Some Want To Divert Attention From The Real Cause Of Anger

James Woods
James Woods

Actor James Woods has tak­en to Twitter to lay blame at the feet of the Reverend Al

Rudolph Giuliani
Rudolph Giuliani

Sharpton for the killing of Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu,two NYPD cops.
Woods who is an admir­er of George W Bush and a groupie of for­mer New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
No sur­prise there, Giuliani went on FOX to declare that President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and Mayor Bill deBalasio are respon­si­ble for the killing of the two cops.
The racist xeno­phobe Woods has blamed the President for every­thing since he took office includ­ing a claim that the President is athreat to the future and integri­ty of the repub­lic”.  It’s not clear what this hag­gard train-wreck is expect­ing from mak­ing these wild unfound­ed accu­sa­tions. He makes them any­way, even while he claims he may nev­er work in Hollywood again.
This Jack-ass who claims Reverend Al Sharpton is a pig would know the smell of pigs if you ask me . He seem to spend a lot of time in Pig-pens from his rants and gen­er­al appearance.

Number 99 jersey Pantaleo killing Eric Garner with an illegal choke-hold while the other killers aided and abetted in the murder
Number 99 jer­sey Pantaleo killing Eric Garner with an ille­gal choke-hold while the oth­er killers aid­ed and abet­ted in the murder

The lying racial­ist Giuliani lashed out at Bill de Blasio, President Barack Obama, and Attorney General Eric Holder. Speaking on Fox News, Giuliani said:We’ve had four

Number 99 Pantaleo never released his hold until Garner was dead.  Staten Island jury? No harm no foul, nothing to see here ...
Number 99 Pantaleo nev­er released his hold until Garner was dead.
Staten Island jury?
No harm no foul, noth­ing to see here ...

months of pro­pa­gan­da start­ing with the pres­i­dent that every­body should hate the police.“He added, “They have cre­at­ed an atmos­phere of severe, strong, anti-police hatred in cer­tain com­mu­ni­ties, and for that, they should be ashamed of them­selves.

New York’s black com­mu­ni­ty and many who love jus­tice have demon­strat­ed their dis­gust for the un-just sys­tem which con­tin­ue to have two sets of rules , one for white res­i­dents and police and anoth­er for blacks and lati­no residents.
The lat­est sequence of events being the chok­ing death of Eric Garner at the hands of Daniel Pantaleo and his friends. It was a shock­ing and unmit­i­gat­ed evi­dence that Black and Latino men are being sum­mar­i­ly killed by NYPD cops and the sys­tem refus­es to hold them accountable.
Conversely the same NYPD have arrest­ed a Baruch College Professor and oth­ers, on the alle­ga­tions that they assault­ed mem­bers of their department.
The video used in that instance have been shaky and far less clear than that in the Garner case..
Despite the clar­i­ty of the video and the fact that the choke-hold has been banned for 20 years the cop has not been indicted.
That choke-hold was banned when anoth­er cop Francis Livoti killed Anthony Baez using a choke-hold, sim­ply because a foot­ball had struck the patrol car Livoti was in. Despite the ille­gal­i­ty of the tech­nique used by Pantaleo and the fact that Eric Garner was not com­mit­ting a crime, a grand jury impan­eled by Staten Island DA Daniel Donovan refused to return an indict­ment on what is clear­ly a case of unlaw­ful police homicide.

Admitted felon Michael Grimm is still a sitting congressman from Staten Island
Admitted felon Michael Grimm is still a sit­ting con­gress­man from Staten Island

The irony of the Staten Island grand jury’s hypocrisy, is that Eric Garner was choked to death alleged­ly for sell­ing loose cig­a­rettes, a minor white col­lar tax misdemeanor.

While the Borough over­whelm­ing­ly re-elect­ed the white Michael Grimm to the US Congress while he was under Federal indict­ment on Felony Tax charges. Grimm has since plead­ed guilty to a sin­gle count of aid­ing in the prepa­ra­tion of a false tax return in 2009 and also agreed to pay an unde­ter­mined amount of resti­tu­tion to the IRS and New York State on tax returns dat­ing from 2007 to 2010. Grimm faces a max­i­mum sen­tence of three years in prison and is set to be sen­tenced on June 8 Grimm a for­mer FBI Agent once threat­ened to throw a reporter off a bal­cony sim­ply for ask­ing about his felo­nious activ­i­ties. Under House Rules Grim who has pledged not to resign under pres­sure from democ­rats may not be allowed to vote in the house, even if he is allowed to keep his job. Grim’s case is arguably the high­est-pro­file pub­lic cor­rup­tion case in New York in decades by some estimates.

Eric Frien
Eric Frien This is the face of a real criminal
What was his crime?
What was his crime?

The admit­ted Tea-Party Felon was re-elect­ed to Congress. Eric Garner was mur­dered for unproven un-taxed cig­a­rette sales. Yea to the good law abid­ing peo­ple of Richmond County and oth­er areas who re-elect­ed a crim­i­nal. You know we like our white criminals.
None of the racists both­ered to men­tion the shoot­ing ambush of two State Troopers over in the Poconos a cou­ple months ago . One troop­er was killed the oth­er seri­ous­ly wound­ed when Eric Frien ambushed them dur­ing a shift change at their barracks.
Was it Obama , Holder, and Sharpton who insti­gat­ed that, where was Giuliani and the oth­er jack-ass Woods then?

The web­site (moth­er­jones reports that FBI data shows that, though African Americans are arrest­ed and incar­cer­at­ed at a high­er rate than whites, the major­i­ty of assailants who felo­nious killed police offi­cers in the past year were white.

If the NYPD and its apologists like Lupica and others want to point fingers for the department's troubles , here is a good place to start.
If the NYPD and its apol­o­gists like Mike Lupica of the Daily News and oth­ers want to point fin­gers for the depart­men­t’s trou­bles , here is a good place to start.

This fact would be lost on the race-baiter Rudolph Giuliani and the jack-ass James

Sean Bell a young family man murdered on his wedding day < NYPD may look here for the reasons people believe they are murdering liars
Sean Bell a young fam­i­ly man mur­dered on his wed­ding day < NYPD may look here for the rea­sons peo­ple believe they are mur­der­ing liars

Woods and the oth­er right wing boot-lick­ers for whom cops can do no wrong. When you live in a soci­ety where you are auto­mat­i­cal­ly giv­en a pass based on the col­or of your skin of course you are going to defend those who enforce your right to that entitlement[sic.

Giuliani nev­er made any attempts to hide the fact that he is an ene­my of the black com­mu­ni­ty. Neither has he in the years when he was Mayor or since he left the Mayoralty pre­tend­ed to like us. That is per­fect­ly okay, I can­not for the life of me see any­thing I would per­son­al­ly want to do with a Rudolph Giuliani. What I cer­tain­ly will not have is Giuliani tell me who I should have rep­re­sent me, and I darn sure do not care about some drunk­en atten­tion-seek­ing actor named James Woods.

Anthony Baez choked to death by Livoti all because his football struck the cop car Livoti was in. NYPD can look here
Anthony Baez choked to death by Livoti all because his foot­ball struck the cop car Livoti was in.
NYPD can look here

The Reverend Al Sharpton has report­ed he has received death threats. Sharpton’s has always stood up for racial jus­tice and fair­ness. Much to the cha­grin of Giuliani and oth­er white Racists who ben­e­fit from white privilege.

The black com­mu­ni­ty dis­joint­ed, dis­il­lu­sioned, and uncon­cerned about it’s future, is not immune to falling once again for the divi­sive nar­ra­tive of those who prop­a­gate racial hatred like Rudolph Giuliani

Akai Gurley These lives matter as much as any other , cop or whomever...
Akai Gurley
These lives mat­ter as much as any oth­er , cop or whomev­er...

and oth­ers. Many have already bought into the anti Sharpton lie Giuliani and his friends at FOX has ped­dled for years.
Many who now use Dr. King’s name lav­ish­ly and shame­less­ly, want­ed him dead when he spoke up about the injus­tice they cre­at­ed and nurtured.
They hate Al Sharpton because he is effec­tive in shin­ing a light on their inequity. They would not wor­ry about Sharpton if no one lis­tened to him. They revile him because he has the gall and temer­i­ty to stand and shine a light on their immoral­i­ty. During Dr, King’s time they called him every deroga­to­ry name they could think of . Nigger,Communist, white-pros­ti­tute-lov­ing-fraud, and those were the good names. They demand­ed that he com­mit sui­cide. When their coer­cion to sui­cide did­n’t work , they put a bul­let in him. Unfortunately for them, Dr. King’s words con­vict them today more-so than it did while he yet lived.