Strong Message Sent

A packed gallery watching proceedings at yesterday’s meeting of the joint select committee reviewing the sexual offences legislation at Gordon House in Kingston. (PHOTO: BRYAN CUMMINGS)
A packed gallery watch­ing pro­ceed­ings at yesterday’s meet­ing of the joint select com­mit­tee review­ing the sex­u­al offences leg­is­la­tion at Gordon House in Kingston. (PHOTO: BRYAN CUMMINGS)

A pow­er­ful church group, backed by a gallery filled with sup­port­ers, yes­ter­day sent a strong mes­sage to the joint select com­mit­tee review­ing the sex­u­al offences leg­is­la­tion that it will not sup­port changes to cur­rent bug­gery pro­vi­sions. Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society’s (JCHS) spokes­woman Phillippa Davies urged Jamaicans to work towards the ide­al, and not low­er their stan­dards because oth­er Caribbean coun­tries may low­er theirs. The sub­mis­sion from the church group, which includes mem­bers of the Seventh-day and Pentecostal com­mu­ni­ties, insist­ed that “healthy and safe fam­i­lies, with mar­riage between a man and a woman at the cen­tre, can sin­gu­lar­ly and sig­nif­i­cant­ly address the con­cerns about care and pro­tec­tion of chil­dren, the elder­ly and dis­abled, and reduce domes­tic, sex­u­al, and oth­er forms of soci­etal vio­lence”. However, it was Opposition mem­ber of the com­mit­tee, Marisa Dalrymple- Philibert (Southern Trelawny), who stirred the Christians seat­ed in the gallery when she main­tained that “homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and Christianity are irrec­on­cil­able”. She said that peo­ple, there­fore, had to make their choic­es, but the Parliament must be on the side of the major­i­ty of the peo­ple. The approval of her state­ment from the gallery forced chair­man of the com­mit­tee, Senator Mark Golding, to warn the vis­i­tors against par­tic­i­pat­ing in the pro­ceed­ings, after which things set­tled down for the remain­ing three hours of the sit­ting. Read more here . http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com