#StabbyGabby Spits, Slaps, Screams N‑Word And Pulls Knife On Black Family Over Parking Space

A woman was caught on video scream­ing the N‑word and pulling a knife on a black fam­i­ly in an Oregon park­ing lot, per­fect­ly encap­su­lat­ing white America’s shenani­gans in 2018.

On December 24, 20-year-old Emora Roberson cap­tured rare footage of what is either an irate racist albi­no fer­ret or a quick­ly decom­pos­ing white woman in the ear­ly stages of turn­ing into a White Walker. Roberson was in a car with her 15-month-old daugh­ter, her boyfriend and an aunt doing some last-minute Christmas shop­ping when the stage 1 zom­bie pulled up next to the fam­i­ly at a McMinnville, Ore. Dominos pizza.

Clad in a cam­ou­flage jack­et, track pants with two stripes, wrap­around sun­glass­es and dingy white shoes only worn by nurs­ing assis­tants, church ush­ers and senior cit­i­zens who exer­cise by walk­ing laps at the mall — the offi­cial uni­form of peo­ple who want to make America great — the sog­gy saltine woman pulled up next to the fam­i­ly in a hand­i­capped park­ing spot, obvi­ous­ly qual­i­fied by a tooth count that appeared to be in the low-to-mid teens.

According to Roberson, the enraged woman slapped and spit on her boyfriend, Keysuan Goodyear. Goodyear grew angry and warned the woman about her behav­ior and language.

The woman respond­ed by whip­ping out a knife.

That’s when Roberson said she began film­ing the inci­dent on her phone.

This bitch is real­ly try­ing to stab him,” Roberson com­ments as the enraged meerkat holds a knife in clear view. “It’s called self-defense, you stu­pid nig­ger butch” Tammy Two-Teeth responds before slam­ming the car door on Roberson.

Roberson’s boyfriend tells Debbie No-Dentist, who looks like a french fry at the bot­tom of the McDonalds bag, to stay away but his girl­friend warns him that they are in McMinnville. I don’t know where McMinnville is, exact­ly. But from the name alone, it sounds like a place where the sher­iff wears a cow­boy hat and black peo­ple know to “stay in their place.”

It’s not worth it today,” she warns her boyfriend. “We’re in a white-ass town.”“We even­tu­al­ly drove off. We still had Christmas shop­ping to do,” Roberson told Oregon Live. “My daugh­ter woke up and was cry­ing her head off.” Roberson said she con­tact­ed the local police depart­ment and alert­ed them that either Kellyanne Conway had left the Trump admin­is­tra­tion for a career on the lucra­tive meth-smok­ing cir­cuit, or there was a racist woman on the loose who had pos­si­bly bank­rupt­ed the Tooth Fairy.

On Saturday, KPTV announced that they arrest­ed 39-year-old Amber Rocco for the inci­dent and charged her with intim­i­da­tion, unlaw­ful use of a weapon, harass­ment and men­ac­ing. Her bail was set at $55,000 but I’m not sure if they have the right per­son. There’s no way the woman in that video is 39 unless they are count­ing in pos­sum years.

I real­ly hope they catch the real offend­er before she actu­al­ly stabs a vic­tim or bites some­one and turns more peo­ple into Zorro-zom­bies. I don’t want to tell the cops how to do their job but I’m bet­ting they could catch the actu­al sus­pect tomor­row if they just staked out con­ve­nience stores that sell Pall Mall cigarettes.I also don’t like to stereo­type but I’m bet­ting the woman’s in the video’s name is not Amber. Most Ambers have twen­ty-plus teeth. The woman in the video looks like a Gretchen. If not, I’m bet­ting on a hybrid name like SueEllen or MaryLou. But prob­a­bly Gretchen. 

Free Amber Rocco.

She has a den­tal appoint­ment tomor­row… I hope.
