Soldiers Arrested In Massive Marijuana Bust

There are reports uncon­firmed by us that sug­gest there was a shootout between a group of sol­diers and police offi­cers in Vineyard District the Parish of Saint Elizabeth.
According to the ini­tial report­ing that is still murky, Police received reports that Soldiers were trav­el­ing in Service Vehicle 9 JDF 49 with quan­ti­ties of veg­etable like sub­stance resem­bling marijuana.
They were inter­cept­ed by mem­bers of the (JCF), the sol­diers, are report­ed to have opened fire at the police officers.

The cops returned fire, which dam­aged the JDF vehi­cle, accord­ing to the report­ing there were no casu­al­ties or facil­i­ties. The sol­diers involved have report­ed­ly been arrested.

More to come…