Students Disappointed After HBCU Declines $1 Million Scholarship Donation From Papa John’s Founder

Louisville, KY — Simmons College, an HBCU in Kentucky, has report­ed­ly declined $1 mil­lion in schol­ar­ship funds that Papa John’s Pizza founder John Schnatter donat­ed ear­li­er this month. As a result, 10 stu­dents who were ini­tial­ly promised the schol­ar­ship will no longer receive the funds and they are disappointed. 

However, the admin­is­tra­tors at Simmons College said an inter­nal prob­lem between the com­pa­ny and its founder is what real­ly caused the can­cel­la­tion of the schol­ar­ship donation.

It felt as though some­one has tak­en weapons of mass destruc­tion and flown them into the hopes and dreams and aspi­ra­tions of some of America’s most vul­ner­a­ble stu­dents,” said President Rev. Kevin Cosby about the company’s appar­ent deci­sion to no longer make the donation.

But then, the restau­rant chain claimed that the admin­is­tra­tors at the col­lege were the ones who reject­ed the schol­ar­ship funds through email.

Thank you for our dis­cus­sions on how to help sup­port the stu­dents of Simmons College of Kentucky,” Von Purdy, Simmons’ direc­tor of devel­op­ment said in the email that was recent­ly released. “In light of recent news, it is best to decline your schol­ar­ships at this time and per­haps look at oth­er ways to part­ner in the future.”

Still, the col­lege main­tained that the email was sent only because a Papa John’s exec­u­tive told them to do so.

Despite what appears to be a mis­com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Papa John’s report­ed­ly made a dona­tion of $30,000 to the col­lege. It has yet been clear if the dona­tion will go toward the stu­dents’ scholarships.

Prior to that, John Schnatter, the founder and for­mer chair­man of Papa John’s Pizza, donat­ed $1 mil­lion to Simmons College. It comes about a year after he was forced to step down as chair­man of the restau­rant chain after he alleged­ly used the n‑word dur­ing a meeting.