
I recent­ly wrote about what I per­ceive to be the selec­tive way Human Rights abus­es are report­ed and exposed by Groups Like The DC based Inter American Commission on Human Rights and Amnesty International based in London England .https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​m​y​w​p​b​l​o​g​/​?​p​=​6​2​1​8​#​r​e​s​p​ond.


Whether it is unlaw­ful Police Killings, or killings by States, The Inter American Commission on Human Rights and Amnesty International are sur­rep­ti­tious­ly silent when the killings occur in the United Sates and oth­er Industrialized nations. Herbert Smulls a Missouri inmate was put to death before his last appeal had been decid­ed . Smulls was alleged­ly on the phone with his Lawyer when he was tak­en away by Prison guards to the exe­cu­tion cham­ber. This hap­pened while the Supreme Court was sup­pos­ed­ly hear­ing his last ditch attempt for clemen­cy. Smulls was con­vict­ed for the killing of a Jeweler dur­ing a 1991 robbery.

Whether you believe in the death penal­ty or not is imma­te­r­i­al in this instance I believe . This inmate deserved due process. How could the state of Missouri move ahead with an exe­cu­tion when the accused had not exhaust­ed all his appeals? The Missouri Attorney General claims the state act­ed prop­er­ly. Smulls Attorney stat­ed how­ev­er, that this was the third time the state of Missouri had moved ahead with the exe­cu­tion of inmates who had not exhaust­ed their appeals

This rene­gade Justice gives cred­i­bil­i­ty and trac­tion to those opposed to the death penal­ty. Even those of us who are some­what pro-death penal­ty can­not in good con­science agree with a state cir­cum­vent­ing the law. What’s the hur­ry he was on death row all these years and enti­tled to his last appeal? What was the state of Missouri afraid of ? What was the rea­son the state moved to kill him while the high­est arbiter in the coun­try had not made it’s final deci­sion. Can we con­clude then, because it was a black man the State knew the Supreme court of the United States would not inter­vene? You see, this is why peo­ple in cer­tain com­mu­ni­ties do not believe that the sys­tem works for them. They have more than enough evi­dence the sys­tem works against them.

Yet despite these acts of obvi­ous crim­i­nal­i­ty by States, despite protes­ta­tions to the con­trary, no human rights agency had a sin­gle word of con­dem­na­tion, not a word of crit­i­cism. This was not just about Herbert Smulls the accused in this case. This was big­ger than him. This was about Justice and fair­ness. It was about the rule of law, it is about no one being above the law. Not even the state of Missouri.