Stokely Carmichael
Stokely Carmichael

Stokely Carmichael was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, on June 29, 1941. Carmichael rose to promi­nence as a mem­ber and lat­er the chair­man of SNCC, work­ing with Martin Luther King Jr. and oth­er Southern lead­ers to stage protests. Carmichael lat­er lost faith in the tac­tic of non-vio­lence, pro­mot­ing “Black Power” and ally­ing him­self with the mil­i­tant Black Panther Party.Famed civ­il rights leader StokelyCarmichael was born on June 29, 1941, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Carmichael’s par­ents immi­grat­ed to New York when he was a tod­dler, leav­ing him in the care of his grand­moth­er until the age of 11, when he fol­lowed his par­ents to the United States. His moth­er, Mabel, was a stew­ardess for a steamship line, and his father, Adolphus, worked as a car­pen­ter by day and a taxi dri­ver by night. An indus­tri­ous and opti­mistic immi­grant, Adolphus Carmichael chased a ver­sion of the American Dream that his son would lat­er crit­i­cize as an instru­ment of racist eco­nom­ic oppres­sion. As Stokely Carmichael lat­er said, “My old man believed in this work-and-over­come stuff. He was reli­gious, nev­er lied, nev­er cheat­ed or stole. He did car­pen­try all day and drove taxis all night& The next thing that came to that poor black man was death — from work­ing too hard. And he was only in his 40s.“http://​www​.biog​ra​phy​.com/​p​e​o​p​l​e​/​s​t​o​k​e​l​y​-​c​a​r​m​i​c​h​a​e​l​-​9​2​3​8​629.