We Are Not Acting Irresponsibly Says PNP.?

The Ruling Jamaica Labor par­ty Administration has accused the Opposition People’s National Party of being irre­spon­si­ble in its demand for trans­paren­cy in the arrange­ments sur­round­ing the International Monetary Fund and the Jamaica Developement Infrastructure Programme.

Here’s the report from the Jamaica Observer:

THE Opposition People’s National Party is main­tain­ing that it is not act­ing ‘irre­spon­si­bly’ in its quest to get answers from the Government on the state of its arrange­ment with the International Monetary Fund and the Jamaica Development Infrastructure Programme.

Responding to claims by Finance Minister Audley Shaw that the par­ty had employed a ‘win-at-all-cost’ approach and was try­ing to “cause investors to lose con­fi­dence in Jamaica”, the PNP said it would not be deterred in press­ing for “truth­ful answers”.

The ques­tions, which have been posed by mem­bers of the Opposition, are valid and deserve direct, straight­for­ward respons­es, unless there is a delib­er­ate plan by the admin­is­tra­tion to con­ceal the facts from the pub­lic,” par­ty chair­man Robert Pickersgill said in a state­ment yesterday.

We will con­tin­ue to press for truth­ful answers to our ques­tions so that the coun­try can have the facts laid bare for all to see. Only then will it be pos­si­ble for the var­i­ous stake­hold­ers to engage in an informed debate on these vital issues,” Pickersgill added​.Read more: http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​W​e​-​a​r​e​-​n​o​t​-​a​c​t​i​n​g​-​i​r​ree

I am of the belief that this is a red her­ring by Minister Shaw and the Administration , the PNP which is in oppo­si­tion has every right to the infor­ma­tion it is demand­ing on behalf of the Jamaican peo­ple. What I find dis­con­cert­ing is that there would be any attempt at obfus­ca­tion and deceit in these projects, .

I am puz­zled as to how any major project could be under­tak­en in the coun­try that is not open infor­ma­tion to the oppo­si­tion and the pub­lic. The Government is not a monar­chy and can­not rule by decree, in a democ­ra­cy a gov­ern­ment rule by con­sent. It is about time that our coun­try have appro­pri­ate laws that makes these issues go away, before expen­di­tures are under­tak­en the house must vote on such expen­di­tures, in effect all aspects of that expen­di­ture must be avail­able to all deci­sion makers .

News flash to Shaw , Investors had long lost con­fi­dence in Jamaica as a legit­i­mate or prop­er cli­mate in which to do bussiness.

Run-away crime.Run-away Inflation.Run-away secu­ri­ty costs.Run-away ener­gy cost.Run-away beau­re­cra­cy.Run-away cor­rup­tion.Run-away reg­u­la­tions.Run-away Governmental bungling.Run-away work­er in dis­ci­pline.Run-away union involv­ment and pow­er. Yes Minister Shaw Serious Investors had long writ­ten off Jamaica as a place to do busi­ness, just look around , all the com­pa­nies have left. Minister Shaw in his crit­i­cism of the Opposition on this issue, whether true or not , has opened him­self and the Administration up to claims they have some­thing to hide>There are numer­ous instances of irre­spon­si­ble behav­iour by the PNP .Finsac, Cuban light bulb scan­dal, not vot­ing to extend the state of emer­gency, not vot­ing to allow the Police to hold crim­i­nal sus­pects for longer peri­ods with­out charge , the list is long and unbe­liev­able from an enti­ty pur­port­ing to want to lead, there is much I am ashamed of for that par­ty , even though I sup­port nei­ther par­ty.This is not one of them.

mike beck­les:
