Single Mom Tried To Kill Herself And Her 5 Children After Learning Her Boyfriend Is Married

Many peo­ple were shocked when Itasha Brunson, a moth­er of five from Mississippi, doc­u­ment­ed her attempt to take the lives of her­self and her five chil­dren on Facebook Live. She says that she want­ed to com­mit sui­cide after find­ing out that her boyfriend was already mar­ried. Moments lat­er, she was involved in a very seri­ous car accident.

In the almost-20-minute video, Brunson said that she want­ed to com­mit sui­cide and decid­ed to also include her daugh­ters as she want­ed some­one to “come with her.”

After post­ing her live video, Itasha report­ed­ly was involved in a mul­ti-car acci­dent on I‑240 in Memphis, Tennessee, accord­ing to The Courier Daily. Brunson was report­ed­ly tak­en to the hos­pi­tal with two of her chil­dren for treat­ment on their non-crit­i­cal injury.

After receiv­ing back­lash online, Brunson claimed that she didn’t real­ly want to com­mit sui­cide and was just bad­ly hurt upon know­ing that her boyfriend was actu­al­ly a mar­ried man.

Many peo­ple were con­cerned about her men­tal health fol­low­ing the inci­dent. Others said she just want­ed atten­tion, for which she said she felt they were judg­ing her too harsh­ly. A GoFundMepage has been set up under her name.(adapted)