Thank You, Mayor Jacob Frey…

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey pro­vides an update on the George Floyd case.
Mister Mayor as a for­mer police offi­cer and as a mem­ber of the human race I applaud you for giv­ing this press brief­ing today sir.
This was not a press brief­ing that was filled with clich­es and cook­ie-cut­ter sound­bites aimed at pla­cat­ing the fam­i­ly and the com­mu­ni­ty while giv­ing a wink and a nod to the police depart­ment that you have their backs in wrongdoing.

This was a heart­felt response that only the worst kind of crit­ic could find insuf­fi­cient. I applaud you for stand­ing up for the cit­i­zens who elect­ed you. Thank you for stand­ing up for what’s right instead of what’s white.
You have absolute­ly earned my respect today.