Those Who Support Killer Cops Are No Different Than Those Who Cheered As Blacks Were Lynched

Those who support killer cops are no different than theses cowardly demons
Those who sup­port killer cops are no dif­fer­ent than the­ses cow­ard­ly demons

Today Saturday August 23rd, there are protest Rallies in Ferguson Missouri, and Staten Island New York. African-Americans gath­ered in dis­gust over the con­tin­ued slaugh­ter of black and brown men by police in America.

These protest ral­lies are about the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown of Ferguson Missouri and 43-year-old Eric Garner of Staten Island New York. These Rallies should also be about the killing of 26-year-old Kajieme Powell, who was bru­tal­ly slaugh­tered by St Louis coun­ty police, 23 sec­onds after arriv­ing at the scene where Powell was wan­der­ing around, obvi­ous­ly suf­fer­ing from men­tal issues.

Powell did have a knife but trained offi­cers could have adopt­ed any of a slew of options avail­able to them. They had batons, mace and taz­ers .Powell alleged­ly yelled, “Shoot me, kill me now!”  They opt­ed not to use any of those non-lethal options, choos­ing instead to pump sev­er­al bul­lets into the body of the dis­turbed Powell, killing him sec­onds after they arrived.

This total­ly uncalled for esca­la­tion by the two cops was demon­stra­bly the essence of what goes on in cities and Towns all across America. Those cops placed no val­ue on the lives of Kajieme Powell, as they did not on those of Garner and Brown. They had a cal­lous and bla­tant dis­re­gard for the life of those they killed

in these crowds are white men,women, and children what is it about the slaughter of innocent human beings different that they they find so redeeming
in these crowds are white men and women,
what is it about the slaugh­ter of inno­cent human beings dif­fer­ent that they,that they find so redeeming

Some so-called black lead­ers, includ­ing an elect­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tive bragged that St Louis was not Ferguson, when Powell was killed. Yet he lacked the most basic under­stand­ing of how and when Police can legal­ly use lethal force.

Kajieme Powell was mur­dered. Yes he had a knife. There were oth­er ways to sub­due him with­out tak­ing his life.

Those who defend Eric Garner and Michael Brown must also defend the life of Kajieme Powell, who clear­ly need­ed help not bullets.

The Protest ral­lies for Brown were not the only show in town. Supporters of Ferguson Cop Darren Wilson, also held their own ral­ly, they have raised huge sums of mon­ey in sup­port of what they believe will be a Wilson crim­i­nal defense. These peo­ple have a right to do what they want­ed, it’s their right.

What I find nau­se­at­ing, is that like the Rabid racists who spew their racist bile on FOX and the oth­er bot­tom feed­ers on talk radio, these Wilson sup­port­ers show no recog­ni­tion of the issue being protest­ed , the killing of unarmed black and brown men by police across America.

Their actions are symp­to­matic of a time passed, when black men would be lynched while the crowds cheered on those doing the phys­i­cal lynch­ing. How dif­fer­ent are defend­ers of killer-cops from those who cheered these lynch­ings back in the 60’s , 50’s and beyond?

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”  ― Desmond Tutu
If you are neu­tral in sit­u­a­tions of injus­tice, you have cho­sen the side of the oppres­sor. If an ele­phant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neu­tral, the mouse will not appre­ci­ate your neu­tral­i­ty.”
― Desmond Tutu

They stood and cheered while the bod­ies of black peo­ple were muti­lat­ed and burned for no oth­er rea­son than the col­or of their skin. They are doing it today under the guise of sup­port­ing police and a need for jus­tice.

Their idea of jus­tice is every­one else doing what they demand.

If you are neu­tral in sit­u­a­tions of injus­tice, you have cho­sen the side of the oppres­sor. If an ele­phant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neu­tral, the mouse will not appre­ci­ate your neu­tral­i­ty.” 
― Desmond Tutu

One of the prob­lem with our peo­ple is our propen­si­ty to want to move on . What are we mov­ing on from ? What has changed since the 60s when they stood and cheered while our peo­ple were lynched ? Have you heard any of them ref­er­ence the issue which is front and cen­ter here? No their signs call for peace, what they want is for blacks to shut up and go away. Peace for them is dom­i­na­tion of black and brown peo­ple by white police , the more bru­tal the better.

There are things which blacks will invari­ably have to come to terms with in America. Chief among them is an under­stand­ing that their stand­ing in America will depend on them. You sim­ply can­not depend on the chil­dren and grand­chil­dren of those who killed and bru­tal­ized you to have your inter­est at heart. In poll after poll there is a marked dis­con­nect between how whites view the prob­lems which are crit­i­cal­ly ger­mane to blacks. At best whites are pre­dis­posed to blam­ing blacks for what­ev­er injus­tice is met­ed out to them. At worse they sup­port those who abuse us. When you view the age make­up of those who sup­port Darren Wilson you real­ize white racism is not going away. Blacks will have to make it go so deep under­ground it can­not grow. White Racism will not be sup­pressed if we kill each oth­er. It embold­ens them to cheap­en our lives.

th (14)White racism will not be sup­pressed if we con­tin­ue to shirk the oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able to be edu­cat­ed. They are edu­cat­ing their chil­dren. The President men­tioned the lack of job oppor­tu­ni­ties in many urban cen­ters , its impor­tant to have jobs, how­ev­er hav­ing a job does not insu­late a black man or woman from police abuse. Henry Louis Gates not­ed Harvard Professor was­n’t unemployed.

African Americans con­tin­ue to skirt around the real issues on the rare occa­sions they get the mega­phone. Lights , cam­era, action, they fail to make their own case for respect. They fall into the trap of adopt­ing the buzz terms their oppres­sors design to fit  peo­ple who come in to help them.

George Wallace and Bull O’Connor labeled Dr, King an out­side agi­ta­tor, Fox and oth­ers label peo­ple going into Ferguson to show their sol­i­dar­i­ty with demon­stra­tors out­side agi­ta­tors. Shockingly, some of the black demon­stra­tors have unwit­ting­ly gob­bled up this phys­i­o­log­i­cal term which has only one intent , that of mar­gin­al­iz­ing and weak­en­ing the protest action. Sure there were oppor­tunis­tic crim­i­nals there, they are every­where. Most crimes are crimes of opportunity.

we cannot ask murderers to stop killing us we must make them stop
we can­not ask mur­der­ers to stop killing us we must make them stop

Those who were loot­ing and com­mit­ting oth­er acts of crim­i­nal­i­ty were the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Ferguson Police and oth­er Agencies brought in to sup­press the Rights of cit­i­zens who were exer­cis­ing their first amend­ment rights . Instead of pro­tect­ing the rights of cit­i­zens to express them­selves freely, those agen­cies resort­ed to gestapo tac­tics, bru­tal­iz­ing and dis­re­spect­ing them.

Despite the dis­gust­ing behav­ior, (words and deeds) of cops on the ground, the rep­re­hen­si­ble Facebook post of oth­ers ‚and the bru­tal­i­ty they admin­is­tered to pro­test­ers and jour­nal­ists alike, there are peo­ple out there sup­port­ing them.

If you are a black per­son who have white friends who are sup­port­ive of these lynch­ings they are not your friends. If you speak out and take action against these mur­der­ing cops and your friends shun you, bid them a hap­py good­bye ‚they were not your friends.

Secure the future of your chil­dren and grand­chil­dren before you wor­ry about what oth­ers think of you.