Temple Police Shooting Suspect Shot Officer 3 More Times As Cop Lay On Ground With Head Wound: Officials

Temple police shoot­ing sus­pect shot offi­cer 3 more times as cop lay on the ground with head wound: officials

The 18-year-old sus­pect accused of fatal­ly shoot­ing a Temple University police offi­cer in the head over the week­end stood over the offi­cer and shot him three more times as the cop lay on the ground near the Philadelphia cam­pus before try­ing to steal the fall­en officer’s gun, offi­cials said on Tuesday. Philadelphia police released the new details dur­ing a press con­fer­ence on the death of Temple University Police Officer Christopher Fitzgerald, who had respond­ed Saturday night to a rob­bery call in an area that offi­cials say has seen a spike in car­jack­ings and rob­beries. While respond­ing to the call, police said Fitzgerald spot­ted three teenagers dressed in all black and wear­ing masks to cov­er their faces. The offi­cer approached the trio but they tried to flee. Fitzgerald called in a foot pur­suit over his radio and chased after the teens. He caught up to the 18-year-old alleged gun­man, lat­er iden­ti­fied as Miles Pfeffer, and ordered him to get on the ground, police said.

Christopher Fitzgerald served with the Temple University police force since October 2021

Pfeffer ignored the officer’s orders and pulled out a gun, accord­ing to author­i­ties. The sus­pect fired at Fitzgerald, strik­ing the offi­cer in the head and tor­so. When Fitzgerald fell to the ground, Pfeffer shot the offi­cer three more times, offi­cials said.

Officials said that U.S. Marshals cap­tured 18-year-old Miles Pfeffer and arrest­ed him using Fitzgerald’s handcuffs.

Pfeffer ini­tial­ly fled the scene, accord­ing to police, but returned to search through the fall­en officer’s pock­ets. Officials said he tried to steal Fitzgerald’s gun. After shoot­ing the offi­cer, police said the sus­pect car­jacked a dri­ver at gun­point, threat­en­ing to shoot and kill them. Fitzgerald, a mar­ried father, was rushed to a Temple University Hospital, where he lat­er died. He served on the Temple University police force since October 2021 and was the son of a for­mer police chief of Fort Worth, Texas.
Officials said Pfeffer was iden­ti­fied as a sus­pect after the two oth­er teens he was with were detained and told police his name.
Less than 12 hours after the shoot­ing, U.S. Marshals cap­tured Pfeffer in Buckingham Township, Pennsylvania. Officers used Fitzgerald’s hand­cuffs dur­ing the arrest.
Pfeffer is fac­ing mul­ti­ple charges, includ­ing mur­der of a law enforce­ment offi­cer, rob­bery and car­jack­ing, offi­cials said. He is not eli­gi­ble for release on bail. Temple police said the depart­ment is work­ing to hire more police to help keep its cam­pus safe, adding that it has become dif­fi­cult to find qual­i­ty peo­ple who want to be a police offi­cer. Meanwhile, city and school offi­cials said Philadelphia has a major crime prob­lem, with Mayor Jim Kenney and District Attorney Larry Krasner repeat­ed­ly blam­ing the lack of gun control.(From Yahoo​.com)