Famine In Somalia

We quib­ble about debt ceil­ings and cred­it rat­ings down-grade , I am drawn to a dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tion in anoth­er part of the world, by peo­ple who would give any­thing to have a frac­tion of what we throw away in the garbage daily.

As we speak thou­sands of peo­ple are on the move in Somalia head­ing for Kenya where they hope to be able to find food and water. Somalia is in the grips of an intense drought and a resul­tant famine. Some reports have 30 000 chil­dren dying in one week. Somalia has been plagued by inter­nal fight­ing, bad Government and trib­al bick­er­ing for as long as can be remembered,

The UN has declared a famine in parts of Somalia. Two years of drought have dis­placed 25% of Somalia’s pop­u­la­tion and UN offi­cials say the drought has killed tens of thou­sands of peo­ple over the past few months.
Childcare world­wide a group that specal­izes in feed­ing chil­dren in devel­op­ing coun­tries , par­tic­u­lar­ly in Africa , had this to say.
The worst drought in 60 years is caus­ing wide­spread hunger and star­va­tion across Somalia and parts of Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Djibouti. 12 mil­lion peo­ple are in dan­ger of star­va­tion. Children are espe­cial­ly vul­ner­a­ble. Food and water are des­per­ate­ly need­ed to keep peo­ple alive. 
Somalia a coun­try on the horn of Africa and bor­ders kenya has a weak Government and a strong rebel group the Al- Ahabab Islamist group. Al-Shabab, which is affil­i­at­ed to al-Qaeda, was formed in 2007 to over­throw the weak inter­im gov­ern­ment and estab­lish Islamic rule in Somalia.
Reports are that most of the famine is in the south of the coun­try , areas con­trolled by the rebel group Al Shabab . They have since staged a tac­ti­cal pull­out from the areas under their con­trol . Some argue they did so in order to allow Aid Agencies to deliv­er aid to the area , some­thing they did not allow before.
The atten­tion of the world now needs to be turned to this mon­u­men­tal cri­sis , instead of argu­ing about debt ceil­ings and cred­it downgrades.
Of course these are only black peo­ple dying in Africa. The United States has always been at the fore­front of the charge in deliv­er­ing help when­ev­er it is need­ed to every­one all over the world. It is now time for the rest of the World to stand with America in say­ing to tin pan dic­ta­tors and voilent rebel groups , we will not allow you to take steps that will put the lives of mil­lions of peo­ple at risk.
mike beck­les:
how say you:
