Texas Officials Are Investigating The Jail Cell Death Of Sandra Bland As They Would A Murder, The Local District Attorney Said Monday.


Waller County Sheriff’s Office, via AP
Waller County Sheriff’s Office, via AP

Waller County Sheriff offi­cials said they believe Bland died in her cell the morn­ing of July 13, from asphyx­i­a­tion with a trash bag, three days after she was pulled over for not using her turn sig­nal and then arrest­ed for alleged­ly assault­ing an offi­cer. The Harris County med­ical exam­in­er ruled her death a sui­cide. But Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis said the 28-year-old’s death would be treat­ed “just as it would be a mur­der inves­ti­ga­tion.” “There are many ques­tions that are being raised here in Waller County,” Mathis said. “It needs to be a thor­ough and exhaus­tive review.”

As officials release information to the public, several people — including activists and reporters — have been asking questions and posting conspiracy theories on social media about possible inconsistencies in Bland’s booking records and mugshots.

Waller County Sheriff’s Department via AP
Waller County Sheriff’s Department via AP

Some have gone as far to say that the inconsistencies suggest she didn’t die inside her jail cell.

“Inmate states she has epilep­sy” and she men­tions a MEDICATION FOR IT — can we talk about this please?
!!! Why are there incon­sis­ten­cies in med­ical info? .@OliviaYoungers pic​.twit​ter​.com/​R​C​H​I​c​c​s​HQZ

The fact that could pos­si­bly be dead in her mugshot makes me sick to my stomach.
A lot of peo­ple are say­ing that there’s a pos­si­bil­i­ty that was dead & then the police took her mugshot. I have no words.
How do you take a mugshot of a dead per­son and think peo­ple won’t notice? .
I don’t know why being dead in her mugshot both­ers me so much. Like i’ve seen life­less bod­ies before but this is just different.

Some of the inconsistencies gaining traction have already been answered, some remain under official investigation, and some have not been answered.

On Thursday, the Waller County Sheriff’s Department released a two-page statement addressing some of the questions being raised regarding some inconsistencies and some conspiracy theories, including Bland’s mug shot, clothing and booking process.

Among the ques­tions being asked:

1. Why do her booking documents appear to have contradicting details about her epilepsy?
!!! Why are there inconsistencies in medical info? .@OliviaYoungers pic​.twit​ter​.com/​R​C​H​I​c​c​s​HQZ

Some of the inconsistencies gaining traction have already been answered, some remain under official investigation, and some have not been answered.

On Thursday, the Waller County Sheriff’s Department released a two-page state­ment address­ing some of the ques­tions being raised regard­ing some incon­sis­ten­cies and some con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries, includ­ing Bland’s mug shot, cloth­ing and book­ing process.

Among the ques­tions being asked:

1. Why do her booking documents appear to have contradicting details about her epilepsy?

In the 15-page PDF of book­ing doc­u­ments released by the Waller County Sheriff’s Department Wednesday, there are two dif­fer­ent reports sur­round­ing Bland’s med­ical his­to­ry. On one page, it states that Bland was tak­ing Keppra, a med­ica­tion for her epilep­sy. On a dif­fer­ent page, lat­er in the book­ing doc­u­ments, it states that Bland wasn’t on any medication.

2. Why do her booking documents appear to have contradicting details about a possible suicide attempt?

Read more here:People Are Speculating That Sandra Bland Was Already Dead When Authorities Took Her Mugshot