Terrence Williams Always Griping And Complaining .….….

Terrence Williams
Terrence Williams

Commissioner of INDECOM Terrence Williams always seem to have a grouse. Williams is a per­pet­u­al whin­er who is

nev­er sat­is­fied with the amount of pow­er afford­ed him under the INDECOM Act.
Williams lat­est gripe is that he sent four reports to Parliament for review with­in the past five years and noth­ing has been done about them.

He told a joint select com­mit­tee of Parliament review­ing leg­is­la­tion gov­ern­ing INDECOM that one of the four reports that was sent to Parliament out­lined approach­es to safe­guard the right to life, while oth­er reports looked at issues of demand­ing account­abil­i­ty and con­fronting chal­lenges the JCF faces.
If his protes­ta­tions weren’t so fraud­u­lent I would real­ly burst out laughing.

Williams is so pow­er hun­gry it is real­ly laugh­able that two of his sup­posed reports demand­ed account­abil­i­ty ‚but more incred­u­lous­ly con­fronts chal­lenges the JCF faces.
Who in their right mind believes that Terrence Williams gives a Rat’s ass about chal­lenges fac­ing police officers?
Furthermore , chal­lenges fac­ing the police are none of Terrence William’s busi­ness, and they cer­tain­ly do not fall under the scope of things he need to wor­ry about in his capac­i­ty as Commissioner of INDECOM.
Furthermore it is exact­ly the duty of Parliament to fix what­ev­er ails the police as well as INDECOM.
Sure Terrence Williams can make rec­om­men­da­tions to the Parliament, but where does he get off demand­ing the House Act on his recommendations ?
Meanwhile ‚National Security Minister Peter Bunting said Parliament is chal­lenged by the lack of resources to effec­tive­ly review reports from its com­mis­sions. He also said that mem­bers of par­lia­ment are appoint­ed to a num­ber of com­mit­tees, with some hav­ing min­is­te­r­i­al respon­si­bil­i­ties as well as car­ry­ing out their duties to their con­stituents. They [par­lia­men­tar­i­ans] do not have the sup­port staff,” Bunting said.

It is inter­est­ing that the Minister’s posi­tion is that they sim­ply do not have ade­quate staff. Jamaican Parliamentarians are not the only leg­is­la­tors who have to deal with a mul­ti­plic­i­ty of issues.
With that said Parliament should absolute­ly ensure that the views of Terrence Williams not be allowed to impact law enforce­ment in Jamaica with­out ade­quate counter argu­ments from the Police who actu­al­ly under­stand what actu­al polic­ing is and the par­tic­u­lar exten­u­at­ing cir­cum­stances attached to Jamaican policing.
Williams can claim all he want that his reports are intend­ed to out­line approach­es to safe­guard the right to life, while oth­er reports looked at issues of demand­ing account­abil­i­ty and con­fronting chal­lenges the JCF faces.
He can lay claim to what­ev­er exper­tise he has on the right to life, which is the same claim all oth­er Jamaicans has.
What Williams should not be allowed, is to false­ly claim that his reports con­tain work­able solu­tions to chal­lenges con­fronting the JCF.

Said Williams, “When we make a report, I expect that we are to be called to Parliament, par­tic­u­lar­ly when they are [reports of] dis­put­ed issues,”.

So Williams gripe has pre­cious lit­tle to do with un-exam­ined reports and more to do with his insa­tiable appetite for a stage and lights. Since his appoint­ment Williams has not demon­strat­ed any inten­tion to do his job in an impar­tial and fair way in my estimation.
On that basis his argu­ments ring hol­low as always.
With the mul­ti­plic­i­ty of gripes, com­plaints and demands we have heard from Williams , it seem we would all be bet­ter off see­ing the back of this guy.
Clearly all he cares about is pow­er and atten­tion and he will do any­thing to get both.
For that rea­son he should go.….….…
Terrence Williams is the broth­er of for­mer JLP Senator Arthur Williams.
INDECOM was the brain child of the Bruce Golding Administration, in response to mas­sive pub­lic out­cry to do some­thing about police killings.
Following on two recent Articles involv­ing Kent Gammon and Dennis Meadows, it seem the Labor Party and it’s young Turks are effec­tive­ly becom­ing a par­ty of Anti-police operatives.
We need to make sure police do not abuse their authority.
We also need to under­stand full well how­ev­er that we absolute­ly need our police officers.
We can­not stand idly by and allow ambi­tious me-first oppor­tunists to tear down our officers.