Thank You Minister Montague, Your Statement Re Budhoo Reflects Personal Growth..

On the sud­den pass­ing of Assistant Commissioner of Police Winchroy Budhoo ‚National Security Minister Robert Montague expressed con­do­lence on behalf of the Government and his min­istry to Assistant Commissioner Budhoo’s fam­i­ly, col­leagues, and friends.

Said Minister Montague…

My thoughts and prayers are with them dur­ing this very dif­fi­cult time,” the min­is­ter said.

The Ministry of National Security wants to once again under­score the impor­tant role that our police play in our coun­try.” “As Jamaicans we must not for­get that the free­dom and the sense of secu­ri­ty we enjoy are some­times achieved through our law enforce­ment offi­cers mak­ing enor­mous sac­ri­fices – often with­out much regard for self.
“We wish to assure ACP Budhoo’s imme­di­ate fam­i­ly of our sup­port as they go through this dif­fi­cult peri­od of grief and mourn­ing. We also ask that you take heart in know­ing that he lived well in ser­vice to this nation.” 
“On behalf of the entire law enforce­ment com­mu­ni­ty the min­istry thanks him for his ser­vice to the nation. We will work close­ly with the fam­i­ly in the days ahead to hon­or his mem­o­ry and main­tain his lega­cy.”

This medi­um has been crit­i­cal at times of this Minister when we feel it is warranted.
At the same time we also want to be fair in how we cri­tique the Minister as we always try to be when we cri­tique every­one else.
The Minister’s state­ment is one of the best I have per­son­al­ly seen any­where issued by a politi­cian at the pass­ing of a police officer .
Though ACP Budhoo did not die vio­lent­ly thank­ful­ly , the Minister’s response has been thought­ful, rea­soned yet inclu­sive of the con­tri­bu­tion police offi­cers make to society.
Thank you Minister Montague,