Texas School Police Officer Fired For ‘absolutely Unwarranted’ Body Slam Of 12-year-old Girl

A Texas school police offi­cer seen throw­ing a 12-year-old girl to the ground on video was fired Monday for his “absolute­ly unwar­rant­ed” con­duct, offi­cials said.Footage sur­faced online last week of Officer Joshua Kehm sub­du­ing Janissa Valdez March 29 at Rhodes Middle School in San Antonio. Police said she and anoth­er girl were about to fight in a hall­way that after­noon when Kehm intervened.

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District offi­cials promised a full inves­ti­ga­tion, and they decid­ed Monday to ter­mi­nate Kehm’s employ­ment, effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly, said San Antonio Independent School District Superintendent Pedro Martinez. “We under­stand that sit­u­a­tions can some­times esca­late to the point of requir­ing a phys­i­cal response; how­ev­er, in this sit­u­a­tion we believe that the extent of the response was absolute­ly unwar­rant­ed,” Martinez said in a statement.

Additionally, the officer’s report was incon­sis­tent with the video, and it was also delayed, which is not in accor­dance with the gen­er­al oper­at­ing pro­ce­dures of the police depart­ment. We want to be clear that we will not tol­er­ate this behav­ior.” Texas school police offi­cer fired for ‘absolute­ly unwar­rant­ed’ body slam of 12-year-old girl