
Information com­ing out of Jamaica reveals that a machine alleged­ly used to man­u­fac­ture bul­lets and war-heads were seized at the Kingston Wharves. The Jamaica Gleaner report­ed on the find­ings ‚yet I am unsure what the report meant by war-heads. every pro­jec­tile used in any weapon which is launched with the pur­pose of killing or caus­ing harm may be char­ac­ter­ized as a war-head. As such I found the Gleaner’s report­ing infan­tile and woe­ful­ly lack­ing in clarity.The report­ing indi­cates Custom offi­cers sim­ply hap­pened on the cache, they did not make the dis­cov­ery as part of a sys­tem­at­ic or con­cert­ed effort to erad­i­cate the pos­si­bil­i­ty of such con­tra­band enter­ing the Island. This did not stop the head of Customs from brag­ging about increased vig­i­lance on the part of his officers.


Police spokes-per­son DSP Steve Brown.

Anyone in the know must snick­er at the notion that Jamaican cus­toms are vig­i­lant. I would wager they were look­ing to see what they could steal from unsus­pect­ing ship­pers. The hap­less police not to be out­done issued a state­ment about the find. They claimed they were ask­ing their over­seas coun­ter­parts for help with the inves­ti­ga­tions and were active­ly look­ing for one man from Manchester whom they believe may be able to aid them in their inves­ti­ga­tions. Where have we heard this form-state­ment before? Why would they name the per­son they are look­ing for or even where he is from, why not sim­ply find the per­son tie him to the find if pos­si­ble and tie up the inves­ti­ga­tions? Nah that would actu­al­ly require that they show a lit­tle com­mon sense and we know the police have con­sis­tent­ly demon­strat­ed they are inca­pable of show­ing com­mon sense.


  1. The Customs Department has a Contraband Enforcement Team. This team was cre­at­ed in the late 1980 to detect/​prevent con­tra­band traf­fick­ing via Jamaican Ports. This team is very proac­tive I have worked with them for many years in my capac­i­ty of Chief Enforcement Officer for the Government of Jamaica with the respon­si­bil­i­ty of pro­tect­ing exports, the postal sys­tem and the gen­er­al­ly Jamaica’s Industry and Commerce.

  2. If police do not have com­mon sense what does that tell you about the future of this coun­try, as police comes from the mass­es of the peo­ple in this coun­try and it also means they don’t have and show com­mon sense in their dai­ly routine.Every orga­ni­za­tion is on the backs of the police so they prob­a­bly are try­ing to show trans­paren­cy by giv­ing the per­son the chance to come in freely and tell what he knows.

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