People crit­i­cize the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) dai­ly. Well-inten­tioned Jamaicans, as well as yours tru­ly crit­i­cize those who crit­i­cize the agency when we feel their remarks are unfound­ed, unin­formed, or mali­cious. Yet I would be hyp­o­crit­i­cal if I did not acknowl­edge the glar­ing prob­lems which con­tin­ue to define the JCF. This, even as the Agency claims it is re-invent­ing itself. It appears even the sim­plest task, is a task too great for the Agency. Let alone the expec­ta­tion that it oper­ate as a pro­fes­sion­al and pro­duc­tive entity.
The com­mon mis­con­cep­tion being pro­mul­gat­ed is that if we can fix the JCF crime will be a thing of the past. Those of us who fought in the trench­es know bet­ter. Yet the JCF con­tin­ue to add fuel to that fire of mis-infor­ma­tion and naïveté, because of its absolute incom­pe­tence. The Murder tri­al of Adijia Palmer o/​c Vybes Kartel is front and cen­ter in the news, yet it seem the Police are hell-bent on destroy­ing what ought to be an open and shut case against the accused.

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Deputy Superintendent of Police Vernal Thompson shocked the court dur­ing the Vybz Kartel mur­der tri­al yes­ter­day when he declared that he was not sur­prised at cer­tain things that took place in the inves­ti­ga­tion of the mat­ter because crim­i­nals were with­in the police force.Thompson made the admis­sion, which solicit­ed audi­ble reac­tion from the jurors and oth­ers in the court, while he was being cross-exam­ined by defence attor­ney Pierre Rogers in the close­ly watched tri­al in the Home Circuit Court.

This accused has already beat­en one mur­der rap. God knows how many peo­ple he may have ordered killed, or may have killed him­self. This is prob­a­bly the best chance the State has of putting this guy away . Despite that the Police depart­ment appears to be doing it’s lev­el best, to live up to its rep­u­ta­tion as a cor­rupt irre­deemable agency which time is past. One of the first thing a detec­tive learns is nev­er to vol­un­teer infor­ma­tion. Neither under exam­i­na­tion nor cross-exam­i­na­tion. It is imper­a­tive not to seek to clar­i­fy any­thing, it is the job of the Prosecutor to do so. If pos­si­ble answer in (mono-syl­la­bles) “Yes, No”. As a detec­tive I saw this many times. Police wit­ness­es depart from these sim­ple rules, jeop­ar­diz­ing crim­i­nal cas­es in the process. Generally these are cops who play sec­ondary or periph­er­al roles who want to talk the most. As an inves­ti­gat­ing offi­cer it requires steely resolve to some­time resus­ci­tate your case. The JCF is sup­posed to be staffed with more edu­cat­ed , intel­li­gent offi­cers. My ques­tion to them is what exact­ly are you edu­cat­ed in? It seem despite the crit­i­cisms and howls of con­dem­na­tions, the JCF is deter­mined to self destruct.


  1. I con­cur with the gen­tle­man some­where in the force there is a move­ment. To hijack. This case and free the accused

    • It’s hard to argue with cyn­ics when the Police depart­ment has shown such incom­pe­tence or what may be argued to be evi­dence of cor­rup­tion and col­lu­sion sir.

  2. Now, this Deputy Superintendent of Police, should be Administratively charged, because his answer and asser­tions has noth­ing to do with the case at hand. Jamaicans on a whole know that they are a lot of peo­ple with ques­tion­able char­ac­ter in the police force. They have pro­fessed that the police force have more edu­cat­ed police offi­cers, who can artic­u­lat­ed them­selves ele­gant­ly, by using the Queens lan­guage that most Jamaicans can’t do! 

    If this is the new police force, I’d rather the old police force because the police inves­ti­ga­tors, know that as an inves­ti­ga­tor, you nev­er vol­un­teer infor­ma­tion or help the defense with their case. Seems like it is a con­spir­a­cy by the police depart­ment to do every­thing pos­si­ble to free this man, “Vybz Kartel.” Lets see how this case is going to end, his attor­neys must feel good, know­ing that they’re destroy­ing the police wit­ness­es, or is it a defense that is planned by those who are involved in this case? 

    Or, is it the typ­i­cal “Eat a food” thing in Jamaica? Money talk in Jamaica every time!

  3. Chris there has been so many incon­sis­ten­cies in the case because of police incom­pe­tence, that even if the Jury over­come the “guilty beyond a rea­son­able doubt hurdle“The defense will have fer­tile soil for a suc­cess­ful appeal,in my estimation.

  4. This case should has been retried from the “juror” went to the office of the defense attor­ney. Who knows exact­ly what had hap­pen? More or less it is one of those sce­nar­ios of a “eat a food thing!” That’s how Jamaicans oper­ates, we’re poor and what­ev­er we can do to make some mon­ey, even sell­ing our souls for it, that’s of no sig­nif­i­cance. Welcome to the new Jamaica, where every and any thing goes! Even immoral­i­ty, we love mon­ey so much!

    • Great insight my friend. I’ll tell you some­thing though Chris, the Jamaica we left is com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent now. The peo­ple are dif­fer­ent, their val­ues dif­fer­ent , It’s like almost unimag­in­able how alien­at­ed I feel from my own peo­ple in many regards. It’s like they speak a dif­fer­ent lan­guage, you’ve seen it on social media, it’s stunning.

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