Signs That Police Are Acting Outside Whats Legally & Morally Right…

As a for­mer mem­ber who spent ten (10) years in the Jamaica Constabulary force acquir­ing a wealth of knowl­edge in street polic­ing and crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions. And hav­ing spent the ensu­ing decades after leav­ing the (JCF) research­ing, and writ­ing in sup­port of law enforce­ment and the rule of law, but keep­ing a crit­i­cal eye out for those who would use their pow­ers to abuse or worse, Mike sober­ly unveils a sev­en (7) point intro­duc­to­ry doc­u­ment which point­ed­ly and cor­rect­ly exam­ines police use of force and how they are push­ing the bound­aries of not just what is legal, but also what is moral as they oper­ate under the col­or of law.

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