life-sav­ing blood did I receive?
Was it black blood or white blood, was it Jewish or Arabic, was it Asian or Latino?
We nev­er do because in the great scheme of things it does not mat­ter, we received blood.
What we are hap­py about is that through the kind­ness of those who donate, the won­ders of mod­ern Science and the gra­cious­ness of God, we get a sec­ond chance at life.
Trust me I should know.

So what is it then which make some peo­ple believe they are supe­ri­or to others?
To ful­ly grasp the depth of this issue we must first accept that some peo­ple do not believe they should

images of the not too distant past
images of the not too dis­tant past

com­pete on a lev­el play­ing field. They believe in hav­ing a leg up, being giv­en a jump-start ahead of the pack.
This goes to the heart of white enti­tle­ment in America. It’s the per­va­sive attach­ment it feels to white privilege.
More than half a cen­tu­ry after Malcolm X and Dr. King were forcibly removed from the stage for shin­ing a light on America’s igno­ble affin­i­ty for injus­tice, the prob­lem of Racism in America is more entrenched than ever.
Racism is not some­thing peo­ple are born with. It is learned behav­ior. What that means is that in homes all across America peo­ple do and say things to their chil­dren which per­pet­u­ates the belief that some­how white peo­ple have some genet­ic or bio­log­i­cal trait which make them supe­ri­or to oth­er races, more impor­tant­ly the Black race.
Those are the very peo­ple who say Black peo­ple make every­thing about race , even as they are the great­est ben­e­fi­cia­ries of the entrenched built-in inequities with­in the system.
Those are they who will point to President Obama’s Presidency. There is a black guy in the White House, what more do you peo­ple want.

The fact is , Obama was elect­ed President of the United States because of the pop­u­lous Democratic Northern States, the Pacific North west and California, geo­graph­ic areas with rich diverse populations

Images of the not too distant past
Images of the not too dis­tant past

and a bonan­za of elec­toral votes.
Obama received less than 7% of the vote in some coun­ties of sev­er­al south­ern states and in oth­er areas of the coun­try , where appar­ent­ly they haven’t received the memo it is the 21 century.

It is clear to assume that in many of these coun­ties Obama did not receive a sin­gle white vote.
So lets dis­pense with the absurd lie that he was over­whelm­ing­ly elect­ed and re-elect­ed on the white vote.
True lots of decent white peo­ple vot­ed for the President, but he swept to pow­er on an avalanche of hope , opti­mism and pride felt in a lot of peo­ple of col­or and vary­ing spe­cial defin­ing characteristics.
Bottom line, Obama was elect­ed twice on the strength of the vote of intel­li­gent edu­cat­ed white kids, an out­pour­ing of black, and Latino votes, women Gays , and oth­er minori­ties. His vic­to­ries had noth­ing to do with old­er whites hav­ing a come to Jesus moment real­iz­ing that Racism is utter­ly stu­pid, weak-mind­ed and pathetic.
Nevertheless whites con­tin­ued to per­pet­u­ate the myth that they are supe­ri­or by point­ing to cer­tain areas.
What they for­get to tell you is that the rea­son they were ahead in those areas was because they owned the ball, they made the rules and the con­trolled the Refs.
They nev­er both­er to men­tion that the con­di­tions they cre­at­ed makes it almost impos­si­ble for blacks to win.

Joe Louis knocks out Max Schmeling,
Joe Louis knocks out Max Schmeling,

If you did­n’t know bet­ter you would think whites were bet­ter box­ers until Max Schmeling found him­self on his back look­ing up at the rafters with the birds swirling around whistling in his head.
They were bet­ter at base­ball until blacks got a toe-hold dom­i­nat­ed it and pret­ty much walked away from it.
They were bet­ter at bas­ket­ball until .….
Well they were nev­er bet­ter. Once they let our peo­ple in it was a wrap… Basketball does not require expen­sive Gymnasiums, black kids play in the streets.
They were bet­ter at Golf until Tiger.
They were bet­ter at Tennis until Arthur Ashe and Mister Williams decid­ed his two lit­tle girls were going to play Tennis and they were going to be good at it.
They were bet­ter at ice-hock­ey , well they don’t build any hock­ey rinks in the hood.
They are bet­ter at swim­ming yet they do not build swim­ming pools in the hood either.
The White House was the epit­o­me of white dom­i­nance and superiority.
Then came Barack !!!
It is immoral and disin­gen­u­ous to kill the fathers then laugh at the father-less children.

inte­gra­tion 1957

They are bet­ter intel­lec­tu­al­ly. What they fail to men­tion was that not to long in the past , blacks would be killed if they were caught reading.
Once blacks emerged from that they were not allowed into good schools.
When the Federal Government said “Oh yes you must co-exist in the same Schools” it required Federal troops to make it a reality

Ignorance and entitlement
Ignorance and entitlement

It is immoral when you cre­ate the envi­ron­ment in the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem which crim­i­nal­izes the young black men you hate, then make laws which says “Oh you can­not be a lawyer , you can’t be a Judge because you have a record”. Oh and you can’t get a job, because of your incarceration>
Ps. One more thing you can­not vote either.
Welcome to the prison Industrial complex.

But moral­i­ty and hon­or were nev­er guid­ing prin­ci­ples of those who sought to place them­selves above oth­ers ‚cit­ing fic­ti­tious char­ac­ter­is­tics they them­selves created.
The press­ing issue of the day is Police aggres­sion against young Black men.
The fact is that Police aggres­sion is not exclu­sive to black peo­ple. It may be exam­ined in the con­text of the per­cent­age of Blacks in the Population and the num­ber of Blacks who find them­selves suf­fer­ing incred­i­ble pain at the hands of Police.
It is also of incred­i­ble sig­nif­i­cance that we take keen note of the bla­tant dis­crep­an­cy in the way events are processed and report­ed in the Media.
Importantly is the response of law enforce­ment to sit­u­a­tions in the Black com­mu­ni­ty when com­pared to sim­i­lar or worse sit­u­a­tions in the white community.

Response to legitimate black constitutionally guaranteed protest :Ferguson Missouri
Response to legit­i­mate black con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly guar­an­teed protest :Ferguson Missouri

As far as report­ing goes many peo­ple have already dis­card­ed what we know as the main stream media, replac­ing them with up to the sec­ond report­ing made pos­si­ble social media and the Internet.
Now peo­ple receive images and audio in the most organ­ic untouched form.
No longer are we forced to wait until the cor­po­rate media feeds us what they want us to hear , watered down and sprin­kled with what they want us to think.
Why then despite what we see in front of our eyes are white peo­ple detached from the killings and abuse?
Why do they defend the police regard­less of the evidence?
They do because every ille­gal action by the police to a per­son of col­or is in fur­ther­ance of white supremacy.
They will tell you they are not racists , they will even tell you they do not ask for any spe­cial privileges.

Police response ..Biker savages kill several in a public place , scores wounded, hundreds of weapons recovered :Waco Texas
Police response ..Biker sav­ages kill sev­er­al in a pub­lic place , scores wound­ed, hun­dreds of weapons recov­ered :Waco Texas

What they can­not tell you is that the do not ben­e­fit from it !
Every-time a cop ask a Black man what he’s doing in a cer­tain area deemed a white area, he is enforc­ing white supremacy.
These injus­tices can­not be pinned to police offi­cers alone.
They are per­va­sive in Housing . Education. The crim­i­nal Justice sys­tem. Banking. The Health Sector. Government.
Institutionalized one-up-man-ship is built into the sys­tem, whether whites want it, ask for it or not, they ben­e­fit from it.
They know it , they believe in it and they will not give it up with­out a fight. It’s the only way they have ever know, com­pet­ing on a play­ing field con­struct­ed to suit and ben­e­fit them.