Special Zones Law Will Pollute Once Peaceful Neighborhoods With Dangerous Criminals..

Jamaican media is reporting that the Island’s Prime minister Andrew Holness spooked by the climbing murder numbers and probably by questions from some quarters regarding the delay in implementing the Special Zones Law, is about to designate the first such zone.

According to the Observer, the Prime Minister had what was char­ac­ter­ized as a “very robust” meet­ing with 20 of the most senior mem­bers of the police high com­mand includ­ing Commissioner George Quallo.

I am inter­est­ed in learn­ing what exact­ly is meant by robust in that context.
According to the report, Holness cau­tioned the offi­cers about how they car­ry out strate­gic search­es in the declared zones and urged them not to let down the JCF with inap­pro­pri­ate behavior.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness

That lev­el of con­de­scen­sion only makes sense if you under­stand the lev­el of patron­iz­ing dis­dain with which these shit for brains politi­cians view the police.
Remember my stat­ed desire to know what con­sti­tut­ed robust in the con­text of that meeting?
This is where I would have told him where to go with that con­de­scend­ing atti­tude, was I one of those senior officers.

I under­stand the Prime Minister cheered the meet­ing before a sched­uled trip to the nation of Chile.
I hope Commissioner Quallo and his team cau­tioned him not to embar­rass our coun­try overseas.

It will be inter­est­ing to see how the announce­ment is made and how the secu­ri­ty forces will begin exe­cut­ing that strategy.
As I said yes­ter­day clear­ly the Special zones law was con­coct­ed as a far­ci­cal attempt to sti­fle out­cry at the bur­geon­ing mur­der statistics.


A seri­ous crime plan would have been designed to effec­tive­ly go into neigh­bor­hoods and do tar­get­ed intel­li­gence based sweeps with a view to con­fis­cat­ing ille­gal weapons and ammu­ni­tion, recov­er­ing stolen prop­er­ty and arrest­ing want­ed criminals.


This spe­cial zones law will see crim­i­nals leav­ing the des­ig­nat­ed zones with their weapons before the arrival of the secu­ri­ty forces. They will take with them the tools of their illic­it and nefar­i­ous trade, includ­ing what­ev­er con­tra­band they have to oth­er areas.
As a con­se­quence mur­ders and shoot­ings will osten­si­bly go down in the areas des­ig­nat­ed spe­cial zones and most impor­tant­ly for Andrew Holness, that will cre­ate an illu­sion of suc­cess.

What they will not point to is that the migrat­ing crim­i­nals will be pol­lut­ing the areas they migrate to with their heinous brand of criminality.
It is impor­tant that peo­ple all across the Island see and under­stand this for what it is.
It is a law designed to fool peo­ple into think­ing crime is on the decrease because cer­tain areas are flood­ed with cops and soldiers.

Residents in sleepy lit­tle towns and vil­lages must now look out for their own security.
Be on the look­out for strangers you have nev­er seen, form large groups and ask ques­tions of them with a view to deter­min­ing whether they are in your com­mu­ni­ties for the right reasons.
It is unfor­tu­nate that as a nation we have come to this but fail­ing to do so could be the dif­fer­ence between life and death for you and your families.


Understand that I am not in any way shape or form encour­ag­ing vig­i­lante justice.
I am say­ing ask ques­tions, your lives and that of your fam­i­ly may depend on it.
It is impor­tant that as com­mu­ni­ties you band togeth­er and work with local police offi­cers you can trust. Report strange per­sons present in your neighborhoods.
Unfortunately, your Government has tak­en the deci­sion to indi­rect­ly pol­lute your neigh­bor­hoods with crim­i­nals using a law it knows will have zero con­se­quen­tial effect on crime.