Terrified Citizens Living In Nation JFJ And The Media Helped To Create.….



Long before for­mer Senior Superintendent of Police Reneto Adams famous­ly pre­dict­ed that Jamaica would pay dear­ly for the way it was act­ing toward the police, a baby doc­tor had got­ten her clutch­es into Jamaica’s law enforce­ment infra­struc­ture.
She man­aged to con­vince the rul­ing class that the way we police Jamaica was evil, too harsh on dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals and should be dis­card­ed.
Esprit de corps, that (band of broth­er­hood) which binds law enforce­ment into a fra­ter­nal order of love and car­ing for each oth­er, a fam­i­ly away from home where offi­cers depend on each oth­er when the going gets tough.
This is some­thing they do not teach at a pedi­atric school, but it was sold to the coun­try as a [veil of com­plic­i­ty to cov­er up wrongs]. It was derid­ed even though that baby doc­tor was nev­er a part of any mil­i­tary or para-mil­i­tary force and was total­ly igno­rant of what it means to those who serve.
The truth of the mat­ter is that Carolyn Gomez knew noth­ing about polic­ing, esprit de corps, or what it takes to police Jamaica’s unique envi­ron­ment any more than the police knew how to treat col­icky babies.
In fact, the most vocif­er­ous detrac­tors of the police in civ­il soci­ety have nev­er served in any­thing greater than them­selves.
They have giv­en noth­ing in ser­vice to the coun­try, yet they are the most opin­ion­at­ed and crit­i­cal of the police department.

There is no deny­ing that the police share some blame in the way they are treat­ed. By far too many of the men and women of the JCF have betrayed their oaths. Nevertheless, I do believe that what Bruce Golding did will for­ev­er be the water­shed, and a sem­i­nal moment in the his­to­ry of our coun­try.
But it was­n’t just Golding, Portia Simpson Miller and the PNP were all in on it. They all had a vest­ed inter­est in the pro­mul­ga­tion and pro­lif­er­a­tion of the Garrisons which are the foun­da­tions on which their polit­i­cal via­bil­i­ty are built.
The PNP’s rapa­cious desire to gain and keep polit­i­cal pow­er was rivaled only by Bruce Goldings desire to bring the police to heel and INDECOM was born.
Make no mis­take about it, every police agency should have over­sight. Police sim­ply can­not be left to police them­selves.
On the oth­er hand, the police are asked to do a job that is dis­sim­i­lar to every oth­er discipline.

Jamaica takes its cue from the west­ern pow­ers. Our sys­tem of gov­ern­ment is copied from the British Westminister mod­el.
Additionally, many of the nation’s laws do have some sim­i­lar­i­ty to laws in the United States.
In addi­tion to those sim­i­lar­i­ties, Jamaica is a sig­na­to­ry to sev­er­al west­ern world Treaties, thus ren­der­ing the way we do busi­ness not too dis­sim­i­lar as it relates to imple­ment­ing our laws.
As I have said before in oth­er Articles, the des­ig­na­tion of what con­sti­tutes a failed state by the west­ern pow­ers like the United States is the inabil­i­ty of the gov­ern­ment of such states to give a cred­i­ble account­ing of its cit­i­zen­ry.
According to the Global Policy Forum:
Failed states can no longer per­form basic func­tions such as edu­ca­tion, secu­ri­ty, or gov­er­nance, usu­al­ly due to frac­tious vio­lence or extreme pover­ty. Within this pow­er vac­u­um, peo­ple fall vic­tim to com­pet­ing fac­tions and crime, and some­times the United Nations or neigh­bor­ing states inter­vene to pre­vent a human­i­tar­i­an dis­as­ter.
Jamaica is not yet a failed state, but intel­li­gent minds can clear­ly see that we are already deep into some of the char­ac­ter­is­tics of that definition.

Many of our prac­tices are def­er­en­tial to the American’s ways of doing things for bet­ter or for worse.
Ironically what the Jamaican lead­er­ship has con­ve­nient­ly for­got­ten or will­ful­ly left out of it’s pla­gia­riz­ing, is the con­cept known as [qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty]. 
“Qualified immu­ni­ty bal­ances two impor­tant inter­ests — the need to hold pub­lic offi­cials account­able when they exer­cise pow­er irre­spon­si­bly and the need to shield offi­cials from harass­ment, dis­trac­tion, and lia­bil­i­ty when they per­form their duties rea­son­ably.” Pearson v. Callahan.

In oth­er words, Jamaican police offi­cers are asked to risk their lives in a coun­try with one of the high­est kill rates in the world, a vio­lent and abu­sive soci­ety, a large­ly illit­er­ate pop­u­la­tion, poor remu­ner­a­tions, and hor­rif­ic work­ing con­di­tions and no real back­ing from the leg­is­la­ture.
It is with­in that envi­ron­ment that police offi­cers are asked to oper­ate.
Every day could mean death on the job, or God for­bid they chal­lenge a man with a gun, off to jail they go.
Which brings to mind the ques­tion for­mer Detective Chris Porter asks of young mem­bers still serv­ing “why are you still serv­ing in the JCF”?
The Jamaican Government has mort­gaged the secu­ri­ty of the coun­try for the elu­sive and Utopian con­cept of [Human-Rights].
The present com­mis­sion­er of Police, a police Commissioner who once head­ed the three thou­sand man defense force dreams of the day when all police offi­cers are human rights activists.

Carolyn Gomes

Unfortunately for every­day Jamaicans who do not own high-pow­ered weapons and large caches of ammu­ni­tion, the force that the com­mis­sion­er star­ry-eyed, dreams of hav­ing, will be of no use to the coun­try.
There can be no guar­an­tee of human rights where there is no peace. The most fun­da­men­tal right each and every per­son has is their God-giv­en right to life.
If the Jamaican state can­not guar­an­tee the cit­i­zens of the coun­try that they won’t be slaugh­tered just by leav­ing their homes, how can the gov­ern­ment guar­an­tee their oth­er rights?
It is that back­ward the­o­ry which won nation­al acclaim for Carolyn Gomez, a snake in the grass who wove her way into the body politic and dis­tort­ed the nation­al nar­ra­tive in a way that a black Jamaican, nev­er could.
This fraud was giv­en a nation­al hon­or, though she was lat­er dis­graced and is now gone from the spot­light.
What remains is the dam­age she was able to do to our coun­try. Make no mis­take about it, Jamaicans are liv­ing in Carolyn Gomez’s Jamaica.
Terrence Williams and Hamish Campbell are derivates of Carolyn Gomez’s work. This is the Jamaica they cre­at­ed in which the pow­ers of the police are tak­en away, and the peo­ple like Sheep are con­vinced that they will be guar­an­teed inalien­able rights.
They nev­er both­ered to tell them that they would be dead right.
The Island’s polit­i­cal lead­ers have ced­ed the pow­er, author­i­ty, and remit of the state to for­eign-fund­ed so-called rights lob­bies, with agen­das anti­thet­i­cal to the well­be­ing of Jamaica. Jamaicans for jus­tice chief among them.
They knew full well that Gomez’s race would give her the lever­age to do what she was able to do.
Unfortunately, for the peo­ple and even the brain-dead politi­cians, they are yet to fig­ure out that Gomes was a plant, specif­i­cal­ly placed there as part of a strat­e­gy to keep Jamaica sub­ju­gat­ed and behold­en to for­eign inter­ests
Demonize the police and cre­ate an envi­ron­ment in which there is no rule of law and con­di­tions are ripe for chaos. There can be no real growth and pros­per­i­ty in a crime-rid­den coun­try. Jamaica is a crime-rid­den coun­try which will con­tin­ue to depend on International Lending insti­tu­tions.
Gomes would still be there doing dam­age had she not com­mit­ted the car­di­nal sin of intro­duc­ing wards of the state to homo­sex­u­al mate­r­i­al.
They for­got that Jamaicans do not like homosexuality!