Silence As White Killer Shoots Three Cops Killing One On The Spot…

This is an inter­est­ing bit of news that I per­son­al­ly haven’t seen on the lamestream media. Okay, I seri­ous­ly do not both­er watch­ing tele­vi­sion-who does anyway?
But the facts of this case are both star­tling and interesting. 
Here a white crim­i­nal shoots three police offi­cers, killing one and seri­ous­ly injur­ing anoth­er, yet we heard noth­ing about it in the news.
Another thing- the police have released no infor­ma­tion on this alleged cop-killer whom they even­tu­al­ly killed. Why is that?
Imagine the uproar if a black per­son had shot three cops, basi­cal­ly killing two of them; it would be a round-the-clock con­dem­na­tion of the Black race on the (FIX) pro­pa­gan­da net­work, the race-mon­ger­ing crus­taceans who feed in the putrid bile of that swamp would be hav­ing a field day.
Here is the full sto­ry from the asso­ci­at­ed press.

Anthony Felix.

A Joplin, Missouri, police offi­cer who was shot along with two oth­er offi­cers this week “will not recov­er” from his injuries, Police Chief Sloan Rowland said Thursday.
Rowland announced that patrol offi­cer Jake Reed’s fam­i­ly said he was being pre­pared to donate organs.
“We’re so proud, so thank­ful, and for­ev­er in debt for his ser­vice to this com­mu­ni­ty. … Jake is an out­stand­ing young man,” Rowland said. Cpl. Benjamin Cooper died after being shot in the ini­tial con­fronta­tion on Tuesday. A third offi­cer, Rick Hirshey, was also shot and was in seri­ous but sta­ble con­di­tion Thursday, Rowland said.
Reed joined the police force in 2017. He and Cooper were among the first offi­cers to con­front 40-year-old Anthony Felix at a shop­ping mall in Joplin Tuesday afternoon.
Felix shot the two offi­cers, stole a patrol car, and fled. He crashed the car and was on foot when Hirshey saw him try­ing to steal anoth­er vehi­cle and posi­tioned his patrol vehi­cle to stop the theft. Felix shot Hirshey through the wind­shield and hit him in the face, Rowland said.
Hirshey retired from the police force three months ago after more than 20 years of ser­vice but then returned to the depart­ment. He will face seri­ous health prob­lems and sev­er­al surg­eries in the days to come, the chief said.
Felix was then shot and killed by police Capt. William Davis, Rowland said. Davis, a vet­er­an of more than 15 years, left cov­er and exposed him­self to stop the sus­pect. “If not for Capt. Davis’ actions, addi­tion­al offi­cers and cit­i­zens could have been killed,” Rowland said. Rowland asked every­one to pray for all the offi­cers involved. He also thanked the com­mu­ni­ty for its out­pour­ing of sup­port since the shoot­ing. Police have not released any infor­ma­tion about Felix.