Texas Teen Jordan Edwards Was Shot And Killed By Police This Weekend, And Cops Are Now Changing Their Story

The media may have start­ed los­ing inter­est in the Black Lives Matter move­ment, but new infor­ma­tion about the death of Texas teenag­er Jordan Edwards illus­trates that the under­ly­ing prob­lem of police vio­lence against African-Americans remains as per­va­sive as ever.

After Edwards, 15, was shot in the head through the front pas­sen­ger win­dow of a car leav­ing a house par­ty in the Dallas sub­urb of Balch Springs on Saturday, police claimed that the killing was nec­es­sary because the vehi­cle had been back­ing toward the offi­cers “in an aggres­sive man­ner,” accord­ing to a report by NPR. On Monday after­noon, how­ev­er, Chief Jonathan Haber had to retract that account and call into ques­tion whether the offi­cer who killed Edwards had jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for doing so.

In fact, the car with five teenagers inside was mov­ing for­ward, not back­ward, and away from the offi­cers, not toward them. There was no alter­ca­tion, known or oth­er­wise,” writes NPR’s Wade Goodwyn. “Nevertheless one of offi­cers fired a rifle mul­ti­ple times into the pas­sen­ger win­dow, killing young Jordan Edwards. None of the teens were car­ry­ing weapons, nor were they drunk.”

Goodwyn added, “Chief Haber said his review of the officer’s body cam­era video indi­cat­ed the shoot­ing may not meet his department’s standards.”

Although the offi­cer has been put on admin­is­tra­tive leave, Edwards’ fam­i­ly attor­ney Lee Merritt insists this will not be enough.