Sights From The Ulster County Fair:

I attend­ed the Ulster County Fair in New Paltz yes­ter­day August 2nd with my fam­i­ly. Having vis­it­ed the Duchess County Fair every year I was a lit­tle dis­ap­point­ed at the Ulster Fair. Truthfully the prod­uct did not live up to the billing.I could­n’t wait to get there , with cam­era slung around my neck, I was like a child on a field trip. unfor­tu­nate­ly there was not much to see , no real exot­ic ani­mals, not much in the way of domes­tic ani­mals either.

One great pos­i­tive about the Ulster County Fair that I must men­tion is the price, Irrespective of the amount of patrons in a vehi­cle, the admis­sion was the same $40.00, which also includ­ed admis­sion to all the rides .This was a wel­come pos­i­tive for me in these try­ing finan­cial times.

The truth is There was real­ly not much for me to shoot. The pig race end­ed as quick­ly as it start­ed, I felt like a loos­er cran­ing my neck to catch sight of a 5 sec­ond pig race ‚so I did not both­er wait­ing around. I uploaded a few shots for your view­ing ‚hope you are not offend­ed by the sight of stuffed ani­mals killed sole­ly for human ogling.

In the end the Ulster County Fair is a Duchess County Fair wannabe. Being a coun­try boy, I got sucked in by the hype of the Ulster Fair billing , implor­ing patrons to come to a real coun­try Fair.

I left feel­ing that Fair would have been much bet­ter off in a dis­tant Country.

mike beck­les:

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