Ted Cruz Stands By ‘New York Values’ Insult As He Slams Liberal Democrats Including Mayor De Blasio After Bronx Campaign Stop

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz dou­bled down on his New York val­ues insult Wednesday, attack­ing Donald Trump and a string of “lib­er­al Democrats” for poli­cies and posi­tions that have been “ham­mer­ing” the state. Cruz had harsh words for Mayor de Blasio, Gov. Cuomo, Rep. Charles Rangel and even dis­graced pols Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner in his solil­o­quy about all that is wrong with New York. Asked what he meant by “New York val­ues,” a phrase he coined months ago in an attack on Donald Trump, Cruz defined the term as val­ues held by lib­er­al politi­cians who reject char­ter schools, school choice and sup­port for fear­less police officers.

Those are the val­ues, the val­ues of the New York lib­er­al politi­cians that have been ham­mer­ing the peo­ple of this great state,” Cruz said after a cam­paign event in the Bronx. Cruz sin­gled out de Blasio as the worst offend­er. “Every time there is a con­fronta­tion between crim­i­nals and cops he sides with the crim­i­nals, loot­ers and riot­ers instead of the police officers.”

Cruz said he was proud of cops who turned their backs on de Blasio at a police officer’s funer­al last year. “I cheered for those New York cops and peo­ple across America did,” Cruz said. Cruz also blast­ed de Blasio for try­ing to close char­ter schools in Harlem. “He is cap­tive to the union boss­es that con­trol him,” Cruz said. Cruz said Trump has sup­port­ed a num­ber of the lib­er­al politi­cians on his list, and shares the blame for their failed policies.

If you want to know what lib­er­al demo­c­ra­t­ic val­ues are fol­low Donald Trump’s check­book,” Cruz said. “Donald Trump has been fund­ing those lib­er­al demo­c­ra­t­ic politicians.”Earlier Cruz got the Bronx cheer Wednesday dur­ing a cam­paign stop from pro­test­ers upset about his con­tro­ver­sial immi­gra­tion pol­i­cy. The Cruz pres­i­den­tial cam­paign even took a page out of rival Trump’s book, remov­ing one demon­stra­tor from the Bronx event when the crit­i­cism got too loud. The heck­ler got the heave ho from Sabrosura restau­rant on Westchester Avenue after shout­ing that Cruz had no busi­ness in the Bronx. “You’re run­ning on an anti-immi­grant plat­form, and you’re speak­ing in the Bronx,” the demon­stra­tor said. “You should not be here.”

The demon­stra­tor was cheered like a Yankee out­field­er by fel­low pro­test­ers after Republican par­ty staffers removed him from the restau­rant. Cruz was in the Bronx cam­paign­ing ahead of New York’s April 19 pri­ma­ry. Cruz insult­ed the city when he derid­ed “New York val­ues” in an attack on Trump.

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. slammed Cruz Wednesday as a hyp­ocrite — just hours before Cruz was set to meet with the bor­ough president’s father in the Bronx. “Ted Cruz is a hyp­ocrite. He not only offend­ed New Yorkers, he offend­ed Bronxites, and now he’s here today in New York and in the Bronx look­ing for mon­ey and votes,” Diaz said.“We in the Bronx know how offen­sive he’s been. We know the truth about our bor­ough.” Cruz, a Texas Republican, drew the ire of New York Democrats after bash­ing the Bronx at an event in 2014. “I under­stand that Manhattan is very con­cerned with their secu­ri­ty with the Bronx,” Cruz said “But it’s a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent on 2,000 miles of the Rio Grande.” Diaz said Cruz is out of line.

Everything good we’ve done, we’ve done it with New York val­ues. Our val­ues are strong in New York and for him to come here look­ing for votes and com­ing for mon­ey is at the high­est lev­els of hypocrisy,” Diaz said dur­ing a press con­fer­ence of Latino law­mak­ers from the Bronx in sup­port of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-run­ner. “Hopefully he’ll learn a les­son about how wrong his words are.” Cruz is count­ing on sup­port from New York evan­gel­i­cals, which is why he met with the bor­ough president’s father, Ruben Diaz Sr., a state sen­a­tor who is also a con­ser­v­a­tive min­is­ter. Ted Cruz stands by ‘New York val­ues’ insult as he slams lib­er­al Democrats includ­ing Mayor de Blasio after Bronx cam­paign stop