Simpson Miller Insultingly Cynical:

Portia some­times defy her crit­ics with her cun­ning. What she lacks in intel­lect she cer­tain­ly has in street smarts. Of course it is insult­ing to sug­gest that the roll-out of this crash pro­gram give away, is not done to pay for votes in the upcom­ing local gov­ern­ment elec­tions. Most impor­tant­ly it would cer­tain­ly look bad­ly on her and her par­ty if all the par­ty hacks were seen wear­ing par­ty col­ors. Telling them not to wear the gang col­ors is dubi­ous and cer­tain­ly cynical.

Jamaica’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller(glean­er pho­to)

PRIME MINISTER Portia Simpson Miller has issued a call for peo­ple employed on the Jamaica Emergency EmploymentProgramme (JEEP) to refrain from appear­ing par­ti­san on work sites.“I want to make an appeal that nobody must wear par­ty colours on the JEEP pro­gramme. It is Jamaica’s pro­gramme, not a polit­i­cal par­ty,” the prime min­is­ter said. Simpson Miller has moved to dis­miss fears that the tim­ing of the local gov­ern­ment elec­tion was strate­gic in order to coin­cide with the roll-out of JEEP. jamaica​glean​er​.com

I have a cou­ple of ques­tions for prime Minister Miller.

(1) Why would you wor­ry about work­ers appear­ing par­ti­san on work-sites,? are you wor­ried that the world will see that it is a PNP pay for vote ‚crash pro­gram give-away that will con­tin­ue to sink Jamaica fur­ther into poverty ?

(2)Seriously madam Prime Minister how stu­pid do you think we are? Elections are con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly due by the end of March and you have announced that elec­tions will be on the 26th of said month. Yet we are to believe there is no con­nec­tion between the elec­tion date and the roll­out of this par­ti­san pay­out acronym JEEP.

Personally I don’t mind being tak­en for a fool, but I would rather be tak­en for a fool by some­one who is actu­al­ly smarter than I am. Just how stu­pid do you think Jamaicans are?

During the 70’s this very brand of pol­i­tics was prac­ticed in our country,bands of brig­ands were giv­en pay for work they nev­er did. All over the coun­try ‚pri­mar­i­ly in cities and Towns, large crews of PNP red/​orange clad thugs, male and female sat on walls , motor­cy­cles, and on street cor­ners drink­ing Guinness and smok­ing mar­i­jua­na. At the end of the week they received pay­ment from the government.

While this drain was tak­ing place the gov­ern­ment pro­ceed­ed to tell the mid­dle class that if they did not like social­ism they should take one of the five flights a day that were leav­ing to Miami.

They did.

Michael ManleyPercival James PattersonSimpson Miller

That was the class which cre­at­ed jobs, they all left, that exo­dus was the largest of its kind in the his­to­ry of our nation . Our coun­try is still suf­fer­ing as a result of that brain drain. What was left was the polit­i­cal class the work­ing poor and the hood­lums. That peri­od has been the sin­gle most defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic which impact­ed the destruc­tion of Jamaica’s once pris­tine neigh­bor­hoods. People sim­ply walked out of homes they worked hard to build. These homes end­ed up being cap­tured and occu­pied by PNP thugs. Three decades lat­er that par­ty is still seen as the sav­ior of the mass­es. Of course, who would­n’t love a par­ty which lit­er­al­ly fright­ened peo­ple out of man­sions so that com­mon thugs could have them for free?

That was the begin­ning of the destruc­tion of our coun­try. Today some want to make the peri­od of Michael Manley a pos­i­tive for our coun­try. That peri­od was a colos­sal fail­ure of social engi­neer­ing that has lit­er­al­ly set our coun­try back 50 years. I will con­tin­ue to show the world what that peri­od has done in set­ting the course of destruc­tion our coun­try has been on ever since. After 8 years of JLP rule They fol­lowed up with a peri­od of 18 12 years which has cement­ed that destruc­tion. Revisionist his­to­ry will not change those facts.

The United States is now a coun­try divid­ed and extreme­ly polar­ized between Republicans and Democrats. There are many inter­ven­ing fac­tors that one could arguably point to why the coun­try is so sharply divid­ed , not least of which is race. Prior to the last twen­ty years when the coun­try was sold out to spe­cial inter­est, the fights waged between the two par­ties were bat­tles waged for the good of the country.

Not so in Jamaica, one par­ty strug­gle to set a course for progress the oth­er wins every time on fight­ing for party.

Promises, nepotism,corruption, polit­i­cal pay-offs, patronage,these are the cor­ner­stones of PNP pol­i­tics which has dom­i­nat­ed the land­scape and fooled a peo­ple, many of whom are intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged and oth­ers who feel they are so smart they will suf­fer the Empress to con­tin­ue to believe in the fal­la­cy of her new clothes.