Telling Murderers You Won’t Kill Them Is Exactly What They Want To Hear So They Continue Killing…


Problems do not fix themselves , if ever there are going to be solutions to our problems those solutions are going to have to come from within us . Not from divine intervention, luck, or any other cosmic force we conjure up in our minds.
It is important to say I do believe there is a powerful force which created the Universe the Galaxies and all that’s outside the scope and sphere of our understanding and knowledge.

Whatever that force , irre­spec­tive of the name one has for him/​her/​it , that force is it, that which we rev­er­ence as God. It is that force which cre­at­ed us, which also empow­ered us to do for our­selves that which we so waste­ful­ly spend so much of our time on our knees beg­ging him to fix.
I always fan­cied myself a prag­ma­tist . I believe every last word of the foregone.
Things oth­ers acquire and take for grant­ed I have always had to work dou­bly hard for, even so, some of those most basic things were not guar­an­teed. It was nev­er for want of prayer either, I came from a fam­i­ly of pray­ing peo­ple. Church for us was manda­to­ry no ques­tions asked.

As I read the Bible myself I learned that what­ev­er I want­ed out of life I was going to have to go get on my own.
I looked at the Biblical sto­ries of the mir­a­cles Jesus wrought, and I found a com­mon thread .
That thread was that what­ev­er mir­a­cle he wrought the recipient/​s of said miracle/​s had to be a part of the mir­a­cle. They had to par­tic­i­pate in the mir­a­cle, they weren’t allowed to sim­ply sit and be hand­ed the reward.
From his very first mir­a­cle . John 2 vs Jesus said to the ser­vants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the mas­ter of the ban­quet.”

The rest is well known , heal­ing a man of the dread­ed lep­rosy he told him, “go show thy­self to the Priest’. The priest was the cer­ti­fy­ing author­i­ty , only they could allow cured lep­ers back into society.
Pick up thy bed and walk ” after heal­ing a man lame from birth.
To the man born blind , John 9, Jesus spat on the ground, made some mud, and applied it to the man’s eyes. Then He told him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which means Sent). So the man went and washed, and came back seeing.
Liter­al­ly every sin­gle mirac­u­lous work was done through faith and obe­di­ence by the recipient/​s . So I learned pret­ty ear­ly that yes I would pray , rec­og­niz­ing God as the source of my strength, but rec­og­niz­ing that ‑that strength was already in me .
I not sure whether not hav­ing a moth­er or father grow­ing up was respon­si­ble for my hard nosed prag­mat­ic approach to life, or it was sim­ply a recog­ni­tion that prob­lems not fixed ear­ly only gets worse, they nev­er fix themselves.

That tiny sapling , soft and pli­ant could eas­i­ly be uproot­ed with a lit­tle tug or no effort at all. Left there long enough remov­ing it requires an Axe and or much more.
I spoke about this approach which I brought to policing.
Remove a sin­gle guy sell­ing weed and you don’t have to deal with fights for turf, com­mu­ni­ties rav­aged by more seri­ous drugs, thefts and rob­beries to sup­port habits , mur­ders from turf wars and com­mu­ni­ties dec­i­mat­ed by drugs and violence.
Just move the first guy..
And oh… the ever con­stant “well it’s nev­er that easy” .
Actually it is …

It gets hard because we con­vince our­selves that the things which needs doing are hard. What that does is make them hard­er, because not only does inac­tion embold­ens those who are pre­dis­posed to doing wrong , it solid­i­fies the prob­lems they create.
As I said to a friend just today there is a rea­son that peo­ple sur­ren­der to bullies.
Fear !!!
Fear that the bul­ly will hit hard­er if they fight back. Ironically fight­ing back may indeed get one beat­en , but it actu­al­ly dis­cour­ages the bul­ly from mess­ing with you, ulti­mate­ly the bul­ly wants to con­trol through fear not through hav­ing to fight.
Criminals who prey on the defense­less counts on their fear. That fear embold­ens them to push the enve­lope fur­ther and further .
The fear with­ing the pop­u­lace is an empow­er­ing com­po­nent in the suc­cess of the crim­i­nal underworld.
The refusal and hand-wring­ing which char­ac­ter­izes Jamaica’s crime prob­lem is exact­ly what the crim­i­nals want.

Bloody the bul­ly’s nose and watch the dif­fer­ence. Yes brute force is an answer to crime , it is the only lan­guage these mur­der­ers understand.
It is fol­ly to believe they fear get­ting arrest­ed and brought before a court of law . It is even more laugh­able that any­one would believe the vis­cous mur­der­ers in Jamaica wor­ry about being held account­able by the crim­i­nal enhance­ment sys­tem which exist in our country.
The Judges , pros­e­cut­ing attor­neys , defense attor­neys and police all have vest­ed inter­est in crime or are them­selves active­ly involved in crim­i­nal con­duct. It is a sim­ple incon­ve­nient truth that not many want to hear unfortunately.
How many times have you heard the say­ing that “killing crim­i­nals is not a deterrent” .
Have you ever seen a dead crim­i­nal return to kill any­one else?
Well I guess killing is a deter­rent then , isn’t it ?
Of course it is to that one.

Oh one more thing, Peter did pull out his word and cut the ear off the guard who came to take Jesus Christ away from the gar­den of Gethsemane.
Please don’t preach to me that Jesus replaced the ear. I know that. The fact that Peter car­ried a sword even in the com­pa­ny of the pious Savior is far more sig­nif­i­cant to me than that Jesus replaced a sev­ered ear.