Six Months Of Policing Our Way And Real Jamaicans Can Judge For Themselves.….

There is a State of Emergency in St James Parish, [no scratch that] it is now (enhanced secu­ri­ty), we can­not for­get that.
Remember that the forty-six-year-old (46) Prime Minister Andrew Holness prides him­self in remind­ing us that he is from a new Generation with dif­fer­ent ideas. Not to for­get also that right there in Salem St James was the very first so-called (ZOSO) ini­ti­at­ed, we are not sure how that is pan­ning out.

There is also a brouha­ha brew­ing about the appoint­ment of an act­ing Chief Justice, in the per­son of Justice Bryan Sykes for the Supreme Court. Now all of the Constitutional experts, Clergy, and polit­i­cal pun­dits have come out with their opin­ions of dire con­se­quences as a result of the PM’s actions.
Yadda, yad­da the sky is falling, when in actu­al­i­ty there is absolute­ly noth­ing wrong with the Prime Minister installing an act­ing Supreme Court chief jus­tice while a search is fine-tuned. One which should not exclude the emi­nent Justice Sykes.
The argu­ment that the search should have been going on ahead of time as the term lim­its of sit­ting chief jus­tices is well known is a legit­i­mate debate to have.

In the mean­time, the crime sit­u­a­tion is cen­ter stage, as the search is sup­pos­ed­ly in earnest for a new Commissioner of Police after Commissioner George Quallo decid­ed he could no longer car­ry the bas­ket he was giv­en to car­ry water.
Even as the search is in earnest for a Commissioner the Police Service Commission’s [PSC’s] mem­ber­ship is yet to be decided.
Local media Reports indi­cate the Prime Minister will make the appoint­ments soon with Professor Gordon Shirley, as chair­man. Dr. Marshall Hall. Retired Rear Admiral Peter Brady.Reverend Dr. Maitland Evans. And Anthony HarriottThe dis­re­spect­ful fraud who recent­ly labeled the entire police depart­ment “tox­ic” Has not issued an apol­o­gy nor has he been asked to.

Anthony Harriot termed the JCF tox­ic has­n’t apologized.

Of note is the not too dif­fi­cult to spot slight, that of all of the retired com­mis­sion­ers and oth­er senior-lev­el retired offi­cers in the coun­try, no one is being con­sid­ered to serve on the commission.
This fits into the nar­ra­tive of Andrew Holness’s dis­dain for the police and may be summed up with local media push­ing for a mil­i­tary leader to be once again placed in charge of the police department.
To do some­thing once, and fail is, .….…… well not prob­lem­at­ic. To do the very same thing and expect a dif­fer­ent result from the first is sil­ly. To attempt the same a third time is utter­ly stu­pid and bone­head­ed some­thing I do not place out­side Holness’s modus operandi.

Hardly Lewin JDF turned com­mis­sion­er, FAILURE.

Trevor Macmillan JDF

If they think that crime is high now let them place anoth­er sol­dier above the men and women in the JCF and they will see what God they are serving.
In fact, local media is ecsta­t­ic about their sup­port for a mem­ber of the mil­i­tary by point­ing to the JDF’s report­ing on the State of Emergency in St James.
They are gid­dy that in some instances the police offi­cers are cut out of brief­ing frames.
This, the media claim is as a result of police corruption.This writer did not miss it,I report­ed on it weeks ago.

Terrence Williams

The fal­la­cy of this chaos and dis­re­spect is summed up in an arti­cle writ­ten for the [Observer] by a local faith leader (monikered H Morgan)

Nothing that we have tried thus far has worked to per­ma­nent­ly quell the ram­pant spate of mur­ders that has for too long held our beau­ti­ful island home in a vice-like grip of fear and under­de­vel­op­ment. The many crime stud­ies and crime plans have not worked. Changing the Government, min­is­ters of nation­al secu­ri­ty and com­mis­sion­ers of police has not worked. Change in leg­is­la­tion, along with the intro­duc­tion of harsh­er penal­ties, has not worked. Killer cops who alleged­ly oper­at­ed death squads have not worked. Security oper­a­tions and cur­fews have not worked. Zones of spe­cial oper­a­tion have not worked, except in the imme­di­ate locale where they have been imple­ment­ed. Now, the Government has imposed a state of pub­lic emer­gency in the parish of St James. But past expe­ri­ence with this par­tic­u­lar response sug­gests that it too will not work. We are left with prayer but we have been pray­ing for a long time.

Now there is so much wrong here which I will address but it is impor­tant to grasp that this min­is­ter believes that the answer to the nation’s crime prob­lem lies in ( Pleading with dons, gun­men and shottas ).
Mind you these are the folks who are shap­ing pub­lic pol­i­cy, the peo­ple’s opin­ions that are lis­tened to on the Island.
More impor­tant­ly, it is that mind­set which guides the PrimeMinister’s think­ing. Shockingly this UWI indoc­tri­nat­ed ide­o­logue bone­head­ed­ly believes that there is a way to stop the doped up mon­sters with­out squash­ing them like bugs.

Andrew Holness

To begin with, the entire lay­out of fail­ures which this Parson claimed have not worked, absolute­ly could not work with­in the frame­work of the decrepit sys­tem which exists in the country.
Placing beau­ti­ful antique fur­ni­ture in a leaky old house result in destroyed antiques.
After all of their advo­ca­cy, the best we have now is prayer and plead­ings with dons and shottas?
In what coun­try does the gov­ern­ment beg crim­i­nals to stop killing people?
I say give us a chance. I echo for­mer SSP Adams, six-months, that’s it.
See that these are not real gang­sters, not real thugs but snivel­ing lit­tle bitch­es who are allowed to do as they please because the Government refus­es to car­ry out its pri­ma­ry func­tion of pro­tect­ing the nation from these punks..

Set anger aside, I feel drained, total­ly emp­ty, that this is where we are on this when the solu­tions to the crime sit­u­a­tion are right in front of our eyes.
The idea that all have failed is not the prob­lem, the issue is that they con­tin­ue to be stuck in the mind­set that the things they tried were, in fact, use­ful solu­tions to the problem.
The 46-year-old Holness, a prod­uct of the University of the West Indies him­self, was raised to have no respect for the police. His rhetoric has not only demon­strat­ed that dis­re­spect it has demon­strat­ed his will­ing­ness to con­tin­ue on this fools-fol­ly of a gloved hand approach he has been on.


This writer has sub­mit­ted a (12 point plan out­line) to the Government which I have offered as a frame­work to begin a dis­cus­sion on in assess­ing how the crime Monster may begin to be tamed. Since then oth­er plans have emerged to include the PNP’s plan(which I haven’t seen ), as well as a plan sub­mit­ted by for­mer Deputy Commissioner of Police Mark Shields a British cit­i­zen who was sec­ond­ed to Jamaica.
Shield’s plan sound­ed eeri­ly rem­i­nis­cent of a plan already in the pub­lic space but I digress.

Remove the shack­les from the police.


(1) Shore up the ports of entry, effec­tive­ly stop­ping the guns com­ing in illic­it­ly and hold those gains.

(2) Tactically cor­don the areas to be searched then go in with trained Dogs to find the weapons and arrest offenders.

(3) Stagger where the secu­ri­ty forces go at any giv­en time, it should not be based sole­ly on the area with the high­est num­ber of killings.
By doing so you min­i­mize the like­li­hood that your next move can be anticipated. 

(4) Remove from the Prime Minister the pow­er to decide where the secu­ri­ty forces go in the ZOSO.
It mat­ters not that the PM sup­pos­ed­ly acts on the advice of the Security Council.
This Act hyper politi­cizes polic­ing and gives the next par­ty to hold pow­er the abil­i­ty to engage in tit-for-tat using the secu­ri­ty forces to car­ry out their nefar­i­ous bidding.
As long as secu­ri­ty oper­a­tions are green-light­ed by politi­cians those oper­a­tions stand to be politicized. 

(5) Stop the grant­i­ng of bail to accused mur­der­ers and oth­er dan­ger­ous felons. An inde­pen­dent judi­cia­ry is extreme­ly impor­tant to any democ­ra­cy, yet the judi­cia­ry can­not oper­ate with­out account­abil­i­ty to the people.
Judges can­not be allowed to release crim­i­nals as they see fit while argu­ing bail is not a penal­ty, there are built-ins in the Bail act to keep vio­lent offend­ers behind bars.

(6) Stop dem­a­gogu­ing the secu­ri­ty forces. Give the Police the assur­ance they need that the Government and oppo­si­tion sup­port their efforts.
Use the air­waves to edu­cate the peo­ple about the ben­e­fits of adher­ing to the rule of law. Make it clear to crim­i­nals they have no safe haven.
Demand greater account­abil­i­ty from the Police high command.

(7) Stop giv­ing the nation the impres­sion that effec­tive hard-nosed polic­ing which arrest crim­i­nals and places them in jail is anti­thet­i­cal to cit­i­zens human rights.
The great­est right a per­son has is the right to life. You have no right if you are dead, as such the coun­try must place it focus­es on remov­ing from its midst the mind­less killers and throw its sup­port behind law enforcement.

(8) Citizens must be edu­cat­ed to desist from cor­rupt­ing pub­lic offi­cials, to report police and oth­er pub­lic offi­cials who ask for bribes.
Do not offer to bribe pub­lic offi­cials. Repeal the INDECOM Act, debate and pass a new law with safe­guards for the police. Ensure that the agency is total­ly unbi­ased and neutral.

(9) Enact truth in sen­tenc­ing for cer­tain cat­e­gories of vio­lent crimes.
Mandatory 25 years to life for mur­der, 20 years for all crimes com­mit­ted with a gun.
This is absolute­ly nec­es­sary since the nation’s lead­ers have decid­ed to go against the wish­es of the peo­ple and have declared a mora­to­ri­um on hanging.
Twenty years min­i­mum for any crimes com­mit­ted using a firearm.

(10) Look at the US Rico statute, and draft a law which mod­els that statute effec­tive­ly pros­e­cut­ing gang­sters as a crim­i­nal enter­prise as the Rico Statute does.

(11) Institute Mandatory National Identification pro­gram, law enforce­ment needs to be able to iden­ti­fy each and every Jamaican.

(12) Remove all polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence from law enforce­ment. What this admin­is­tra­tion is doing is even more polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence not less.

One thought on “Six Months Of Policing Our Way And Real Jamaicans Can Judge For Themselves.….

  1. St. Andrew Holiness and the JLP gov­ern­ment also the PNP par­ty mem­bers of par­lia­ment are respon­si­ble for the DECADENT BEHAVIOR, cud­dling, and in bed with the crim­i­nals there. 

    The rea­son why they want a mem­ber of the Jamaican Defense Force to lead the Jamaican Constabulary Force and it’s mem­bers ; is because they want some­one who’s going to be leader of the police force to put the nail into the coffin.

    Remember before Dr. Williams was forced out, the “Boasie Slave Bobby Montaque” said that “Dr. Carl Williams can give the Jamaican gov­ern­ment a gift by sign­ing the agree­ment by giv­ing INDECOM exclu­sive access to the police offi­cers at any time, any where, and any day.” The Jamaican Labor Party gov­ern­ment did not get the sign agree­ment from the for­mer Commissioner of Police. 

    The Jamaican Labor Party gov­ern­ment thought that Mr. George Quallo was going to sign away the rights of the men and women of Jamaican Constabulary Force and that’s what infu­ri­ate the government. 

    So, to get some­one who is going to sell out the mem­bers of the Jamaican Constabulary Force is to get some­one who is not from with­in the department. 

    If you notice that the spoke per­son­’s giv­ing details of the oper­a­tions in Jamaica are not mem­bers of the Jamaican Constabulary Force, but the Jamaican Defense Force. 

    Imagine that the police force tak­ing orders from the Jamaican Defense Force? 

    The police force has been dis­re­spect­ed, maligned, belit­tle, den­i­grate, and it is inten­tion­al­ly done by the Crime Minister St. Andrew Holiness whose poli­cies are in the pub­lic domain. Actions speak loud­er than words and he is not a friend of the Jamaican Constabulary Force and it’s members. 

    To the “licky, licky, uncon­scionable depraved mind­ed ” police offi­cers who are pro­vid­ing secu­ri­ty for the Prime Minister are TRAITORS to them­selves, the Jamaican Constabulary Force and it’s mem­bers, their imme­di­ate fam­i­ly mem­bers, and Jamaica on a whole. 

    The Jamaican Constabulary Force and it’s mem­bers must make sure that the crim­i­nals con­tin­ue to do what the gov­ern­ment wants them to do: Extort, Rob, and mur­der their fel­low Jamaicans. 

    The Jamaican Prime Minister St. Andrew Holiness is a threat to the Jamaican peo­ple and Constitution and law abid­ing cit­i­zens. The Jamaican crim­i­nals have a friend in the Jamaican gov­ern­ment and its the Prime Minister.

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