SI: Judge Deny The Release Of Sealed Records In The Grand Jury Investigation Of Garner’s Death Potentially Aiding DA Daniel Donovans Bid For Congress

Eric Garner dead at the hands of cops who choked him to death
Eric Garner dead at the hands of cops who choked him to death

In just over a month ‚vot­ers in Richmond coun­ty Staten Island will go to the polls to elect a new rep­re­sen­ta­tive for New York’s 11th con­gres­sion­al district.
This will be a spe­cial elec­tion to replace dis­graced felon and for­mer Republican Michael Grimm who has plead guilty to a Federal Indictment and awaits sentencing.
Despite being under Federal indict­ment Staten Islanders re-elect­ed Grimm before he was forced to step aside.
Residents of Staten Island are large­ly white and conservative.
The bor­ough is home to a huge num­ber of New York City’s Firefighters and cops.
Staten Island is heav­i­ly repub­li­can and is now derid­ed as the deep south of New York City.

Vincent Gentile,
Vincent Gentile,

The two men com­pet­ing for the seat once held by Grimm are, Republican Persecutor Daniel Donovan Jr who mis/​handled the Eric Garner case depend­ing on your per­spec­tive, and Democrat Vincent Gentile, a for­mer pros­e­cu­tor him­self and a local leg­is­la­tor. The spe­cial elec­tion is sched­uled for May 5.

In a shock­ing dis­play of pol­i­tics with­ing the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem a Staten Island Judge denied the release of sealed records in the grand jury inves­ti­ga­tion of Garner’s death. This can only be con­strued to be an attempt by the judge to use his office to aid the Republican in secur­ing the seat.

Those famil­iar with the chok­ing death of Eric Garner by rogue cop Daniel Pantaleo will recall inter­est­ed par­ties want­ed no part of Donavan han­dling the case. The Garner fam­i­ly and black activists argued Donovan was par­tial and undu­ly def­er­en­tial to cops.
Donovan’s father was a cop who alleged­ly lost his life to a black assailant.
In his defense Donovan has claimed the loss of his father has not influ­enced his abil­i­ty to be fair.
Those who have seen his career are adamant that he is deeply in the pock­ets of cops and has no inter­est in jus­tice for the black community.

Daniel Donovan
Daniel Donovan

Disgraced Rep, congressman Michael Grimm
Disgraced Rep, con­gress­man Michael Grimm

No one knows what is said in grand jury pro­ceed­ings except the peo­ple who are active play­ers in the process.
If Donovan was telling the truth that he would han­dle the case as he would any oth­er, why are they col­lud­ing to hide the facts of that grand jury?
Doesn’t the peo­ple of New York have a right to know?
Doesn’t the Garner fam­i­ly have a right to know that their ser­vant, the pros­e­cu­tor Daniel Donovan did due dili­gence in try­ing to secure jus­tice for them?
Or is it fair to con­clude that Donovan did not do dil­li­gence at all?
Did Donovan seek jus­tice for the Garner fam­i­ly or was he the lawyer ensur­ing that Daniel Pantaleo did not have to answer to crim­i­nal charges for chok­ing the life out of Eric Garner.

There is no ambi­gu­i­ty in this event. Donovan used the peo­ple’s office the way Southern cops, pros­e­cu­tors and judges have against black peo­ple for hun­dreds of years.
What hap­pened on Staten Island should out­rage every­one includ­ing the state Governor.
However it does­n’t, because the Governor of the state is a self serv­ing oppor­tunist whose only care is for his own survival.
Shockingly, what hap­pened to Eric Garner and the Garner fam­i­ly was once though only hap­pened in the deep south.
Interestingly that same crim­i­nal col­lu­sion between cop, pros­e­cu­tor, jurors and judge just hap­pened on the south­ern tip of New York State and no one cares.
So while the white Republican vot­ers of the deep south of New York had their goons kill Eric Garner for alleged­ly sell­ing un-taxed cig­a­rettes, they were quite com­fort­able at the same time with re-elect­ing a com­mon felon to congress.
Additionally their pros­e­cu­tor short-cir­cuit­ed the process to get a killer cop off the hook, while a friend­ly judge uses the pow­er of his office to seal the records, effec­tive­ly ensur­ing his immoral and uneth­i­cal actions does not affect his abil­i­ty to get elect­ed to the US congress..
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