St Elizabeth Senior Murders His Common-law Wife…

The body of 65-year-old live­stock farmer Patsy Donaldson-Powell was dis­cov­ered by her chil­dren at about 6:00pm on Saturday, February 29th.
According to police reports Ms. Donaldson Powell was killed by a 76-year-old man with whom she had a child.

Police say they received cred­i­ble evi­dence from eye­wit­ness­es who stat­ed that the accused was at her home ear­li­er that evening engag­ing in abu­sive behav­ior towards her.
Her chil­dren con­formed that the accused man has had a his­to­ry of abus­ing her even though he is mar­ried with chil­dren with whom he resides in Junction District, Saint Elizabeth.

The accused murderer,is a 76 ‑year-old man

Members of the deceased wom­an’s fam­i­ly report­ed that the police have been called more than once because the accused would beat her.
They not­ed that when­ev­er the man was warned by the police, he would return the next day and beg their moth­er to take him back”.

The house in which Ms Donaldson Powell was alleged­ly murdered