Since The Govt, Refuses To Act Law Abiding Jamaica Must Take Steps To Take Back Our Country.…

Well, over a year ago, Horace Chang told the Jamaican peo­ple quote,” you haf­fi give Tony a chance.” The state­ment was made amidst con­tin­u­ing esca­lat­ing homi­cide num­bers and oth­er crimes. Horace Chang is a med­ical doc­tor who is also the nation­al secu­ri­ty minister.
In the same breadth, Chang is a mem­ber of par­lia­ment for one of the most dan­ger­ous crime-rid­den gar­risons in Saint James and the entire country.
Law-abid­ing Jamaicans had no choice in decid­ing whether ‘Tony’ deserved a chance to remain in the cushy job of Police Commissioner. The cabal that makes deci­sions on those mat­ters had already giv­en him a fresh three-year con­tract. He was reaf­firmed to a job he is not qual­i­fied for. He was nev­er a police offi­cer, nor has he any train­ing in law enforce­ment or law.
Antony Anderson was head of the Island’s mil­i­tary, a force of rough­ly 3’000 sol­diers. The Island’s prime min­is­ter ele­vat­ed him to nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er, a post that was a first for Jamaica and cre­at­ed just for him.
Despite Antony Anderson’s lack of polic­ing bona fides, the Services Commission approved an $18 mil­lion annu­al salary pack­age for him, one that exceed­ed the salary of any for­mer police commissioner.
Not only did the Service Commission approve the com­par­a­tive­ly hefty pay pack­age for Anderson, it resist­ed reveal­ing the details of the pack­age, under the guise that there is a need for pri­va­cy, even though the Jamaican peo­ple are foot­ing the bill.

Under pres­sure by media enti­ties using the free­dom of infor­ma­tion act (FOA), the Commission caved and released the details of Anderson’s pay package.
It is impor­tant to remem­ber that Antony Anderson is on his sec­ond con­tract, and his con­tract includes pro­vi­sions for his per­for­mance to be assessed. It reaf­firmed his duties as the oper­a­tional com­man­der of the force. Still, it express­ly not­ed that he was to under­take oth­er jobs stip­u­lat­ed in terms of ref­er­ence and per­for­mance tar­gets nego­ti­at­ed with the per­ma­nent sec­re­tary in the Ministry of National Security. Anderson must also com­ply with any agreed per­for­mance appraisal sys­tem the PSC requires and pro­vide the com­mis­sion, par­lia­men­tary com­mit­tees, or oth­er author­i­ties with reports as directed.
[Performance tar­gets], the only way Anderson can ratio­nal­ly con­tin­ue in his job is if those tar­gets mean he must to per­form poor­ly. Based on whats hap­pen­ing in Jamaica with vio­lent crime.
There is an inex­plic­a­ble well of good­will for Anderson, even among for­mer mem­bers of the force and the wider soci­ety. This good­will nev­er exist­ed for for­mer police com­mis­sion­ers of police, and that has kept Anderson at the head of the Constabulary even as his record of per­for­mance becomes more and more abysmal.
Former mem­bers, too, have con­sumed the prover­bial cool-aid, falling for hype and charis­ma, where data-dri­ven per­for­mance was the require­ment for for­mer com­mis­sion­ers who came up through the ranks.

I have no ani­mus toward Commissioner Anderson; I intend only to lay bare the facts for the Jamaican peo­ple to come to their own con­clu­sion on this exis­ten­tial mat­ter of vio­lent crimes.
I am sure that were I giv­en a job for which fail­ure was not a prob­lem and paid $18 mil­lion annu­al­ly, I would do my darn­d­est to keep that job. It is not Anderson’s fault.
His boss, Horace Chang, who stud­ied med­i­cine and whom a for­mer col­league remind­ed me once referred to the police as glo­ri­fied secu­ri­ty guards, is reap­ing the same rewards of hold­ing a job for which he has zero qualifications.
However, in Jamaica, a degree in one thing qual­i­fies the hold­er for everything!
Speaking at a non­sense con­fer­ence head­lined From Force to Service put on by the Caribbean Policy Research Institute in part­ner­ship with the Institute of Criminal Justice and Security in September of 2018, Horace Chang said the following;
The JCF was large­ly designed to pro­tect the inter­ests of prop­er­ty own­ers, “where we trained them for six months in mil­i­tary drill, gave them some dis­ci­pline, gave them a big pine baton and a Lee Enfield rifle, and then we com­plain that they shoot or beat up somebody.” 
“Now we have to reori­ent that, retrain and restruc­ture the force to accom­mo­date the young pro­fes­sion­als who are inter­est­ed in law enforcement.”
This guy could eas­i­ly be talk­ing about some dogs, but he was talk­ing about the Islands police offi­cers..…..

Horace Chang back­tracked and blamed the media in the ensu­ing brouha­ha from the police and its rank-and-file union.
Chang told the union that the media report­ing made it seem like his com­ments were about the cur­rent mem­bers of the JCF, as opposed to the sys­tem and struc­ture of the force.’

In oth­er words, Chang told them, do not believe your lying ears; believe what I tell you.
And so, we face this exis­ten­tial cri­sis of our coun­try being the most mur­der­ous of all the coun­tries with­in the Caribbean and Latin-American region, which is the most vio­lent region on our plan­et. In the most vio­lent region on Earth, Jamaica is the most violent.
As Jamaicans, we must come togeth­er to save our coun­try in the face of the bla­tant abdi­ca­tion of duty by those elect­ed to lead.
I con­tin­ue to speak to the dam­age that the University of The West Indies con­tin­ues to do, not just to Jamaica but to Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, and all across the Caribbean with its left­ist teach­ings that cod­dle criminals.
Throughout Jamaica and the Caribbean, the same strain of left­ist garbage can be found in the lead­ers that insti­tu­tion turns out to destroy the region with lib­er­al left­ist poli­cies that aid and abets transna­tion­al criminals.
The brain­wash­ing from that sin­gle insti­tu­tion now dom­i­nates all aspects of nation­al life. This includes not just law enforce­ment but the kinds of laws writ­ten and passed and how they are enforced.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.