Romney Ryan
Romney Ryan

I am so fed up with what pass­es for Media that I real­ly do not inten­tion­al­ly watch Television any­more. You are prob­a­bly won­der­ing what I mean by “inten­tion­al­ly”. Well I real­ly don’t both­er to sit around and watch, I hear some of what they are say­ing as I go about my busi­ness, I just don’t want to be told how to process infor­ma­tion by a pan­el of peo­ple who should be told how to process information.

If you are won­der­ing what I am rant­i­ng about these days ? I ask,“have you seen NBC’s cov­er­age of the recent London Olympics? Do you ever turn your Television to FOX mis­in­for­ma­tion? Do you care about the fluff they present on CNN? and most of all have you seen the way the so-called media has han­dled the ongo­ing elec­tion campaign?

If you answered in the affir­ma­tive on any of these ques­tions then you under­stand my dis­gust. The duty of an inde­pen­dent Media is to present infor­ma­tion to the pub­lic, to report on events as they hap­pen and hold the feet of lead­ers to the fire of account­abil­i­ty. Does any­one believe the Media is doing any of these things? Instead we watch as Candidates and their sur­ro­gates sit on tele­vi­sion and repeat cam­paign talk­ing points with­out being chal­lenged by the ques­tion­er. In most instances the talk­ing points are lit­tle more than dis­tor­tions, seg­ments of a con­ver­sa­tion tak­en out of con­text or out­right lies.

Yet there are sel­dom any instances where Journalists ever say that is an out­right lie and I will not allow you to come on here and spew that kind of mis­in­for­ma­tion to the pub­lic ! guar­an­teed if the media start­ed doing this peo­ple would have some respect their pro­fes­sion, and the liars would come pre­pared to answer ques­tions truth­ful­ly or don’t come at all, a good first step in clean­ing up the polit­i­cal system.

So Joe Biden makes a state­ment about chains in a speech he gave in Virginia, the Romney cam­paign des­per­ate­ly look­ing for some­thing from which to gain trac­tion, made a big deal of what real­ly was noth­ing. What did the lame stream media do ? they ran with it.Context be damned, Does any­one believe Romney or Ryan or any­one with­in the Republican par­ty or the Romney cam­paign care about slur­ring black peo­ple. Romney did it the very next day , feign­ing anger at the pres­i­dent, in a speech before his sup­port­ers Romney said quote:“take your cam­paign of divi­sion and anger and hate, back to Chicago let us get about rebuild­ing and reunit­ing America”.http://​www​.cbsnews​.com/​8​301 – 18563_162-57494114/what-sub­stance-cam­paign-attacks-get-nas­ti­er-than-ever/

A thin­ly veiled attepmpt, designed to paint the pres­i­dent as the angry black man. The only prob­lem is, Romney end­ed up look­ing like a des­per­ate pathet­ic fool try­ing to paint Obam as an angry black man

The hypocrisy of Mitt Romney and the right on this issue is blind­ing­ly stun­ning ‚where has the lame-stream media and Romney been in the shame­ful 4 year assault on President Obama by the incred­i­bly low-class morons on the right who ques­tion every­thing and demean every­thing about the pres­i­dent, his fam­i­ly and his rel­a­tives? Mitt Romney is all too will­ing to join in, feed­ing at the slop trough of igno­rant racist ignominy.…As this elec­tion cycle unfolds we have begun to see the effects of what over­whelm­ing­ly huge chunks of dirty mon­ey can buy. All the ver­min now begin crawl­ing out the wood-work. Billionaire Koch broth­ers are no longer pre­tend­ing that the Tea Party is a grass Organization of the peo­ple, they are run­ning ADs attack­ing the pres­i­dent under the ban­ner Americans for pros­per­i­ty. What they haven’t said is, pros­per­i­ty for whom.

Here’s the most recent dis­play from Charles and David Koch, two bil­lion­aires intent on pay­ing for the pres­i­den­cy, as they seek to install Mitt Romney there as a pup­pet to do their bid­ding ‚which will include not just tax breaks for the likes of the Kochs and Romney but utter destruc­tion of our eco sys­tem, through frack­ing , destroy­ing ground water, drilling for oil, destroy­ing wet-lands, nature pre­serves, and frag­ile coral reefs, but also the destruc­tion of forests for lum­ber and the shav­ing of moun­tain tops to mine coal. When they are done they will have gazil­lions in the bank but there will bo no plan­et left for the rest of the world’s over 7 bil­lion inhab­i­tants, and you know what Charles and David Koch will be just fine with that.http://​blogs​.wsj​.com/​w​a​s​h​w​i​r​e​/​2​0​1​2​/​0​8​/​1​4​/​i​n​-​a​d​-​v​o​t​e​r​s​-​b​r​e​a​k​-​u​p​-​w​i​t​h​-​o​b​a​m​a​/​?​m​o​d​=​g​o​o​g​l​e​_​n​e​w​s​_​b​log

The pres­i­den­t’s cam­paign is not sit­ting idly by, they are fight­ing back with counter Ads seen below, show­ing what the pres­i­dent has been doing, despite repub­li­can obstruc­tion­ist tac­ticshttp://​the​cau​cus​.blogs​.nytimes​.com/​2​0​1​2​/​0​1​/​1​8​/​o​b​a​m​a​-​f​i​g​h​t​s​-​b​a​c​k​-​a​g​a​i​n​s​t​-​k​o​c​h​-​b​r​o​t​h​e​r​s​-​i​n​-​n​e​w​-​ad/

This will be the worse elec­tion cam­paign in the his­to­ry of this coun­try, it is the most des­per­ate Republican can­di­dates all over the coun­try has ever been, and the pres­i­den­tial can­di­date is the worse I have ever seen in my life-time, already they have rolled out swift boat vet­er­ans lying that the pres­i­dent is reveal­ing sen­si­tive Military secrets and endan­ger­ing the lives of ser­vice-mem­bers. These are the same tac­tics Carl Rove and oth­ers ‚in con­cert with Bush 43rd employed against Military vet­er­an and pur­ple heart recip­i­ent John Kerry. Imagine Republican putting vet­er­ans up to telling the pres­i­dent he did not kill Osama Bin Laden, America did, These bas­tards are will­ing to rewrite his­to­ry to dele­git­imize this president.

This Republican par­ty has shown that it is will­ing to do any­thing for pow­er, they stole the elec­tions in 2000, with­out con­se­quences when the Republican stacked Supreme Court stopped the vote count in the state of Florida and gave the win to George Bush, I have nev­er quite rec­on­ciled that in my mind, with the nar­ra­tive of the world’s great­est democracy.

Voter sup­pres­sion laws in most states, designed to give Romney the win in swing states like Pennsylvania as allud­ed to by that states repub­li­can leader in the leg­is­la­ture.http://http://youtu.be/EuOT1bRYdK8.

God help America,the win at all cost strat­e­gy employed by the likes of Carl Rove, the nas­ti­ness of Sarah Palin, the igno­rant racist dog­ma of Limbaugh, Hannity, Malkin and oth­ers will have seri­ous neg­a­tive res­o­nance beyond our will­ing­ness to accept,or con­front for gen­er­a­tions to come.