Republican Xenophobia

Steve King Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Iowa's 4th district
Steve King
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Iowa’s 4th district

Mid-term Elections sched­uled for November is like­ly to see Republican gains in the House and Senate. Yup , I know it is incred­i­ble to fig­ure out . For those of you who have an inter­est in what hap­pens in and to your lives as far as Politics goes, it is almost incom­pre­hen­si­ble. One of the hot but­ton issues on the table is Immigration Reform. Republicans have done noth­ing to work with the Administration to fix the bro­ken sys­tem. Despite Record depor­ta­tions, President Obama still have no Partner in Republicans. For years Republicans demand­ed that secur­ing the Borders must first be addressed. The President has done that. The Southern Border of the United States now looks like the Former East , West Berlin Border, replete with vehic­u­lar checks and all. In addi­tion the Administration has deport­ed over 1.5 mil­lion peo­ple in 6 years . More than any oth­er Administration. Still Republicans have refused to act, claim­ing that act­ing on Immigration Reform is Amnesty. There is much to be said about their hypocrisy , con­sid­er­ing this is a nation of immi­grants. What’s more the hero of their phi­los­o­phy Ronald Reagan, under­stood the need to reg­u­lar­ize the sta­tus of undoc­u­ment­ed peo­ple and grant­ed Amnesty to peo­ple liv­ing in the shad­ows dur­ing his presidency.

If there is a swing in these upcom­ing elec­tions it should be to boot these intran­si­gent racist Republican bums from office. If cur­rent pre­dic­tions are true that Republicans will gain seats and like­ly take the Senate, it means vot­ers would have reward­ed them for bad behav­ior. Sabotaging the econ­o­my through lock-downs. Not act­ing on Immigration. Not pass­ing a jobs Bill which would put hun­dreds of thou­sands of work­ers back to work. Republicans argue Amnesty reward peo­ple who break American laws by com­ing to the coun­try ille­gal­ly. Why should they be reward­ed for sab­o­tag­ing the country?



Sean-Hannity spreading hate and lies is a way of life for these people , they are profiting big time on the ignorance of their underclass
spread­ing hate and lies is a way of life for these peo­ple , they are prof­it­ing big time on the igno­rance of their underclass

There is a decid­ed strat­e­gy by Fox and Rupert Murdoch , to hire the most out­landish racist in an effort to pro­mote, and pro­mul­gate race bait­ing and race hate. In addi­tion to the raft of far right guests they fea­ture dai­ly all toward spread­ing hate. There are these two.

Bill O’ Reilly,and Sean Hannity, irre­spec­tive of the host, the bar­rage of mis­in­for­ma­tion and hatred is the same. The idea is to stir up hate in America. It is a tac­ti­cal deci­sion, they cal­cu­late, which will bring a loy­al and ded­i­cat­ed fol­low­ing to the net­work. It is based on the fun­da­men­tal under­stand­ing that to a large extent more than half of white Americans are out­right, or at best, har­bor clos­et­ed racial bias. It has worked thus far . The FOX radio net­work is also busy spread­ing the hate among the least edu­cat­ed most igno­rant of the white pop­u­la­tion. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly effec­tive among those who blame every­one but them­selves for their inabil­i­ty to crawl out of pover­ty despite white priv­i­leged. These are they who are still mired in pover­ty despite the mas­sive expan­sion of the American econ­o­my in the 1990’s dur­ing the Clinton Years. The ascen­dan­cy of Barack Obama to the pin­na­cle of white pow­er and minori­ties becom­ing a major­i­ty has dri­ven them nuts. It is a poi­soned well and it’s only going to get worse.

It is not unusu­al to see many of these peo­ple rail­ing against Government intru­sion in their lives , while many are lit­er­al­ly liv­ing off Government largess. Incredibly many of these peo­ple were rather upset at Obama when he sug­gest­ed rais­ing the tax rates on Americans mak­ing in excess of two hun­dred and fifty thou­sand dol­lars annu­al­ly. What makes it inter­est­ing is that among this crowd are lit­er­al­ly no top wage earners.

FOK has found fer­tile soil in this Xenophobic crowd who believe their prob­lems what­ev­er they are, are attrib­ut­able to immigrants.