Testimony Reveals Klansman Gangster Andre “Blackman” Bryan Is A Sociopath…

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The wit­ness­es’ chill­ing tes­ti­mo­ny in the Klansman gang tri­al bore out some impor­tant details that Byran Sykes will sure­ly miss.
According to one wit­ness who tes­ti­fied remote­ly, Klansman gang boss Andre “Blackman,” Bryan ordered the killing of a man known as [Outlaw]. The indi­vid­ual killed in Lauriston had been marked for death by Bryan. According to the self- con­fessed gang­ster turned state wit­ness, Bryan had asked him for a ride to the scene in a sep­a­rate vehi­cle from the shooter’s because the reput­ed Klansman leader “want­ed to see Outlaw before he was killed.”
He parked on an oppo­site side of the road so Bryan could have his wish, and they watched the soon-to-be vic­tim for about five min­utes. After pulling away from the area where shots were heard fired, Bryan start­ed laughing.
A phone call moments lat­er informed them that “Outlaw” had been killed, was met with more laugh­ter from Bryan, accord­ing to the witness.

Police iden­ti­fy this bur­ial site to the Spanish Town bases Klansman crim­i­nal gang. Police can expect no help from the courts to put the killers away.

Note; the fore­gone evi­dence was giv­en to the court on September 22nd.
It is impor­tant to fol­low this sequence so that a bet­ter pic­ture may emerge as to the pathol­o­gy of these socio­path­ic killers oper­at­ing in our coun­try, even as the secu­ri­ty forces and the gov­ern­ment, includ­ing the courts, respond to them with incom­pe­tence and deference.
It is impor­tant to note that accord­ing to the wit­ness’s tes­ti­mo­ny,
Andre Blackman Bryan burst into laugh­ter after watch­ing his intend­ed vic­tim and hear­ing the gun­shots. Like a beast of prey, he stalked his vic­tim, know­ing that he had ordered him killed and that the vic­tim’s life would be snuffed out in an instant based on his orders.
He want­ed the added sat­is­fac­tion of watch­ing him alive, know­ing that his words, his com­mand would end Outlaw’s life.
I warned in an arti­cle days ago, this very court will do every­thing in its pow­er to return these mur­der­ers to the streets to con­tin­ue their reign of ter­ror, giv­en the slight­est lie and non-issue raised by the CRIMINAL defense team.

Police offi­cers unearth a Klansman bur­ial site.

Now let us look at some impor­tant fac­tors in the evi­dence giv­en to the court the next day, September 23rd. I under­stand that the court has no oblig­a­tion to look for issues of sociopa­thy. Certainly, I would not expect a court in Jamaica to care enough about vic­tims of these sociopaths to note the degree of degen­er­a­cy in them, even as it is bla­tant­ly clear to every­one else.
The wit­ness, who has claimed to be the gang’s banker and Bryan’s per­son­al dri­ver, among oth­er things, made this asser­tion while detail­ing for the court the mur­der of a for­mer depor­tee on Jones Avenue in Spanish Town in 2019.
Asked by the pros­e­cu­tor lead­ing the evi­dence whether Bryan — who had report­ed­ly told his hench­men that, “Mi want [unnuh] to go kill di Rasta inna di lane,” — had offered any expla­na­tions as to why the man was to die and if he had par­tic­i­pat­ed in those dis­cus­sions, the wit­ness said, “I was tak­ing orders, Sir.”

Andre “Blackman” Bryan

As the wit­ness gave evi­dence and detailed the grue­some nature of the killings, Andre “Blackman” Bryan burst into uncon­trolled laugh­ter to the point he was seen wip­ing away tears from his eyes,-tears that flowed from laughter.
The court will not be called upon to deter­mine the psy­cho­log­i­cal con­di­tion of Andre “Blackman,” Bryan. Neither will his sociopa­thy help to deter­mine inno­cence or guilt.
What is clear is that this defen­dant is a sociopath. He has a blood-lust and is total­ly indif­fer­ent to the sanc­ti­ty of human life, regard­less of who the per­son is. (Full dis­clo­sure, I am not a med­ical doc­tor, psy­chi­a­trist, or health professional…)

The Klansman bur­ial site was found after an 18-month inves­ti­ga­tion by police.

The chances that a crim­i­nal defen­dant will be found guilty in a Jamaican court are pret­ty low. The courts exact an undue and inor­di­nate bur­den on the pros­e­cu­tion, which is any­thing but “beyond a rea­son­able doubt,” which ought to be the standard.
Based on the court’s his­to­ry, that stan­dard has been cir­cum­vent­ed for the steep­er, ” with­out any doubt.” .….And that’s before the appeals process.
Given the remote chance of a con­vic­tion, the appel­late court is ready and will­ing to aid con­vict­ed mur­der­ers by let­ting them loose on a con­coct­ed tech­ni­cal­i­ty or shave some time off the light sen­tence hand­ed down by the tri­al court.
The derange­ment being exhib­it­ed by this defen­dant came about because this nation decid­ed to hug up don cul­ture. It came about because each lit­tle shit­head can vie to see who can be more ruth­less in tak­ing life-who can hand out the ill-got­ten spoils from the unchecked acts of extor­tion, mur­der for hire, and the gen­er­al macabre killings.
They laugh because they are cel­e­brat­ed rather than reviled. They laugh because they have zero respect for the process, not the police nor the pros­e­cu­tors. After all, they know that the tri­ers of facts are ready and wait­ing to give them a pass for their sociopathy.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.