For all intents and purposes, the United States of America is effectively over he fiscal cliff, slope, incline , whatever you want to call it.

The much bal­ly­hooed fis­cal cliff is noth­ing more than a cri­sis cre­at­ed by the American Congress for no real rea­son. Truth be told , if the intent of the Framers were being respect­ed the degen­er­ates who make up the Congress, Particularly those in the House would not be able to do the dam­age they are doing to the Country’s econ­o­my through their intran­si­gence, because they would be home where they belong.

The framers nev­er intend­ed that Congress become a life­time job, that is the rea­son Congressional Representatives are giv­en two-year terms. They were sup­posed to go to Washington as stipend Legislators, get their agen­da passed and go home.

Somewhere along the lines the wires got crossed, big mon­ey got involved, Congress became a cesspool of spe­cial inter­est influ­ence and it’s mem­bers behold­en to the hold­ers of big money.

Every year it seem to get worse, the last 4 years which coin­ci­den­tal­ly has been the term of the first African-American President has lit­er­al­ly been the worst with Congress hav­ing approval rat­ings in the sin­gle digits.

As America and the world waits for 535 men and women to come to a com­pro­mise, it has become increas­ing­ly clear that what start­ed out as a strat­e­gy by Republicans, to defy and deny this President any leg­isla­tive accom­plish­ment, has now metas­ta­sized into some­thing uncontrollable.

Republican intran­si­gence has now mutat­ed into a T‑Party dom­i­nat­ed Party which has forced out rea­son­able mind­ed mem­bers and replaced them with wild-eyed rabid lunatic ide­o­logues who are inca­pable of under­stand­ing that Government needs com­pro­mise in order to work.

Tea Party mem­bers of the Republican Party did not go to Washington to make Government more effi­cient, they went there to stop Government from functioning.

As the world watch­es, the inabil­i­ty of America to Govern itself is on full dis­play. It is a shame­ful dis­play of child­like tantrum throw­ing, by lunatics on the right in this Country who for some rea­son are still fight­ing the Civil war, or who some­how believe that the South will one day rise again.

The finan­cial cost to the coun­try may nev­er be known , yet all of the mem­bers of the Republican Right will tell you they love America, they will tell you they are Patriots, you decide!

If you believe that the last-minute cha­rade which passed the House on Tuesday night is real­ly a com­pro­mise, think again, Obama want­ed to raise the tax rate on Americans mak­ing more than a quar­ter mil­lion dol­lars annu­al­ly, in the end he got an increase on those mak­ing ($450.000), the thornier issue of enti­tle­ments and spend­ing cuts are sim­ply kicked down the road for anoth­er knock down dragged out fight.

Republicans sim­ply allowed the mea­sure to go through because hey did not want to be blamed for allow­ing what would have been the largest tax increase in American history.

They swapped that nar­ra­tive for one that made them seem to have vot­ed for avert­ing one.

Essentially, what was passed last night was a dis­hon­est manip­u­la­tive cha­rade, designed to fool those who are unable to think for them­selves. It was sim­ply an attempt to be able to avoid con­se­quence for their actions and con­tin­ue to do what they have always done, only next time they will have more leverage.