Teflon Tesha And The Incompetent, Corrupt “criminal Justice” System.…

We under­stand that Klansman super Gangster Tesha Miller, a man whose name has been linked to mul­ti­ple Murders ‚has again been returned to Jamaica .This time from the Bahamas.
There is much to be said about Miller a man who have been able to some­how avoid con­vic­tion for any­thing in Jamaica.
This despite his name being linked to mul­ti­ple mur­ders, a mas­sive extor­tion ring oper­at­ing in the Old Capital of Spanish Town , with ten­ta­cles we are told reach­ing into May-pen and Mandeville.
All of that, and years of gang­land activ­i­ty which has turned Spanish Town and it’s envi­rons into a ver­i­ta­ble war-zone.

Nevertheless Miller was able to leave Jamaica for the United States sev­er­al times we are told and was even­tu­al­ly incar­cer­at­ed here in the states and deported.
Miller has been able to leave the coun­try even as the Jamaican police insist­ed they had him under sur­veil­lance. But I won’t berate my for­mer col­leagues too much for being woe­ful­ly incom­pe­tent and sim­ply incon­ceiv­ably pathet­ic at what they do.

I must always remind myself that at least they are now more edu­cat­ed than when I served in the late 80’s to ear­ly 90’s.
That has to count for some­thing, I will even­tu­al­ly fig­ure it out someday.
But back to Tesha Miller .….
This alleged Gangster seem to be Teflon. Before dis­ap­pear­ing for the Bahamas there was a flare­up of vio­lent crimes , includ­ing mur­ders in Spanish Town.
At the time local Police asked Miller to come in to speak with them.
In typ­i­cal Gangster style he did not show.
There is an old Jamaican proverb which says “ash­es cold dog sleep in de”,I will leave the inter­pre­ta­tion open for you my read­ers to decipher.

Now it’s impor­tant to note that at the time Miller was returned to the Island from the United States , the JCF said they would keep an eye on him to ensure that there would not be a return to the law­less­ness which obtains when he is back head­ing the Klansman Gang.
At the time I scoffed at that notion because the JCF has zero abil­i­ty to keep any­one under sur­veil­lance out­side a 90 year old lady.

Nevertheless, despite those idle boasts ‚Miller alleged­ly con­tin­ued on with his busi­ness as usu­al . When asked to come in he sim­ply dis­ap­peared and there was not a peep out of the police.
I guess those homi­cides , shoot­ings and extor­tions were cleared up when he disappeared.
Well, we all know that across the Caribbean and indeed across the west­ern world nations are heav­i­ly invest­ed in their fights against crime .
So it should come as no sur­prise that wher­ev­er this piece of mat­ter showed up law enforce­ment author­i­ties would send him pack­ing back to his paradise.

It’s not a stretch to grasp why even with­in the CARICOM com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber states have seri­ous con­cerns about allow­ing Jamaicans into their country.
Look ‚we can hide behind patri­o­tism and pre­tend that they hate us because some­how we are bet­ter than them or we can face the facts that our coun­try has den­i­grat­ed to a pari­ah state because we com­mit too many crimes and have a curi­ous affin­i­ty and love affair with all things criminal.
That’s it , period !!

Bravado , Bullying, and bulls**t does not change those facts.
The first ques­tion we must ask is whether the police will now nail Tesha Miller for the homi­cides , remem­ber they asked him to come in to speak to them?
If they sim­ply released him after his sec­ond depor­ta­tion in as many years does this not demon­strate that the Police are mere Poppy-show?
I love and sup­port the Police but I can­not in good con­science sup­port them when the coun­try has crim­i­nals like these roam­ing the streets, leav­ing the coun­try as he pleas­es ‚and no one can nail him for his crimes.

I am mind­ful that the Criminal Court sys­tem is not the friend­liest place to the rule of law.
I know that even under the rare cir­cum­stance that a crim­i­nal is con­vict­ed in those courts, with enough mon­ey to pass around crim­i­nals are released on appeal.
These are the facts sur­round­ing the Jamaican Criminal Justice System. This writer will not bury his head and pre­tend that judges are some­thing spe­cial, they aren’t.
Despite these chal­lenges how­ev­er this lev­el of non­cha­lance and care­less­ness can­not con­tin­ue in a soci­ety which pre­tends to be a mod­ern society.

Cops are not allowed to shoot these mur­der­ing bas­tards when they con­front them.
Even when there is a rare con­vic­tion the judges let them out on appeal.
The entire coun­try sup­port them, from Politicians to the cler­gy, from civ­il soci­ety to the jus­tice system.
It’ is no won­der that in a coun­try so small there are over 4 homi­cides per day.
It’s no sur­prise that no one wants us in their country.

2 thoughts on “Teflon Tesha And The Incompetent, Corrupt “criminal Justice” System.…

  1. I am hop­ing the j.c.f. will sur­prise us this time by lay­ing charges and move towards secur­ing conviction.

  2. When a sys­tem is designed for crim­i­nals like Tesha Miller and oth­ers who oper­ates open­ly, bold­ly, and with impuni­ty, then you knows that the coun­try is head­ing into an abyss and there is no way out of it!
    Jamaica is a criminal’s par­adise and the Somalia in the Caribbean Sea! And it is a mat­ter of time before the “Jihadists,” take root in Jamaica and launch attacks against Western tar­gets from the enclaves of Jamaica.
    The sys­tem in Jamaica is ide­o­log­i­cal, cor­rupt, and the epit­o­me of what a criminal’s oper­a­tions should be!
    The polit­i­cal mis­lead­ers in Jamaica are crim­i­nal cud­dlers, sup­port­ers, and bene­fac­tors of crimes against the same peo­ple whom they claim to represents.
    Every dirty riv­er has to start some­where, and it is always the top; so the bot­tom is dirty because it is com­ing from the top.
    The cur­rent Prime Minister St. Andrew Holiness, have dis­played his lev­el of dis­dain, hatred, and lack of respect for the secu­ri­ty forces in Jamaica by den­i­grat­ing them and laud­ed the crim­i­nals with­in the midst of the peo­ple. It doesn’t mat­ter how many women, chil­dren are raped and mur­dered by these mis­cre­ants there, that doesn’t even touch his inner soul or con­science. He is quick to attack and smear the police.
    Tesha Miller have friend sin high places because he has one of the best, bright­est, and most expen­sive attor­neys in Jamaica to called on at a moment’s notice. The only thing that the police can do is to detain Tesha Miller and noth­ing else!
    The police force has too many edu­cat­ed degree police offi­cers who do not know how to inves­ti­gate crimes and suc­cess­ful­ly con­vict these parasites.
    As the author has stat­ed elo­quent­ly about the lev­el of cor­rupt prac­tices in Jamaica and it is so per­va­sive that “if he (Tesha Miller) is con­vict­ed in a court of law and received max­i­mum sen­tences for his crimes.
    During the appeal process, a back chan­nel will be estab­lished, and he is freed upon appeal because these crim­i­nals have access to loads of cash.” Don’t think for a minute that Jamaicans attor­neys and judges are not friends? Their chil­dren go to the same schools, danc­ing, and oth­er Extracurricular activities.
    In Jamaica, every­one has to “eat a food” that is the mantra there and our judges “eat food too!” Tesha Miller know that the sys­tem is designed in his favor because they allow him to oper­ates with impunity.

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