Continuing our series on events hap­pen­ing around the world, we look today at Sink-Holes.

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Sink-holes have popped up all around the world . In case after case Scientists and local offi­cials have explained the rea­sons that the holes have appeared.


In Russia, the ground moves you. Berezniki’s sink­hole began in 1986 and just grows worse with each pass­ing year. It’s unstop­pable. Currently it’s over 200m deep, 80m long and 40m wide. In case you’re think­ing “Berezniki? Who cares?” you should know that 10% of the world out­put of potash comes from this area, and the sink­hole is very close to destroy­ing the mine’s sole rail line.

sinkhole-665x385ABC news 7 reports that the homes that are pre­car­i­ous­ly bal­anc­ing on the edges of the sink­hole in Sumter County are locat­ed in the retire­ment com­mu­ni­ty known as The Villages, and what start­ed as just a tiny open­ing in the earth a few weeks ago quick­ly turned into a rag­ing maw of doom. Giovanni Velocci, a neigh­bor who lives across the street from the two homes, said he was on his morn­ing walk when he noticed the sink­hole that had opened up the pre­vi­ous night.
Read more at http://​www​.inquisitr​.com/​1​2​2​0​5​7​1​/​s​i​n​k​h​o​l​e​-​i​n​-​o​r​l​a​n​d​o​-​t​h​r​e​a​t​e​n​s​-​t​o​-​d​e​v​o​u​r​-​h​o​m​e​s​/​#​s​h​M​v​O​t​I​k​R​3​T​I​w​R​c​Y​.99

A sinkhole in the centre of Guatemala City that swallowed a three-storey building in May 2010. Photograph: Luis Echeverria/AP
A sink­hole in the cen­tre of Guatemala City that swal­lowed a three-storey build­ing in May 2010. Photograph: Luis Echeverria/​AP

These are just a few of hun­dreds of instances where Giant sink­holes have appeared in ran­dom places . These events have Scientists baf­fled . In some cas­es Authorities are able to fig­ure out why they appear, but in oth­ers their appear­ance leaves Authorities baffled.

An engineer surveys in front of the home where a sinkhole opened up late Thursday near Tampa, Fla. A man who had been in one of the home's bedrooms screamed for help and disappeared. It's feared he died.
An engi­neer sur­veys in front of the home where a sink­hole opened up late Thursday near Tampa, Fla. A man who had been in one of the home­’s bed­rooms screamed for help and dis­ap­peared. It’s feared he die

What does the Bible say about these events?

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Matthew 21:25 – 28
And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars: and on the earth dis­tress of nations, with per­plex­i­ty, the sea and the waves roar­ing. Men’s heart’s fail­ing them for fear and the expec­ta­tion of those things which are com­ing on the earth, for the pow­er of the heav­ens will be shak­en. Then they will see the son of man com­ing in a cloud with pow­er and great glo­ry. Now when these things begin to hap­pen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemp­tion draws near.”

We ignore these events to our detriment !