State Of Dis-unity

President Obama delivers his 6th state of the union address courtesy photo
President Obama deliv­ers his 6th state of the union address
cour­tesy photo

After six years in office and hav­ing seen his par­ty lose the House and then the sen­ate in two elec­tion cycles, the pres­i­dent declared Tuesday night “This is a break­through year,“The shad­ow of cri­sis has passed, Tonight, we turn the page.”

The President did not seem per­turbed at the prospect of fac­ing for the first time in his pres­i­den­cy a con­gress con­trolled by Republicans.
Obama seemed in no mood to be pushed around, telling repub­li­cans if they pushed leg­is­la­tion he was opposed to like the key­stone pipeline project he would veto them. In some ways the Presidents speech seemed more like a plat­form for a third demo­c­ra­t­ic term, for whomev­er the par­ty choos­es as it’s stan­dard bear­er, than a state of the union address.
The President went into the address with a 46 % approval rat­ing , gas prices just over two dol­lars per gal­lon on aver­age, unem­ploy­ment at the low­est it has ever been since 1999 at the height of anoth­er democ­ra­t’s pres­i­den­cy, Bill Clinton.
Last year saw the strongest job growth in 15 years. The unem­ploy­ment rate dropped to 5.6 per­cent. Inflation was a not a fac­tor. And with gaso­line sell­ing for just over $2 a gal­lon in many parts of the coun­try, dri­vers are expect­ed to save hun­dreds of dol­lars at the pump this year.

President Obama delivers 6th state of the union address
President Obama deliv­ers 6th state of the union address

The President had every right to crow about his accom­plish­ments after all the econ­o­my is on steady foot­ing. The auto indus­try is roar­ing. Businesses are cre­at­ing jobs. More Americans have health care. There has been no ter­ror­ist attack on American soil on his watch thus far. Two wars of choice has ended. 
The pres­i­den­t’s leg­isla­tive accom­plish­ments are impres­sive. Whats more, he accom­plished what he did with no help from republicans. 
As most repub­li­cans sat on their hands their faces reg­is­ter­ing hatred for him and his suc­cess­es , President Obama stat­ed “I have no more cam­paigns to run”.This drew applause from repub­li­cans, Obama briskly shot back, “I know, because I won both of them.” In refrence to his two pres­i­den­tial campaigns.

The pres­i­dent was cor­rect to remind the half-wits on the oth­er side of the isle there was no dis­crep­an­cy with either of his elec­tions. Notwithstanding sup­posed Democratic Senator Joe Manchin WV, believes the pres­i­dent should have just laughed it off. Manchin hard­ly a demo­c­rat , told MSNBC mis­ter Obama should have joked with repub­li­cans , you know say­ing “come on guys that at least deserves a stand­ing ovation”.
Manchin believes the pres­i­dent should shuck and jive to white con­gres­sion­al rep­re­sen­ta­tives who hates his guts. Many observers believe Manchin, pro-coal, pro-gun for­mer Governor of West Virginia is no demo­c­rat. He has nev­er missed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to crit­i­cize the pres­i­den­t’s lead­er­ship style. With friends like Manchin who needs enemies.

President Obama talked about his belief in the good­ness of Americans, he told the world the state of the union is good. I won­der though, how truth­ful are these state­ments ? How good are a peo­ple who hate Eric Holder for telling them they are cow­ards for not address­ing racial hatreds? How good are a peo­ple who are con­tent to look the oth­er way, while scores of unarmed peo­ple are mur­dered by police, or worse, sug­gest they deserve what they got?

How good are a peo­ple who refus­es to address the intrin­sic hatred they har­bor, not just for peo­ple of oth­er races, but oth­er reli­gious beliefs and even dif­fer­ent though? 
How good are a peo­ple who go out to sup­port a movie about a sniper who killed scores of peo­ple over­seas. Yet can­not find it in their hearts to sup­port the movie “Selma“which tells the sto­ry of America’s great­est moral leader, even as they pay lip ser­vice to his life work? 

No mis­ter pres­i­dent , even as we recent­ly com­mem­o­rat­ed the life work of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, we must still be res­olute in telling America it is still a racist , xeno­pho­bic soci­ety which is quite will­ing to bomb oth­ers into obliv­ion from a dis­tance. Unconcerned about the lives of the innocent.
No Mister pres­i­dent those are not the traits of good peo­ple. Look no fur­ther than across the isle at many look­ing back at you,those are not good peo­ple, those are some of the most racist , hate­ful peo­ple any­where . There is much work to be done.