Targeted Raid In Granville St James Yields Guns And Other Contrabands…

The secu­ri­ty forces con­duct­ed a tar­get­ed Raid at Artwell Drive, Pitfour, Granville, St. James between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm in search of ille­gal firearms, ammu­ni­tion, and lot­tery scam paraphernalia.
Targeted for appre­hen­sion were Jason Gentles (Ratty) and Blacks.
Five (5) Dwelling hous­es were searched. (3) Three firearms were recov­ered at the back of an old foul coop.
One Glock pis­tol with ser­i­al num­ber erased with one mag­a­zine affixed con­tain­ing (8) eight rounds 9 mm cartridges
One American Tactical Omni hybrid M16 rifle ser­i­al num­ber NS166074 with one mul­ti-cal­iber mag­a­zine (PMag) con­tain­ing 22 5.56 mm cartridges
One Sig Pro pis­tol ser­i­al num­ber SP0017501 with one mag­a­zine affixed con­tain­ing (10) ten .40 car­tridges, (2) two addi­tion­al Glock mag­a­zines, and one Browning mag­a­zine were also found along with eight lot­to-lead sheets, one bal­lis­tic vest, (6) six pairs reg­is­tra­tion plates. Seven per­sons were arrest­ed in con­nec­tion with the find, they are:

1. Rasi Hyde o/​c Blacks age 27 yrs Labourer of Norwood Gardens and Lot 43 Artwell Drive, Pitfour, Granville, St. James.
2. Brandon Campbell o/​c Ratty age 20 yrs Landscaper of Lot 43 Artwell Drive, Pitfour, Granville St. James and Westmoreland.
3. Sanchez Campbell o/​c Tommy age 26 yrs Shop Operator of Maroon Town, St. James
4. Richard Wright o/​c Bomb Head age 25 yrs Labourer of Tucker, Granville, St. James
5. Nickelia Authurs age 23 yrs Store Clerk of Tucker, Granville, St. James
6. Camille Bailey age 29 yrs Hairdresser of Chambers Drive, Granville, St. James
7. Georgette Mckenzie, age 27 yrs Security Officer of Lot 43 Artwell Drive, Pitfour, Granville, St. James.