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After four years of Union cam­paign­ing, Richmond fell in April 1865, and short­ly after­ward, Confederate General Robert E. Lee sur­ren­dered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant—with that the Confederacy effec­tive­ly col­lapsed. President Davis was cap­tured on May 10, 1865, at Irwinville, Georgia.[4] Four years lat­er, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. White that seces­sion was ille­gal and that the Confederacy had nev­er legal­ly exist­ed.[5]
A decade after the Civil war end­ed the Congress engaged in a process called Reconstruction. Some believe this peri­od was an exten­sion of the Civil war. The Confederacy was estab­lished in the Montgomery Convention in February 1861 by state del­e­ga­tions sent from sev­en of the seces­sion­ist states of the United States. Following Lincoln’s inau­gu­ra­tion, four addi­tion­al bor­der states were rep­re­sent­ed, and sub­se­quent­ly two states and two ter­ri­to­ries gained seats in the Confederate Congress in accor­dance with their Secessionist resolves. The gov­ern­ment exist­ed from Spring 1861 to Spring 1865 dur­ing a Civil War ini­ti­at­ed by Confederate fir­ing on U.S. Fort Sumter.

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Many south­ern whites had con­sid­ered them­selves more Southern than American and would fight for their state and their region to be inde­pen­dent of the larg­er nation. That region­al­ism became a Southern nation­al­ism, or the “Cause”. For the dura­tion of its exis­tence, the Confederacy under­went tri­al by war.[7]The “Southern Cause” tran­scend­ed the ide­ol­o­gy of “states’ rights”, tar­iff pol­i­cy or inter­nal improve­ments. It was based on lifestyle, val­ues and belief sys­tem. Its “way of life” became sacred to its adher­ents. Everything of the South became a moral ques­tion, com­min­gling love of things Southern and hatred of things Yankee (the North). Not only did nation­al polit­i­cal par­ties split, but nation­al church­es and inter­state fam­i­lies as well divid­ed along sec­tion­al lines as the war approached.[8]Wikipedia.

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Republican Congressmen sit at a table per­pet­u­at­ing the lie that they are ready to nego­ti­ate, while Democrats are unwill­ing to Conference with them. This lie was borne out in a tweet by House Majority leader Eric Cantor, ® Virginia. The truth is Democratic Budget com­mit­tee chair-per­son Senator Patty Murray request­ed that Republicans come to the table on 18 sep­a­rate occa­sions, on every occa­sion Republicans have refused to do so.
images (68)I lift­ed that bit of his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive above from the pages of Wikipedia to give you some con­text for what’s hap­pen­ing in America at this time and to offer some con­text for why they are hap­pen­ing. This for­gone nar­ra­tive explains in brief where America was before the Civil war and where she is now. At the cen­ter of this nar­ra­tive are two young Lawyers from the state of Illinois, Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama. The fight being waged in Washington between com­mon sense and the Conservative move­ment is not hap­pen­ing in a vac­u­um, there is prece­dent for this. For many Americans the Civil war was not decid­ed, they expect the South to rise again. Many argue that the Republican Party hijacked the South, I sub­mit that the South hijacked the Republican Party. The Tea-Party move­ment is not a grass roots oper­a­tion which is con­cerned about Government spend­ing. It is a cyn­i­cal and con­niv­ing Separatist, Fundamentalist move­ment aimed at the destruc­tion at every­thing Obama does and if pos­si­ble putting an end to the Federal Government. The Tea-Party is well fund­ed by wealthy and pow­er­ful peo­ple who hate Obama yes, but would ulti­mate­ly like to see a return to the norms of pre-civ­il war America.

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It’s easy to shrug and say con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry,.….….…… not so. Take a deep­er look at what they say at their ral­lies, lis­ten to the rhetoric, look at the para­pher­na­lia sup­port­ers show up with. They have a dis­dain for Government as it is con­sti­tut­ed now. Southern seces­sion­ists dis­agreed with the Federal Government then, they do so now. Actions mat­ter not words. The path of the Republican Party has been clear with it’s actions. Opposed to com­pre­hen­sive Immigration. Opposed to com­pet­ing for Africa-American votes. Voter suppression.Radically ger­ry­man­dered homo­ge­neous Congressional Districts. In fact the Republican Party objec­tive is to have an America which looks exact­ly like the peo­ple at the table. The Republican Party is not a par­ty of mod­er­a­tion, it is now a par­ty which rep­re­sents the South and it’s val­ues, the South wants an eth­ni­cal­ly homo­ge­neous Nation. Candidates run­ning for office as Republicans are forced far­ther and far­ther to the right, the result is the stale­mate which present­ly exists. In many Congressional dis­tricts in most south­ern states Democrats don’t even both­er to field cred­i­ble can­di­dates. It’s only going to get worse.