Sure There Is Voter Fraud :just Not In The Way You Think.….

It’s incredible the world we live in today.
Information is readily at our fingertips, the wonders of modern technology has far exceeded our wildest imaginations of what could have been possible even a decade ago.
Two little baby boys born joined at the head were separated by Doctors at the Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx.
Thanks to the wonders of modern science.
Yet we live in a world where good is sold as evil, and lies are repeated with such frequency and conviction that to some the truth does not matter anymore, as long as their points of view wins the day.

As the American peo­ple pre­pare to elect the Nation’s 45th President, vot­ers are torn between two can­di­dates for President whom they say are the worse the nation have even had to chose from in their lifetime.
I am unsure whether the resume of the two can­di­dates bears that out or whether a thir­ty year smear cam­paign has cre­at­ed a bogey­man on one side and a gen­uine creep on the oth­er. One thing is cer­tain what we hear about rigged elec­tions is exact­ly the oppo­site of what exist in America today.

Lying racist Donald Trump hides behind former military brass to finally say Barack Obama was born in the United States...
Donald Trump

According to Justin Levitt, a pro­fes­sor at the Loyola Law School, Los Angeles and an expert in con­sti­tu­tion­al law and the law of democ­ra­cy, with a par­tic­u­lar focus on elec­tion admin­is­tra­tion and redis­trict­ing. I’ve been track­ing alle­ga­tions of fraud for years now, includ­ing the fraud ID laws are designed to stop. In 2008, when the Supreme Court weighed in on vot­er ID, I looked at every sin­gle alle­ga­tion put before the Court. And since then, I’ve been fol­low­ing reports wher­ev­er they crop up. [New evi­dence that vot­er ID laws ‘skew democ­ra­cy’ in favor of white Republicans] To be clear, I’m not just talk­ing about pros­e­cu­tions. I track any spe­cif­ic, cred­i­ble alle­ga­tion that some­one may have pre­tend­ed to be some­one else at the polls, in any way that an ID law could fix. So far, I’ve found about 31 dif­fer­ent inci­dents (some of which involve mul­ti­ple bal­lots) since 2000, any­where in the coun­try. To put this in per­spec­tive, the 31 inci­dents below come in the con­text of gen­er­al, pri­ma­ry, spe­cial, and munic­i­pal elec­tions from 2000 through 2014. In gen­er­al and pri­ma­ry elec­tions alone, more than 1 bil­lion bal­lots were cast in that peri­od. Some of these 31 inci­dents have been thor­ough­ly inves­ti­gat­ed (includ­ing some pros­e­cu­tions). But many have not. Based on how oth­er claims have turned out, I’d bet that some of the 31 will end up debunked: A prob­lem with match­ing peo­ple from one big com­put­er list to anoth­er, or a data entry error, or con­fu­sion between two dif­fer­ent peo­ple with the same name, or some­one sign­ing in on the wrong line of a poll book.

Former Breitbart boss Steven Bannon
Former Breitbart boss Steven Bannon

This is just one Professor who have done yeo­man’s work in dig­ging deep­er into the swamp to deter­mine whether there is any truth in what Donald Trump and his sur­ro­gates are say­ing .
The sit­ting sec­re­tary of state of the state of Ohio, a repub­li­can, a state which has a repub­li­can Governor , just yes­ter­day said there is no vot­er fraud and the elec­tions can­not and will not be rigged.
Republican after Republican have come out against the notion that the elec­tions will be rigged, or that there is wide­spread vot­er fraud across the country.

The fun­da­men­tal thing about the American democ­ra­cy is that it prides itself on the fair­ness of the process and the peace­ful trans­fer of pow­er which suc­ceeds each election.
What does it say about a poten­tial can­di­date for President who would insti­gate his fol­low­ers into believ­ing that some­how the process which has 50 dif­fer­ent elec­tions on elec­tion day is some­how rigged?
This is a coun­try which fought a civ­il-war . It is a coun­try with a lot of racial and oth­er divi­sions, . Candidates of both polit­i­cal par­ties of the past have always been mag­nan­i­mous even when there were doubts as there was in 2000.
In that instance Al Gore was extreme­ly gra­cious to George W Bush even though he had won the pop­u­lar vote and been declared the win­ner before the US Supreme Court stopped the vote and gave the elec­tion to Bush.
If ever there was a case to be made that the results were arrived at dis­hon­est­ly that was it yet Gore con­ced­ed defeat and went his way.
So why are Donald Trump and his sur­ro­gates say­ing this when it is clear there is absolute­ly no truth to what they are saying?
There are rum­blings that Donald Trump is try­ing to break the Republican par­ty into two groups . One group which com­pris­es the estab­lish­ment cen­ter-right of the par­ty and the oth­er, the Alt Right crowd inspired by (Breitbart​.com) Steven Bannon , the likes of Roger Ailes, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and oth­er noise­mak­ers on talk radio who prop­a­gate hatred and separation.


The goal it seem, is to break-away a size­able chunk of the most hard-core sup­port­ers of the Republican Party and bring them to a Trump type media con­glom­er­ate where they may have a true home to spread their hatred. Much like in the FOX net­work vein.
Either way the dis­graced alleged sex­u­alul har­rasers , Roger Ailes and Donald Trump have a home along­side Steven Bannon to make mon­ey from the igno­rance of their followers.
Checkmate Donald Trump.
The Republican par­ty is the par­ty which over the years have tak­en extreme steps to lim­it vot­er par­tic­i­pa­tion . In States like Texas, North and South Carolina and through­out the mid­west, Republican Legislatures have tak­en steps to make vot­ing more dif­fi­cult. Last cycle even in Pennsylvania the Republican sec­re­tary of state con­ced­ed that the idea was to keep Obama’s sup­port­ers away from the polls which he thought was a good way to guar­an­tee a win for the nom­i­nee Mitt Romney.
In Florida just last week a Federal judge over­ruled gov­er­nor Rick Scott and extend­ed vot­er reg­is­tra­tion after Scott sought to cut off vot­er reg­is­tra­tion early.

Roger Ailes
Roger Ailes
The US District Court rul­ing comes after the Florida Democratic Party sued, seek­ing an addi­tion­al week due to the “strong like­li­hood” many of the state’s vot­ers would be “severe­ly bur­dened” by the hur­ri­cane’s fall­out in the upcom­ing election.
Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott had time to reg­is­ter. Why would a car­ing Governor not want all res­i­dents of the state to reg­is­ter to vote ‚unless of course if he believes that those vot­ers are not like­ly to sup­port his party?
Yes there are plans to steal the elec­tion , there always were . But this is a case of those cry­ing the loud­est are the most culpable.