It has been well over a month and still there has been no arrest in the killing of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, pic­tured above in hoodie.

Despite what appear to the aver­age onlook­er as enough to arrest, nei­ther the Sanford Police now out of the inves­ti­ga­tions, nor the spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor assigned to the case, has seen fit to do what the fam­i­ly and peo­ple all over this coun­try and the world are say­ing , arrest George Zimmerman !!

Instead we learn that there seem to be a colos­sal coverup and gross acts of impro­pri­ety by Sanford Police and oth­ers, to make the killing of Trayvon mar­tin go away.

We now know that George Zimmerman is the son of a retired Judge./ Interesting

We have learned that the lead Investigator want­ed to arrest Zimmerman but was over ruled by the pros­e­cu­tor who drove over 50 miles to over rule the lead investigator.

We are now told that the lead Investigator wrote an affi­davit detail­ing exact­ly what his find­ings were. In essence a cov­er your ass move.

We are told that the lead Investigator told some­one close to the fam­i­ly of Trayvon Martin that there are some stereo­typ­ing going on here. He obvi­ous­ly was dis­gust­ed with the way things were being handled.

We are told that Zimmerman claimed that he suf­fered a bro­ken nose and a bust­ed head, he alleged­ly told police that Trayvon Martin attacked him, knock­ing him to the ground, broke his nose pum­meled his head into the side­walk. He also claimed Trayvon attempt­ed to dis­arm him of his firearm and as such he was forced to kill Trayvon Martin.

Did Trayvon Martin know that Zimmerman have a firearm? If the answer is yes , did that not give Trayvon Martin even more right to fight like hell to defend his life?

We were for­mer­ly told that the Police stat­ed that Zimmerman had grass stains on the back of his jack­et and a bloody nose when they arrived. Yet a video record­ing released by the police shows George Zimmerman in the same jack­et 30 min­utes lat­er , there appeared to be no blood, and Zimmerman showed no signs that he was involved in a fight.

We are left won­der­ing who told who to say what?

Zimmerman’s father , broth­er, lawyer, and friend have all stat­ed that Zimmerman told them he was beat­en by Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman alleges he was forced to shoot Trayvon Martin. Despite Judge Zimmerman’s tes­ti­mo­ny on behalf of his son, he nev­er once men­tioned an apol­o­gy or empa­thy to the fam­i­ly of Trayvon Martin for the loss of their son.

Instead he sought to blame the President of the United States, the con­gres­sion­al black causus, the NAACP, and every­one whom have spo­ken out in defense of the rule of law, fair­ness equi­ty and the right of Trayvon Martin to the fun­da­men­tal right to life .

One won­ders what kind of Justice was dis­pensed to black peo­ple in Orange coun­ty Florida by Judge Zimmerman?

CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCECircumstantial evi­dence is direct evi­dence of a fact from which a per­son may rea­son­ably infer the exis­tence or nonex­is­tence of anoth­er fact. A per­son­’s guilt of a charged crime may be proven by cir­cum­stan­tial evi­dence, if that evi­dence, while not direct­ly estab­lish­ing guilt, gives rise to an infer­ence of guilt beyond a rea­son­able doubt.

As such, you draw your own con­clu­sion of a coverup either way you chose. The insult­ing thing to peo­ple’s intel­li­gence are the trans­par­ent attempts by the Zimmerman camp to impugn the integri­ty of the vic­tim Trayvon Martin. Clearly this is an effort to dis­tract peo­ple from the fact that a mur­der was com­mit­ted . This is a time-hon­ored ruse that have been used on African Americans for­ev­er and they have got­ten away with it, demo­niz­ing the vic­tim. Whenever a black man is mur­dered they trot out his crim­i­nal record , or make one up and in com­plic­it acqui­es­cence with the media we are made to believe that he had it com­ing to him because 30 years ago he was arrest­ed for fight­ing whilst in mid­dle school.

We see a sup­posed 53-year-old black man trot­ted out as a friend of Zimmerman . We see a black man giv­en the inter­im job of police chief . We see black peo­ple attest­ing to the fideli­ty and cred­i­bil­i­ty of the new state pros­e­cu­tor. These are smoke screen appease­ment meth­ods designed to quite dis­sent and noth­ing more. How many 53-year-old men have 28-year-old friends? How stu­pid and moron­ic do these peo­ple think we in the black com­muin­i­ty are?

STAND YOUR GROUND: Stand your ground is premised on the notion that a per­son being attacked has no duty to retreat and may use force to defend him/​herself. Hold that thought for a while.

George Zimmerman is a 28-year-old wannabe cop who has a record of three arrests one for resist­ing a police offi­cer with­out vio­lence. One for domes­tic vio­lence, and one arrest for resist­ing an offi­cer with vio­lence, in any oth­er place that is a felony yet all three arrests are mys­te­ri­ous­ly closed and we are told as we pon­der how this could hap­pen, that he is the legal owner/​car­ri­er of a semi auto­mat­ic weapon.

George Zimmerman had called 911 a total of 46 times over a peri­od of 56 days . That is a call placed to a 911 oper­a­tor every 1.217 days. Essentially George Zimmerman called 911 almost every day on aver­age. This pat­tern shows a man ter­ri­bly dis­turbed or ter­ri­bly obsessed with being a cop.

Zimmerman was told not to fol­low Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman was not appoint­ed as watch cap­tain , he appoint­ed himself.

Zimmerman ought not to have a gun even if he was a legit­i­mate watch captain.

Zimmerman had no legal author­i­ty to approach Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman had no legal author­i­ty to ask Trayvon Martin quote: “what are you doing around here“as explained by Trayvon Martin’s girl­friend who was on the phone with him as he told her he was being fol­lowed by a man.

I asked you to hold the “stand your ground thought”.

In light of the afore­men­tioned , who had an absolute right to stand his ground? Trayvon Martin did !

If Trayvon Martin had the right to stand his ground but end­ed up mur­dered , yet to date no one has been arrest­ed or charged for his killing.

We must ask our­selves does laws in America apply equi­tably to the pro­tec­tion of black people?

This is a legit­i­mate ques­tion, when­ev­er the rights of African-Americans are vio­lat­ed the strat­e­gy is to argue some­how that the aggriev­ed par­ty had no expec­ta­tion of pro­tec­tion of the very law that ought to be a shel­ter to pro­tect every­one. As we see in the Trayvon Martin case the vic­tim is once again the culprit.

This is noth­ing new, a Long Island New York Black man has been impris­oned for defend­ing his home. The inci­dent occured when a group of white thugs invad­ed his prop­er­ty in an attempt to kill his son. The law which gives every white home own­er the right to defend his home­st­ed , by shoot­ing first and ask­ing ques­tions lat­er, when that home stead is breached did not apply to that African American home own­er. All over America we see cas­es where the laws do not pro­tect all Americans, just cer­tain peo­ple. We must ask our­selves what kind of soci­ety dis­crim­i­nates against its own cit­i­zens? What kind of soci­ety allows law enforce­ment offi­cers and aver­age cit­i­zens the lat­i­tude to treat the life of cer­tain seg­ments of the soci­ety with impuni­ty and scant regard? What goes through the mind of a police offi­cer when he kills a 19-year-old col­lege stu­dent , despite the fact that they did not point their weapons on any of the white stu­dents involved in a so-called mele?

What caus­es a police offi­cer who pulls over a black man then ask what’s up guy? Not “how are you sir”? 

Many includ­ing the black intel­li­gentsia nuance and parse, refus­ing to call a spade a spade. The fact is, it is “entrenched and sys­tem­at­ic racism”, and it is learned behav­ior. We can­not fix what we fail to con­front, when the President of the United States says if I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin, he was say­ing I am the President of the United States and if my son was walk­ing through that com­mu­ni­ty he would have been gunned down just like Trayvon Martin was.

How many black pres­i­dents are we killing? How many black attor­ney gen­er­als are we killing? This has got to stop. As we speak there are protests spring­ing up all over the coun­try. The world is watch­ing and wait­ing for jus­tice American style. America must show the world that when it says it stands for jus­tice and human rights it is not just for a cho­sen few . America pur­ports to sow democ­ra­cy around the world but it must begin at home. America’s cred­i­bil­i­ty is on the line. The world is watch­ing while minori­ties are killed dai­ly in America because of the col­or of their skin, it can­not con­tin­ue to be just anoth­er day at the office.

There must be jus­tice for Trayvon Martin now. We are count­ing the days to see how long it will take, before George Zimmerman is arrest­ed and charged for the cap­i­tal mur­der of Trayvon Martin.