South Carolina Judge Declares Mistrial In Murder Case Against White Cop Michael Slager Who Fatally Shot Walter Scott

A South Carolina judge Monday declared a mis­tri­al in the racial­ly-charged mur­der case against a white police offi­cer accused in last year’s con­tro­ver­sial shoot­ing death of an unarmed black motorist. Days after jurors told the judge they were dead­locked because a hold­out juror was unwill­ing to con­vict Michael Slager, the for­mer North Charleston offi­cer, accused of fatal­ly shoot­ing Walter Scott as he sprint­ed away, the judge reached the con­clu­sion that no ver­dict could be reached. Weary jurors on their fourth day of delib­er­a­tions, had sent a note to Judge Clifton Newman say­ing “the major­i­ty” were still unde­cid­ed on a verdict.

The pan­el of one black and 11 white jurors then asked Newman sev­er­al ques­tions, includ­ing Slager was charged with vol­un­tary manslaugh­ter in addi­tion to murder.‑1.2899461