This Space Belongs To All Of Us…

cheryl beckles
cheryl beck­les

Message to the Masses

Here we are-one week after the 2016 elec­tion, which made Donald Trump the next President of the U.S. Many emo­tions were felt by those who vot­ed (and by those who did­n’t) and the emo­tions depend on who you vot­ed for. Many who vot­ed for Hilary are deeply dis­ap­point­ed, sad, anx­ious, and afraid. Those who vot­ed for Trump are most­ly jubi­lant, excit­ed, smug, proud, and opti­mistic. My mes­sage is to both groups of people.

To Hilary vot­ers: Feelings are fine, but don’t get stuck in your feel­ings. I too know what a grow­ing dread and shock it was to watch the results into the ear­ly hours of Wednesday morn­ing. Or to wake up to the results, and want to retreat back under the cov­ers, and not want to come out for a while-if ever! But we can­not stop in our tracks like we are engaged in the man­nequin game! We must push for­ward! Build coali­tions, be the best us we can be, and build our fam­i­lies and com­mu­ni­ties. We have been blessed to be awake and aware of the truth of the sys­tem-Michael Jackson said it-they don’t real­ly care about us. MJ was not just refer­ring to peo­ple of col­or, and nei­ther am I. He was talk­ing about the unde­served, the poor, those who are not part of the polit­i­cal estab­lish­ment, etc. So what’s new? And what are we going to do about it? We are a strong peo­ple. We have nev­er giv­en up, and we can’t give up now! We stand strong, and we push for­ward! We must hold our lead­ers account­able. We hold our­selves account­able first. We make plans for our fam­i­lies. Save: Money, Time, Yourself! We move towards self empow­er­ment, busi­ness own­er­ship, and sup­port of busi­ness­es that show us com­pas­sion and empa­thy. Unity is tan­ta­mount. Rhetoric should be min­i­mal; exchange words for action.

To Trump Supporters:

Mind your busi­ness, and your man­ners. I’m glad that you’re hap­py. I’m glad that you feel some­how vin­di­cat­ed-that ‘We got the White House Back’. Unless you’re talk­ing about the Republican par­ty got the White House ‘back’-watch your mouth. If you mean back from a Black Man-watch your mouth. There is an under­cur­rent of racist rhetoric behind that state­ment. And maybe you can say that under the cov­ers of your hood­ed gar­ment, but please, please, please: don’t start talk­ing reck­less to peo­ple of col­or out in these streets! Keep your dem­a­goguery to your­self and in the pri­va­cy of your home and with those who have the same racist beliefs. Respect folk. If I don’t know you-please do not think that it is appro­pri­ate to strike up a con­ver­sa­tion with me in the gro­cery store about pol­i­tics. I don’t know you like that…take care of your busi­ness, smile (or not), and keep it mov­ing. We all have to live in this world. Don’t delude your­self that you own the world. In the words of President-elect Trump-“Wrong!!!”

If you vot­ed for Trump for oth­er rea­sons; that he impressed you with his will­ing­ness to say what­ev­er racist, misog­y­nist, inap­pro­pri­ate and dis­re­spect­ful thing that he want­ed to say to human beings-that’s your busi­ness. No need to apol­o­gize-you vot­ed in what you felt were your best inter­ests. YOU cast your vote for this indi­vid­ual. Doesn’t mean I don’t like you. Doesn’t mean I hate you. Just means that you have to search your own soul to see if it’s OK for you to line up under some­one who is either a straight up ugly human being, or one who want­ed power/​money so bad­ly that he was will­ing to throw any­one under the bus to get it. That’s between you and your god who you serve. Teach your chil­dren, fam­i­ly and friends that hate is bad. That racism, big­otry, misog­y­ny and bul­ly­ing is not cool. Teach them that respect of their fel­low man is not option­al. This is YOUR job! Speak out against those white suprema­cists who are pulling off Muslim wom­en’s’ hijab’s, paint­ing swastikas on walls, bul­ly­ing non-whites, and telling Black peo­ple to ‘Go back to Africa; no non-whites allowed’, and Latino’s that a wall is com­ing, and that their par­ents are going to be deport­ed. This is YOUR job! To bring this coun­try togeth­er will most­ly take White peo­ple to stand against the sin of hate, and make it unpop­u­lar to be racist . But can this be done? When the admin­is­tra­tion is being filled with white suprema­cists, hate­mon­gers, and those whose past words and actions have shown them to be anti-any­thing not white. You have to live with your deci­sion. I’m guess­ing you’re proud of your­self. You vot­ed for some­one who sent out a dog-whis­tle to so-called white nation­al­ists, and is now try­ing to call it back, as Trump did on 60 Minutes this past week­end. Too late!!! He let then dogs out, and is now try­ing to dis­tance him­self from them. You know it’s bad when Glenn Beck declares the so-called alt-right to be DANGEROUS!!!

As we pre­pare our­selves for what’s ahead for this coun­try, we hope for the best. The seeds have been plant­ed. I am not sur­prised at the rhetoric..I am not sur­prised at the racist actions being tele­vised-this is noth­ing new. What I will be sur­prised at will be when White peo­ple stand up against wrong. When they show and prove that yes-America is bet­ter than this!!! Until then, I’ll wait…