Sharks Smell Blood In Bill Cosby Allegations

Fictional Cosby tv family
Fictional Cosby tv family

The sharks are cir­cling, there is blood in the water, this is huge. An American Icon is about to fall. 

Bill Cosby was America’s dad. Largely because of the NBC 1980’s hit, the Cosby show.

Reports are that mul­ti­ple women have come for­ward claim­ing that Cosby now 77, have drugged and had inap­pro­pri­ate sex­u­al con­tact with them. Thus far Bill Cosby have refused to com­ment on the allegations. 

These alle­ga­tions have dogged Cosby for years. In 1977 Cosby con­fessed to an extra-mar­tial affair with a woman named Shawn Upshaw . Upshaw claimed that her daugh­ter Autum Jackson was Cosby’s child. Paternity of Jackson was nev­er proven. Upshaw lat­er spent two years in Prison for try­ing to extort mon­ey from the Comedian.

Picture widely used in this latest salvo against Cosby
Picture wide­ly used in this lat­est sal­vo against Cosby

Andrea Constand, the for­mer direc­tor of oper­a­tions of Temple University’s women’s bas­ket­ball pro­gram, sued the come­di­an, claim­ing he slipped her “herbal med­ica­tion” for stress when she vis­it­ed his Philadelphia man­sion in 2004. 

After tak­ing the “med­ica­tion,” she said Cosby touched her breasts and gen­i­tals and sex­u­al­ly assault­ed her. Constand had met Cosby sev­er­al years ear­li­er and con­sid­ered him a men­tor but when she con­tact­ed offi­cials, the dis­trict attor­ney declined to press charges. At the time, Cosby’s lawyer calls the accu­sa­tion “utter­ly preposterous.”

In 2006 Constand and 13 oth­er women filed a law suit against the Cos, the suit was set­tled out of court for an undis­closed sum of money.Unfortunately for Cosby the alle­ga­tions seem to be inten­si­fy­ing, not going away. Now there is a grow­ing list of women who claim that they too were drugged and assault­ed by Cosby.

California lawyer Tamara Green, who had appeared on the “Today Show” in 2005 alleg­ing that Cosby drugged and sex­u­al­ly assault­ed her in the 1970s in a fash­ion sim­i­lar to the one Constand alleges.

In 2005, Beth Ferrier claims she had a sex­u­al rela­tion­ship with Cosby — who has been mar­ried for 50 years to wife Camille — which she said end­ed after he alleged­ly drugged and groped her.

Barbara Bowman, tells Philadelphia mag­a­zine that Cosby threw her on a bed and attempt­ed to force­ful­ly dis­robe her as she yelled and begged him to stop.

Another accuser, Joan Tarshis, comes for­ward on November 16, claim­ing Cosby drugged and assault­ed her twice in 1969. Two days lat­er, for­mer super­mod­el Janice Dickinson says Cosby drugged and raped her in 1982.

Women seem to be com­ing out of the wood­work, all claim­ing that Cosby drugged and sex­u­al­ly assault­ed them. Tv Networks have begun to take notice, shows are being can­celled and all because Black Comedian Hannibal Burris said this in his rou­tine in October.

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It’s even worse because Bill Cosby has the f – king smuggest old black man pub­lic per­sona that I hate,” Burress, who is also black, tells a crowd. “‘ Pull your pants up, black peo­ple. I was on TV in the ’80s. I can talk down to you because I had a suc­cess­ful sit­com.’ Yeah, but you raped women, Bill Cosby. So, brings you down a cou­ple notch­es. ‘I don’t curse on stage.’ Well, yeah, you’re a rapist, so, I’ll take you sayin’ lots of moth­erf — ers on Bill Cosby: Himself if you weren’t a rapist.”

The feed­ing fren­zy has begun, many in the media and around social media are sali­vat­ing about this mas­sive take-down , after all it’s the American way right? Build them up ‚then take them down?

We make no judge­ment call, we just have one observation.

Since Mister Cosby has­n’t yet been con­vict­ed of any­thing. Could you please stop with the use of the old hag­gard-look­ing, beard­ed, con­vict-resem­bling por­trait ? We do get the sub­lim­i­nal mes­sage you are sending.

Oh, one more thing, those of you American blacks who despise Bill Cosby, you don’t hate him because you know that he is guilty of any crime. You hate him because he tells you about your­selves and you resent that. Some of you would rather sit and make excus­es rather than get up and make a way for you and your families.

Whether Bill Cosby is guilty or not, does not ren­der his crit­i­cisms any less true. We will with­hold judge­ment on Bill Cosby until the facts are prop­er­ly aired in a court of law, if at all.